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Susan八年级校园生活(01)--瓦尔登湖(梭罗是一个孤独者) 2013-11-22 07:03:55


Susan 小哭译





















For ELA class this year, Ms. Wilkie said we would be reading a lot
of philosophy, hard philosophy. In fact, so much philosophy that we would be sick
of it by the end of the year. I didn’t believe her. I like philosophy, and I
like thinking. I was pretty sure that whatever we will read in middle I will be
able to understand. I was wrong.

The first book we read was Walden by Henry David Thoreau. Walden
is a pretty famous book. Many people nowadays love it, and they feel that it is
one of the most important books people need to read in the century. Basically,
Walden is about an experiment Thoreau conducted. Thoreau was a philosopher from
the early to mid 1800’s. He believed that the truth and purpose of life lies in
nature, and that nature is the only thing that is pure about our world.
Therefore, he conducted an experiment to see what it would be like to spend two
year living in the Walden woods, beside Walden pond.
He wrote journal entries while he was there, and later used those entries to
write a book about his experiences.

Ms. Wilkie didn’t make us read the whole book, just the most
important chapters (that’s about half the book). At first, I was pretty excited
about reading it. But as I read more and more of the book, I got more and more
bored. When I first started reading the book, I liked Thoreau a lot, but as
time wore on, my opinion on him dropped a notch. It’s good to have unique
thoughts, but his thoughts are a bit too

It was interesting to read about his opinions, even though they were
very different from mine. However, it was definitely not interesting to hear
him repeat his opinion a million times. His writing style is very complicated,
making it hard for the reader to read. He said “Simplicity, simplicity,
simplicity.” Yet his writing was anything but simple. Even his sentences were
complicated. “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to
front only the essential facts of life, and to see if I could not learn what it
had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” Why
couldn’t he have split this up into two or three smaller sentences that would
be way easier to understand? And this was one of the easier sentences.

Apart from the way he phrased his words, I’ve also got a problem
with the actual content of the book. Most of the things he wrote about were
either repeating what he had already written, supporting an idea that does not
need any more supports, contradicting his earlier writings, or were about
things that are not related to me at all. I don’t have too many problems with
that last one, because I know he did not write the book for me to read, and I’m
sure others will be very interested to read twenty pages about ponds, what
Thoreau did at the pond, what kind of ponds Thoreau liked, who goes to ponds,
what ponds look like, what ponds smell like, what ponds sound like, and how
wonderful ponds are.

However, I have no interest in reading about all of that above. When
he wrote this book, it was mainly for himself. If he knew that people all over
the world would be reading it like a religious textbook, he would be extremely
shocked. Maybe that was why his writing style was so complicated and boring.
The ideas he wrote about were very interesting, but all the other stuff, like
those chapters about what he did at the woods, or those chapters that had
super-detailed descriptions of what he saw/heard/smelled/etc., were boring. His
writing style reminded me of Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy, where
Tolkien made an interesting story sound boring, except worse.

Aside from the fact that Walden was confusing, repetitive,
and made my mind go to sleep more than once, it also held many interesting
ideas. I can understand why so many people in this time period would think this
book is very important. Walden wasn’t all a diary of Thoreau’s
experiences at the woods. It also held many of Thoreau’s ideas. And even though
it repeated those few ideas hundreds of times, that doesn’t make those ideas
any less valuable. One thing Walden reminds us of is the dangers of our
society. It talked about how our society is always busy and buzzing with
useless and meaningless things. Work, jobs, news, toys, money, wealth… they’re
all worthless in the end. We’re all going to die, and those won’t be worth
anything. However, finding out the true meaning of life is worth a lot, so we
should seek out the true meaning of life, and not care too much about the
little things.

I agree with that part. However, what came next I did not agree on.
Thoreau thought that society itself is evil. He thought that there is nothing
we can learn from society, and the best thing we can do is abandon it and go
live in the woods like him. He thought that the life that most people lead are
meaningless and tasteless, and that in order to live life out of its fullest,
we must turn to nature, and disown everything else. He thought that the sort of
life commonly accepted as “normal” has no flavor to it, and that anyone who
thinks their current life is wonderful has been decieved by the devil. I have
the exact opposite thought.

I think there is a lot we can learn from other people. I do agree
that our society has gotten a bit out of hand with all the technology and
political arguments, and that the world is full of evil. However, I also think
that it is also full of a lot of good things. We can learn a lot from it. Also,
I don’t think my current life is meaningless. There’s a lot of meaning. And I don't
think that the only way to live a true life is to surround myself in nature. I
like my life perfectly fine. Thoreau’s the one who’s decieved. He’s the one who’s
eyes are blinded, because he cannot see the wonder and goodness of our world
right now. I agree that nature is wonderful, and that now and then, we need to
take a walk in the woods. However, I also think that society and people is good

Thoreau is definitely sort of weird, and in a bad way. I pity him.
He did not learn to enjoy the world and enjoy people, and by not being able to
do that, he has missed out on a lot. He has missed an essential part of life,
and he didn’t even know! He really was a loner. By separating himself from
society, he has gained a spiritual something that most people would never achieve,
but he has also missed out on some very pleasurable parts of life.

Walden was overall an interesting
experience. It made me think of things I otherwise would not have thought of,
and exposed me to new ideas. Not only that, it also managed to bore me out of
my mind. Half of it was like Thoreau’s personal diary or something, and I have
no desire to read about every little thing he did. I like some of the ideas
mentioned in Walden, and I disapproved with others. But it was
interesting to read all the same. If you don’t mind complicated books, go ahead
and read it, but if you do, I suggest you just go online and search up an
analysis of the book and skip the boring parts.

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作者:椰子 留言时间:2013-12-04 22:19:54

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作者:小哭 留言时间:2013-11-30 20:25:19
to 椰子:我来万维完全是几年前你老公的一篇文章被转载,我追到你的博客,基本读完了你的全部发文。我太熟悉你所介绍的生活了,因为我们基本上同龄吧。但是我对生活的理解和你不同,不过这不妨碍我去读你的文章。你文章中有很多我当时想了解的信息!所以,当你说全职的妈妈写点什么的时候,我确实很想写,无奈当时小宝的每一分钟都需要我的关注,我根本拿不出来什么大块的时间写东西。所以,当现在可以写了的时候,就跑回万维发文给你看了:)
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作者:椰子 留言时间:2013-11-30 19:54:31


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