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Susan八年级校园生活(04)--开始感恩节假期(好老师就在那里) 2013-11-30 14:39:39


Susan 小哭译




在西班牙语课上,我们也看了一个电影。事实上 ,我们这三天一直在看这个电影,而今天给看完了。这个电影很好看,基于一个真实的故事。我想我妈妈会喜欢这个电影。故事发生在一个非常贫穷的西裔社区的学校,那里有着相当粗鲁的孩子们,这电影让我意识到了和世界上多数学校相比,HMS是一个多么好的学校啊。








我觉得数学课的小游戏,告诉孩子们的事情其实很简单,但是,Susan不会被我们平时类似的简单的叙述打动,却会被这种小游戏触动心灵。不管怎么说,数学老师竟然可以通过这样的游戏教会孩子们认识世界、学会感恩,还是相当令人敬佩的。我只是在家长返校夜听过这个老师短短十分钟的自我介绍,就认定这是一个好老师。接下来在Susan的话语中很难听到关于数学老师的具体介绍, Susan平时总是讲她又得了几分什么的。唉,人家是大人在乎孩子的分数,孩子跟着在乎;我们家是孩子在乎分数,非得用分数来衡量她自己。怎么告诉Susan人生有很多内容似乎也无法让她不在乎数学成绩似的,估计这一阶段应该是暂时的,是她融进新环境中、寻找自己位置的一个办法吧。

不过,有一天Susan回来说,中饭的时候,数学老师路过他们的桌子,跟他们说了刚刚批改完的成绩,琥珀又为着没有得满分而伤心了,老师赶紧说,加上附加题,琥珀最后还是满分,这才令琥珀脸色重回正常。后来,有两次在班上,老师公布满分的孩子名字时,故意把琥珀给落下了,就在琥珀伤心到想哭的时候,老师不紧不慢地补充说还有琥珀,气得琥珀一下子冲了出去,大叫“我恨你I HATE YOU”。Susan说大家都看得出来老师想帮琥珀放松点,可是,看来并不容易。听说琥珀家大人也不那么在乎分,可是为什么Susan和琥珀都这么在乎呢?我怀疑,Susan85分那次,可能伤心的细节讲出来的话也跟琥珀差不多?只是,她没有跟我们讲。幸亏遇到这么好的数学老师,要是遇到国内那种唯成绩是论的老师,那这种类型的小孩去看“分”的眼神,绝对就是看“命”了:( (“考考,老师的活宝;分分,学生的命根”)





Start of Thanksgiving Break

It’s finally here: Thanksgiving break. A whole week off from school to relax, have fun, and be thankful that we don’t have homework. To tell the truth, I was not expecting to have a whole week off for Thanksgiving. Most schools only get Thursday and Friday off (Thanksgiving is always on a Thursday), some lucky ones get Wednesday, too. But at HMS, parent-teacher conferences just happened to land on Monday and Tuesday, meaning that us lucky students at HMS get this whole week off for Thanksgiving! Hurray! Finally something to be thankful for. Today is Friday, the day before our Thanksgiving break, and boy! The whole school was  already in the mood.

Most of the teachers decided not to assign us homework, since it’s going to be Thanksgiving, and we should have something to be thankful for. They also decided that since today is the day before the break, we should take it easy and leave each other on a good note. Therefore, all the teachers let us relax today, and be happy. In ACE (advanced History class), we watched a movie called War Horse. It’s related to WWI, which makes it relevant to the class. I’m so glad the teacher chose that movie! I’ve been wanting to watch it for  ages, because my favorite actor of all time is acting in it. Sadly, he appears later in the movie, and due to our limited amount of time (40 minutes), we had to stop right after he appeared. Fortunately, we’ll be continuing War Horse when we get back from break.

In Ms.Wilkie’s ELA class, we didn’t have to do any work. We had the entire two periods (about an hour and a half) for independent reading. Some of us brought pillows to be more comfortable. The book I was reading was awful, with an overused plot and underdeveloped characters, so I went up to the library and checked out another one. That second one was pretty good, and I had a really good time reading in ELA.

