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Susan八年级校园生活(19)-- SAT考试(尤如上刑) 2014-02-25 20:16:55


Susan 小哭译
























Taking the SAT’s


My neck hurt, my back ached, and my feet felt like they were falling asleep. I had been sitting in the same position for hours, trapped in a hard and uncomfortable contraption called a chair. I wasn’t trapped because someone had tied me to it, oh no. The reason for my pain and suffering was something far worse, something specially designed to torture young souls like mine……the SAT’s.

Okay, I might’ve exaggerated a tiny bit there. It wasn’t that bad. Just really boring. Four hours of testing* with only three 5-minute breaks in between? The perfect recipe for boredom, if you ask me. Or maybe it’s just because I’m not used to taking long tests, seeing that I’m only in 8th grade. I’m not even supposed to be taking the SAT’s in 8th grade. It for people graduating from High School into College. I was taking it last Saturday for something called “Talent Search”, which is exactly what the name implies. After a bunch of other students, including myself, take the test, important people would look at our tests and pick out the smartest (aka: the ones with “Talent”). Then they’ll get a scholarship or something like that. My teacher recommended me to take this before in 6th (or was it 7th?) grade, but it costed too much and wasn’t worth it. Another teacher recommended me again and this time, for some reason, my parents decided it was worth it after all.

I did not prepare at all for the SAT’s. I had no idea where I would be taking it, how long it would be, and what it would be about until the week of the test. I wasn’t worried. It wasn’t like I was supposed to reach a certain score to get into a certain college. It was just something that would be cool to try. When I found out where it was going to be, I was pretty surprised (my mom probably told me before but I had long forgotten that). It was going to be at CHMS, a middle school in a town right next to where I live. I had actually been going to that school for the past two schooldays since my own middle school was closed due to poisonous mold. Pretty convenient because then it wasn’t a completely foreign place.

They recommended students to get to CHMS at 7:45 AM, and that was what I did. When I got there, a bunch of the students had already arrived. We were all crowded in the entrace hall, a big open space right behind the main doors. There was way less people than I had expected. Maybe a hundred at most. We were all from different schools, and I only spotted a few people I knew.

After about ten minutes (we were waiting for more people to arrive), teachers came and dissmissed us to our testing rooms. There were posters on the walls telling us which rooms we go to based on last name (alphabetical order). I left my friends and walked nervously to my assigned room. Soon, other people with last names beginning with “B” or “C” arrived, and we waited outside the room together. I was dissapointed that I didn’t know any of them. It was awkward, because it was obvious none of them knew eachother either. I said something like: “Hey, how are you guys? Since we’re gonna be stuck together in a room for four hours, we might as well get to know eachother.” There were a few mumbles of “I’m good” and “fine”, but other than that, we didn’t really talk to eachother at all for the next few hours.

When we went inside the room, there were post-its on desks telling us where to sit. We sat there and waited in our desks for a long time. Long enough for me to finish a pretty anime drawing on my post-it note. The room was small and cozy, and it made me feel like I wasn’t really taking the SAT’s, just a normal test in a normal classroom. One or two more arrived, and our teacher finally decided to start the test without waiting for the rest of the empty seats to be filled.

The next half-hour was spent filling out formal information: name, birth date, address, testing number, registration number, etc. It bored my brains out. We then read through the boring test rules: no food and drink in the classroom, only in the halls (our teacher was nice let us drink water in the room), no cheating, only use No.2 pencils, yada yada yada. One thing surprised me: wrong answers were worth -1/4 points (and providing no answer was worth nothing, no negative, no possitive). That was the first time I had encountered something like that, and it made me a lot more careful about guessing on answers.

We finally started the first section of the test more than an hour after I got there. It was an essay. Twenty-five minuetes. I was doomed. I hate these type of open-ended essays, because I always have no idea how to approach the question. I’m required to pick a side, but I can argue with both sides! I see the faults in them, and the only good answer I can think of is a compromise. But I’m not allowed to make compromises. I finally decided on a side to argue for, but then I changed my mind halfway through outlining the essay because I realized I supported the other side more. I was so stupid, wasting so much time. When I finally started writing, I wrote with lightning speed. But I still wasn’t fast enough. 5 minutes left: halfway through the essay. 1 minute left: everything’s done except for a conclusion. Time’s up! I still had one sentence left. One sentence! Don’t tell anyone this, but since it was just a few words, I wrote them in while the teacher wasn’t looking. Unfortunately, I messed up on the grammar, I used singular instead of plural. I was so dissapointed and mad with myself, but there was not changing the sentence after that. I just needed ten more seconds! I wasted more than that at the start of the essay while I was taking a drink of water! Ugh!

The next section for me was reading and grammar. Everyone’s tests were in different orders to prevent cheating, so I can’t say what it was for others. That went by smoothly. I felt calm and normal. Taking the SAT’s in a normal classroom relieved a lot of the stress. If I had taken it in a huge gym with hundreds of people like how I took the Explore test, I would’ve felt a lot worse. We took a 5 minute break during which we all went into the hallway and at our snacks. Then, it was more testing. I still felt pretty good. We took another 5 minute break, and kept on testing. That was when the boredom started.

I had been afraid of that. During the end of the explore test, I had felt so bored that I literally wanted to die. What I felt then was similar. I couldn’t stretch, couldn’t move, because that was only reserved for the 5-minute breaks. All I could do was cross and recross my legs. I continued answering the question, and I almost ran out of time for a few of them. I left no answer for a bunch, because I was pretty sure I would get them wrong. The Dora theme song kept playing and replaying in my head. I tried to focus my mind, and when the last and final break came, I was relieved.

The break didn’t help much. We sat in chairs in the classroom. We sat on the floor in the hallway. Not much of a difference. We didn’t talk to eachother, except I heard one girl ask another what grade she was in. She was in 7th. The other girl was in 6th. I felt no relief from the boredom that threatened to kill me. I needed to jump around, to talk aimlessly, to do something to release my pent up energy! But I couldn’t, because that would be really weird. It was torture. The so called “breaks” offered no breaks at all.

Finally came the last section of testing, and the longest section. One hour and fifteen minutes. One hour and fifteen minutes spent in purgatory. It was awful. By the last ten minutes, I wasn’t even excited about almost being done with the SAT’s anymore. My brain felt dead. I was so tired. My dad was right about the how tired I can get. But he was wrong about that being the wost thing. Though my neck hurt and my back ached, the boredom was worse. When I finally finished the SAT’s and called my parents to pick me up, I was almost afraid to believe that I was actually finished.

Once I exited the building, my brain revived again. Suddenly, all that energy needed to be released, and I did it by jumping up and down in the cold. It was wonderful, and I felt a great sense of accomplishment of finishing the SAT’s—even though I’m sure I got a pretty bad score on it. But I still did it, right? Now it doesn’t seem so scary anymore! I’m proud of myself for surviving through that. Now I just can’t wait to get my score back to see just how bad I did.

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