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Susan八年级校园生活(05)--独幕剧表演(收获大到妈妈很意外) 2013-12-04 08:02:02


Susan 小哭译






















1-Act Plays Performance

1-Acts. We’ve been rehersing for more than a month, and finally, last Thursday and Friday, we performed!! It was amazing, the audience enjoyed the plays a lot, and we all enjoyed performing them. I can’t describe that wonderful feeling of excitement and nervousness that I get when I performed in from of people. But I’ll get to that later. First, let’s talk about all the backstage stuff.

Thurday. Our opening night. I was supposed to get to the school at 6:30, half an hour before the show starts. Fortunately, I was on time, and I had half an hour to but all my props backstage and change into my costume. That was more than enough time, but I still felt very nervous. I was also concerned about the lines for my play. A lot of people in my play, “Check Please”, didn’t have their lines fully memorized and still hesitated a lot during the dress rehersal. And if they couldn’t remember their lines then, what would happen when they would have to act in front of dozens of people?

However, that nervousness was just a small part of my feelings. I also felt really, really excited. This is going to be great! I thought. It felt amazing to be part of something larger than myself, yet not too large that we would all loose the closeness that we have developed between us. The cast for our play was small, just eleven people, including myself, and we have all grown very close to eachother during the course of our rehersals. And that closeness was extrememly evident that night, our opening night, the first time we were going to perform with eachother. Nobody said anything, but I was sure we all felt the excitement of working together to bring to our audience laughter and joy. It was a wonderful feeling.

We all put our props backstage and went back to our room. Our play was going to be the last one our of all three plays that night, the “grand finale”. Save the best for last, our teacher said. I thought the squirrle play was the best, but apparently, the adults thought ours was the best. It was frustrating, having to wait quietly in that small (okay, not small, medium-sized) white room, with nothing to do but wring our hands and go over our lines over and over again, for an hour and a half. We all became very hyper, probably because of the combination of nervousness and anticipation. I delt with my nervousness by smiling at everyone and repeating over and over again “We’re going to do great, you guys are the best cast ever!” Another kid delt with his nervousness a bit differently. As the night wore on, he started snapping at everyone whenever he or she made a mistake. “NO! You can’t do that!” “Hey! Get back in here, they’ll see you!” I was annoyed at him at first, but then, after I realized he was just nervous, I kind of felt sorry for him. He should deal with his emotions more possitively.

I had already experienced a taste of being in front of that night’s audience earlier. Since I was one of the three AD’s (there were three, one for each play), I had to go up and make the announcements about how that night was going to go, along with the other AD’s. To my delight, I got to say the first line of the entire night: “Excuse me, can we have your attention please?” I wasn’t planning on saying that first, but since the other two just stood there and didn’t do anything, I said it. The teachers gave us a script of what to say, but the words all sounded really formal, so I changed them up a bit. Hey, the play was supposed to be fun, right? So we should talk with a smile on our face and act like we were the audiences’ friends instead of staring at the script and talking really formally in a monotonous voice (which was what the other two were doing).

However, that little speech I gave with the other AD’s earlier did nothing to release my pent up energy. I waited with the others in that room, until…FINALLY! It was time! We all quietly (or not so quietly) went backstage and set up our stage for our performance. The performance earlier was about squirrles. They didn’t need any scenery. Our play is about a guy and a girl that went through a series a blind dates (including a self centered idiot, a girl who stole the silverware, a schizoprenic-multipersonalitied lady, a guy who’s afraid of purple and food and everything in between, and an old lady) until they finally found eachother. As we set up, my excitement built up. I love being under the spotlight, in a good way, and that night, I got what I loved.

Performing live is very different from filming a movie. It’s different from going on TV live. With media and televisions and movies, the actors don’t have a live audience. With plays in theater, the auidience is right in front of me, watching me, reacting to every little thing I do. I get an instant reaction from the audiences, instead of having to wait to hear reviews about my movie or TV show. Instant gratification. It felt great. That moment, with all ten of us squeezed into a tiny area backstage, ready to step out the instant the light turns on, was special. We all looked at eachother and gave encouraging smiles. Opening night. Take a deep breath. And…. we’re on!

The music started playing, the lights came on, and the magic started. I was the waitress, a small role, but that was because I was already assistant director. I felt extremely proud for our actors as they put on the best show that they’ve done so far. The audienced laughed and clapped, encouraging us to do better and better. That was the moment we’ve all been waiting for. Once the play had started, I thought no more about my worries, and just let myself flow with the magic. It felt natural, it felt right. Yes, I was nervous, but it was a good kind of nervousness that got my andrenaline flowing and my heart pounding. I had to go backstage and change into an old lady costume, and I almost took too long changing. It was all worth it, though, hearing the audience’s laughter as they saw an old lady in a walker go up to Guy. All of our rehersals were worth it. The play was a success.

Finally, everything was over. Mark, the guy in the burlap sack, said the last line, and the play was over. The magic was over. My cheeks felt hot from standing under the spotlight for so long. I swear, that must’ve been a heat lamp, not a normal spotlight. My nervousness and excitement was gone, replaced by a feeling of pride. I wasn’t as hyper anymore. When I got home that night, I couldn’t wait for the next day, Friday, when we would act again!

Friday was almost the same as Thursday, other than the fact that more people my age came. Thurday was mostly parents. Friday was mostly kids. The play stil felt just as magical to act out, and less scary (for I was indeed a little scared that first time). By the end of the play, all of us were sad we had to go. We had became friends during that whole month of rehersals, and we had to part ways. Sure, we would still see each other in school, but we won’t have that same sense of teamwork as we did during the 1-Acts (hey, this reminds me of “The Breakfast Club”! Have you watched that movie?). Ms. Clarin was so sweet! She gave us all a goodie bag to take home, filled with candy and other small items that each represented a character in the play.** One of our actors almost cried because she was so moved by the gesture. We were all sad to part with eachother, yet also very, very happy about how well we did with the play.

Acting in the 1-Acts had been a most spetacular journey. I’m really glad I chose and got chosen to participate in it. I wish I could still stay in this school next year and act in it again. Something I did not realize about myself is how much I enjoy acting in front of a live audience. Maybe I’ll consider doing theater as well as movie production someday! As for now….well, I’m definitely going to participate in the musical!



**I’m sort of ashamed to say that I’ve eaten most of the edible treats already. The only things remaining from the bag is a cute plastic piggy bank, a piece of a burlap sack, and two smarties.

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