In Spanish class, we also watched a movie. Actually, we’ve been watching it for three days now, and we finished it today. It was really sweet, and based on a true story. I think my mom would like it. It took place in a really poor, Hispanic neighborhood, in a school with really rowdy kids, and it made me realize how wonderful HMS is compared most schools in the world.

Those activities mentioned above were relaxing and fun, but the two things that stuck with me the most are the things I did in Math and Science. In Math class, we did an activity related to percentages and averages and fractions. First, we were given the numbers of people that lived in all the seven continents, and we had to calculate what percentage of the world’s population each continent contained. I was not surprised to find out Asie and Africawere the two most populated countries. Then, based on the percentages, we pretended our class represented the world and split the class up into different continents. For example, since we had 20 people in our class (representing the world’s population), and 60% of the world’s population resides in Asia, roughly 12 people in our class got put into the “Asia” group.

After splitting the whole class up into different “continents”, with some only containing one person (North America), and some containing twelve (Asia), we were given the GDP in each continent. The GDP is the amount of wealth each continent contained. Then, we calculated what percentage of the world’s wealth each continent contained. Using 50 starbursts as the world’s total wealth, we divided the starbursts up among the students in our class based on continents. The result was startling.

Asia had the biggest population in the world (60%), represented by 12 kids.Asiaowned 22% of the world’s weath, represented by 11 starbursts. 11 starbursts, 12 kids. Most of us only got one. Two of us got more than one, and four of us got zero. That represented how wealth inAsiais not equally divided, and most people were really poor. Now…NorthAmerica. North America’s population is 7.2% of the world, represented by only one kid.North America owned 32% of the world’s wealth, represented by 16 starbursts. 16 starbursts, one kid. He got 16 all to himself. Yep,North America’s pretty darn rich.

This activity made me realize how lucky I am to live in North America in real life (in the game, I got put into groupAsia). I’m living with 16 starbursts, while many people in the world are getting none. It was interesting to see how the groups like Asia and Africa fought for the starbursts, because there were not enough, which groups likeEurope (2 people) acted pretty peaceful, and even traded some starbursts. Just like in real life. This activity put into perspective how wonderful my life is, and it really gave me something to be thankful for. I think God gave me this realization at just the right time, because lately, I have been thinking about how hard my life is, while in reality, I’m living pretty rich.

The second memoriable thing we did today was in Science. In Science class, our teacher got the whole class together, and did something really special. She gave a small speech on something she appreciates about each and every one of us, starting from one end of the classroom, and ending at the other. She actually made a list! It was so sweet. With some students, she appreciated their sense of humor, with others, their  determination. I’m sure it made everyone (myself included) feel really happy and really good about themselves. She’s a great teacher.


One of the things she said, though, was like a slap to the face for me. She was talking about one of the students, and she said: “I really appreciated your humbleness. You are just so humble, and even though you’re one of the smartest kids in the class, you don’t act like you’re above everyone else.” The kid she was talking to is a really quiet girl, and even though I don’t want to be as silent and quiet as her (since I’m usually a talkativer person), I think I can learn a lot from her. Humbleness is something I’ve really gotta learn. Pride is one of my fatal flaws, especially when everyone is telling me how smart I am. What the teacher said today made me realize that just because I’m smart, I don’t have to broadcast it across the world. Whether my classmates think I’m smart or not doesn’t matter, as long as my teachers know I’m smart and my grades are good. I shouldn’t care what they think. Of course, I can’t be completely like the girl either, because she’s too quiet and humble, and it’s against my nature to act invisible.

Today at school was a very slow but interesting day. It was quiet, it was relaxing, but most of all, it reminded me about a lot of life’s facts that I have forgotten. Now, I will remember how lucky my life is, and remember that God has given me a wonderful gift. Also, I have to remember not to be too proud of myself, because that can cause me to become blind to my mistakes. I have to remember to pray to God to help me with that. This Friday was the perfect ending to this week, and a perfect beginning to the start of the  Thanksgiving break.

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