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Susan八年级校园生活(16)--去CCUC(关于同性恋) 2014-02-08 15:14:09


Susan 小哭译


















Trip To CCUC

Gay marriage is a very controversial issue right now. I thought about it a lot myself. Being a Christian, I know that homosexuality is a sin. However, it feels wrong to condem someone for something they can’t control. I’m sure nobody chose to feel attraction towards someone of the same sex. It just happens. They can’t control how they feel. I know the Bible clearly states that if a person is gay, they’re gonna go to hell. But isn’t that really mean and unfair of God? To send a person to hell for something they have no control over? To eternally damn a person for doing nothing wrong? That seems unfair to me. I was sure there is some sort of answer to this question, and I was right.

Last Friday night, I went to a presentation at CCUC (that’s a big Chinese Christian church in Chicago) with my youth group. The guest speaker was Christopher Yuan, a Christian who used to live a homosexual life, do drugs, and finally ended up with AIDs. I was really interested to hear his story, because I had never heard directly from a person who has gay feelings before, much less one who is now a Christian. I couldn’t wait to hear what he had to say.

Christopher began with telling us his story. I don’t remember all the details, but it was pretty amazing. Christopher’s parents were not very accepting parents, and when they found out Christopher was gay, they did not support him at all. Through a series of unfortunate events, Christopher ended up going to gay clubs and dealing drugs to earn money. Soon, he got caught, and was thrown in jail. During that period of time, his parents had become Christians, and were praying for him night and day. They even tried to give him a Bible, but Christopher would not take it. When they found out Christopher was in jail, they did not get mad at him. Instead, they just prayed for him and encouraged him. Finally, one day, Christopher saw a Bible in the trash can, and finally decided to read it. Then, through talking with his parents and other people, he soon started believing in God. Unlucky for him, Christopher soon found out that he was infected with AIDs. Lucky for him, he got out of jail early, after only two years. After he got out of jail, with his newfound faith in Christ, he began spreading the gospel to different churches. And that was what he was doing that Firday.

Of course, the way Christopher told his story was way more exciting than the way I summarized it in the paragraph above. He even showed us pictures of himself throughout the story. After he finished sharing his testimony, he proceeded to talking more about homosexuality and how we should view it. One thing I really like about what he said and the way he said it was how reasonable and accepting he was. A lot of Christians are very mean to people who are gay, and are not accepting of them at all. They treat them like they are a completely different species from people who are straight, like them. Thankfully, Christopher is not like that. He stressed to us that we should not be mean towards them. We should be accepting, and treat them like we would treat anyone else.

Something Christopher talked about was how people should view homosexuality. Christians make too big of a deal out of that issue. A lot of times, Christians, including me, think about gay people as people who are filled with sin and are condemned to go to hell. We treat them as if they are more sinful than us. What we don’t think about is that we are the same thing. We are also filled with sin and are condemed to go to hell. So, how does that make us different from them? People who feel same-sex attractions are sinners, and people who feel opposite-sex attractions are also sinners. The sin of homosexuality does not outweigh other sins, and we should not treat it differently from other sins. Just because someone’s gay does not make them more of a sinner than someone straight.

 I agree with the point that Christopher made. Too often do people treat homosexuality as a huge sin, and forget about all the other sins that they themselves committed. I also like Christopher’s view on sexuality. He believes that our sexual orientation does not define who we are, and it is not the most important thing in our lives. I used to think that a person as either gay or straight, but actually, there is another choice: holiness. God is calling us to be holy, not to be straight or gay. Our sexual orientation is not that big of a deal. That’s why, during his whole presentation, he never said “I am/was gay”. He only said “I was living a gay lifestyle, and I suffer from homosexual feelings.” However, those feelings does not define him.

After Christopher said all he wanted to say, he asked us if we had any questions. There were many questions, but one stuck in my mind. It was about whether homosexuality is a choice or not. I had been wondering about that. I really like Christopher interpretation of whether it’s a choice or not. “Homosexuality” is a vague word. There are three meaning tied to this word: first, the feeling of attraction. Second, the deeds done because of this attraction. And third, letting the attraction become one’s identity. According to Christopher, the feeling of attraction to the same sex is not a choice. One cannot chose what to feel. However, a person can chose to whether act upon that feeling, and they can chose whether or not to let that feeling define them and become their identily. The feeling is not a choice, but behavior and identity is.

After that explanation, I feel like I finally understand the whole subject of homosexuality. The feelings of attration is like any other temptation people feel: the temptation to lie, the temptation to not follow God, or any other temptation. God does not condem people for feeling those tempations, just as he does not condem them for feeling attracted to the same sex. However, it is their own choice to act upon those temptations. The temptations are not a sin, but acting upon those temptations are. And it’s their own choice to act upon those feelings. So, it’s their own choice to sin. Now it all makes sense! God is fair after all!

Christopher is an example of someone who still feels those homosexual attractions, but he follows God and ask God to help him not give in to those feelings. It was very interesting hearing from him, and his presentation untangled many questions I had about homosexuality. I’m glad to finally hear a reasonable presentation about this subject. Many articles I have read online are either prejudiced or very unreasonable. Christopher’s presentation was perfect. It was very cool hearing from a person who still suffers those feelings. Christopher said that he still feel attracted to people of the same sex as him. That means he probably will not marry, because he is not attracted to women and does not want to commite a sin by marrying another guy. However, he believes that he can live a very holy life following Jesus as a single. A persona doesn’t have to be married to follow God. Singleness isn’t a bad thing.

I enjoyed listing to Christopher’s story. Knowing that he still feel sexualy attracted to guys yet is able to still follow God makes me feel that the strength of the God really is very strong. It was the God and the Holy Spirit who changed Christopher into a Christian while he was in prison, a deed that was almost impossible, and it is God who is helping Christopher not give in to his homosexual attractions. God indeed is miraculous. I’m very glad I went to the presentation that night. I definitely learned a lot.

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作者:小哭 留言时间:2014-02-09 10:39:10
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作者:幸福剧团 留言时间:2014-02-09 10:12:31
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作者:小哭 留言时间:2014-02-08 18:18:01
to 剧团:这孩子在哲学思维方面有点天份:)可还是小孩子,还会在早晨起来哭着说不想去上学,没睡够觉:)
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作者:幸福剧团 留言时间:2014-02-08 16:50:52

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