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Susan八年级校园生活(07)--几何课(老师+同学,成就快乐的第六节课) 2013-12-12 09:31:36


Susan 小哭译















Geometry Class

My favorite time of the day is usually 6th period. My 6th period class is….. math! More specifically, geometry! Geometry (the class) is one of the highlights of my schooldays. In all my other classes, there are those days when we’re doing such a boring project that I really do not want to go to that class. So far, that hasn’t happened with my geometry class. So, that makes geometry one of my favorite classes ever!

My most important reason for liking geomerty class is probably because I’m good at the subject. I’ve gotten a 100% or more on most of my tests and quizes and homework, with the exception of three. Last quarter, I was so close to getting a 100% or more as my final grade, something only one person has ever done. However, sadly, I ended up getting an 98% (I had 103%, but one test ruined it all when I got 85% on it). But I still got the highest grade in the class!

I’m surprised at how well I’m doing in geometry. I’ve always been sort of talented in math, but last year, I didn’t try very hard, and that talent didn’t come through. This year, I didn’t try excessively hard either (just a bit harder than last year), but I got top grades! I think it might have something to do with the fact that my mind is more geometrical than algebraical. I understand geometry better, it just makes more sense in my brain. Or maybe it’s just that I actually paid attention in class this year.

There’s something about being known as the “smart kid” that’s addictive. I don’t mean boring-smart, I mean cool-smart (meaning that I actually have a social life). I suppose I really shouldn’t get too proud of myself. I need to have more humility. In public, I don’t at all act arrogant and annoying, and I think most people like me. However, in my head, I’m starting to get a “I’m the best” mindset. And it’s going to be hard to act humble when my ego’s inflating like a… like a….I don’t know. Just think of something that inflates really fast. My point is, I need to have more humility. I’m hoping God can help me with with that. I enjoy being under the spotlight, but I also feel guilty about enjoying it. One person’s attention I don’t feel guilty about having, though, is the attention of…..

My crush. Okay, okay, I know. I said I had a crush on this guy at church, and now I’m crushing on a guy at school? Really? But hey, don’t blame it on me! I don’t blame myself either. I blame those damned hormones. At least I’m not just falling for them because of their looks. (Oh, and, just a side note: I like both of them. At the same time. Is that… really weird? Or maybe I just like this new guy as I friend. I don’t know. I’m not familiar with these emotions. I just want him to like me.) Anyway, back to my topic. Geometry class. Because my current crush/person I wanna be friends with/this guy I want to impress/whatever you want to call him is in my geometry class, it makes that class much more fun! And what’s better is that we’re partners, meaning we have to work together on a lot of stuff. I enjoy partnering with him, not just because I like him, but also because he’s really smart and hardworking and funny and nice. It’s fun working with him, and he’s pretty intelligent, so I don’t have to explain everything to him and we can actually get work done. I think we make a good pair. He makes geometry class a lot funner (is that a word?).

Parents always say that you shouldn’t like or dislike a class because of the teachers or because of the classmates. You should like it because of the subject. I dissagree. Geometry and geometry class are two separate (though very related) things. There are many reasons why a person would like a subject. Why a person would like a class, though, is very simple: the teachers and the students. No matter how much a math nerd loves math, that nerd is going to hate math class if he has a stupid teacher and idiots for classmates. That’s something many parents need to understand. A subject and a class are not the same thing.

Well, a big reason why I like geometry class is because of my teacher.. My geometry teacher is great. He’s a really fun guy, but I can tell he knows his stuff. Unlike many math teachers that I’ve had who were either stupid or thought I was stupid and treated me that way, this math teachers is smart, and treat me like I’m smart. I can learn a fair amount of knowledge in his class. The way he organizes the homework and classwork is very consistent, making it easy for me to understand what I’m suppose to do. And did I mention he’s a fun teacher? Unlike many boring lecturers, Mr. B’s classes are usually fun and a tad bit competitive. Like how after every test he posts the class’ top five scores on the wall. But I think he’s stopped doing that… I wonder why. As you can probably tell, I like competitiveness. But that’s probably because I usually win.

Back to the subject. I’m good at geometry and math in general. My crush is in my geometry class and sitting next to me. I have a smart partner in geometry. My geometry teacher is really smart and fun. The people in the class like me (I hope). All that adds up to a happy and worry-free class period. Geometry is always fun for me. I’m never worried about schedueling my time like in ELA or having to do boring projects. The homework is straightforward and simple. I do really well in that class without trying too hard. And, last but not least: it’s geometry! And I love geometry! All those wonderful reasons make geometry a great class for me.

One last important things I have to say before I go: I have to be careful not to build my life on geometry class. I’ve noticed that once I get really good at or really obsessed over something, I start to drop everything else and balance my whole life on that one thing. I have to be real careful not to do that with geometry. My 85% test last week was like a wake-up call for me. I was really sad at first, but then, I took a step back, and looked at why I was so sad. I realized that gradually, I have let geometry become a really, really big thing in my life. I reminded myself that I had a lot of other things to be happy about, the best thing being that God loves me and has a plan for me. I shouldn’t have to seek comfort in the simplicity of math. I shouldn’t have to relief my stress through doing geometry. I should seek God, and take my problems to him.

People have reminded me about this in church, about building my foundation on God, and not on other stuff. I knew that already, but I still did not expect it when it happened to me. My focus in life shifted, just a bit at a time, to school, then to subjects I’m good at, then to geometry. It snuck up on me. Building my foundation on that is like building it on a tower of cards. It’s simple, it’s easy, and it rises quickly, but one mistake can bring the whole thing crashing down. My 85% test was like an little tremor, kind of like God’s way of reminding me to move my house, or else, sooner or later, something will dissapoint me so greatly in geometry class that the whole tower would fall and I with it. Now, I’m taking a step back, and trying to enlarge my views so that I wouldn’t be just looking at geometry class, or at school, or at this time in my life. I want to be looking at my whole life, and not just that, but also at the Lord. That would put things into perspective for me, and would help me move my foundation away from that tower of cards.


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