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Susan八年级校园生活(21)--演员聚会(哭成一片) 2014-03-07 09:09:03


Susan 小哭译
























B的问题,让我和Susan爸爸都受不了了。我们半夜里商量,如何才能对这个孩子施上援手。在这个学区,我们家的经济能力是垫底级别的,我们肯定是提供不了经济上的支持,但是我觉得我们的家庭气氛还是相当地不错的,是否可以请孩子来家里玩呢?那样做会不会太唐突了呢?最后我们决定第二天跟牧师请教,一个是牧师遇到的苦难多,另一个牧师是白人,应该更懂得处理这类事情的文化背景。牧师给的建议是,不要只给口头上的“同情”,要拿出实际行动,比如买个礼物卡什么的。可是Susan告诉我们,平时她和这个同学根本就没有说过话,好像没有一起上的课程。那样的话 ,一个并不能解决什么问题的礼物卡,直接送过去还是太突然了。于是我们和Suasn商量,让她用电子邮件试着和这个同学建立起联系。按照牧师的建议,开始的交流最好能够让人感同身受,比如Susan介绍一下自己搬家过来后所面临的那些困惑,让B觉得Susan和他在一个战壕里。于是,这事儿就又交回到了Susan手里了。按牧师的意思,我们为这个孩子祷告更为重要。于是,每天晚饭时的饭前祷告,我们开始把B加了进来。Susan其实并不是一个非常关心别人的人,我深为她这两天在祷告时一直都记得B而感动。






Annie 8th Graders Cast Party

After our last show on Saturday evening, we had an 8th-graders only party at the M’s house. That party was probably one of the most important party I have ever went to in my life.

When the fourth show finished, everyone was crying because they were sad that it was over. We spent so long practicing, and it was over so quickly. It was especially hard for the 8th graders, because it was our last year at HMS. That’s why we decided to have a party at the M’s house after our last show.

I caught a ride with G----, the other Assistant Director. When we got there, everybody had stopped crying, and animated voices and laughter filled the house. We watched an episode of “How I Met Your Mother” on Nexflix. During the episode, all 35 of us were crammed together on the floor and on the couch, with some sitting in others’ laps. Being so close to eachother made it feel like we were all one big family, despite the fact that I’ve never talked to a lot of the people there.

After the episode, we debated about what we should do next. Everybody had something to say, and no matter how many times E---- and J--- and I told them to shut up and talk one at a time, they stilled talked over each other. Somebody suggested we play “Honey, if you love me, would you please, please smile”. There were a lot of cheers following that suggestion, so someone climbed up onto the table and explained the rules to those who didn’t know how to play. The main point of the game was to not smile when someone else says the name of the game to you. I’m ashamed to say, for a bunch of actors, we failed miserably.

It was ironic: the actor who played the main character started laughing before the other person even started talking, while J---, who is not an actor, didn’t smile at all. Soon, the game just turned into “whoever can make J--- smile wins!” Sadly, we all lost.

After we failed every attempt to make J--- smile, the game sort of died out. Slowly, people stopped paying attention, and eventually we stopped playing. We played another game, but that wasn’t very fun either, because there were too many people so not everybody got a turn. Then, somebody suggested we make speeches. We all really liked that idea, especially those who were crying ealier, because they had a lot to say. However, it was hard to get everyone to quiet down and listen to one person, so we devised the concept of the Talking Bear: whomever is holding the plastic gummy bear container can talk, and we all listen to that person. Even though it was weird, especially when everyone started fighting over a plastic bear, it worked in the end! The Bear finally ended up in E----’s hands (she’s the girl who played the evil Miss Hannigan), and we all settled down to listen to her speak. It was beautiful.

During her speech, E---- talked about how thankful she was to everyone, especially the boys, even though most of the boys only had small roles. She talked about how she couldn’t have wished for a better musical family, how nobody can ever replace us. She ended her speech with “The musical never ends, okay? Just because the performances ended doesn’t mean that we ever stop being a family.” Her speech was met with cheers and shouts of “We love you Miss Hannigan!”, a line from the musical that was intended to be sarcastic, but in that case meant exactly that.

After E----’s beautiful speech, MJ--- (who played Annie) went up and gave her’s. Even though she was smiling as she spoke, it was clear that she had been crying moments ago, and she was still struggling not to cry. She said the sweetest things, telling us that we were the best cast she could ever wish for, and out of all of the musicals she has done, “Annie” was her favorite. We smiled and laughed with her, and when she was done, we were all wiping at our eyes.

I took a lot of pictures that night, and recorded the first couple of speeches. But then, as they got more and more personal, and as people started crying, I turned the camera off. M----’s speech was really emotional, mainly because she had a cold and was crying earlier, so her voice was cracking and she sounded so sad. She began with “I would like to tell you all a story. A story about a girl, who, at the beginning of 8th grade, didn’t have a lot of confidence in herself…” We listened intently, laughing at the funny moments, and nodding sadly in understanding at the not-so-happy moments. When she ended, she was literally crying, saying between sniffles “By the time the musical…not ended, cuz it’s never gonna end…but by the time it finished performing, this girl…she realized…that you guys are amazing…and I love you so much!”

There were hugs following her speech, and many people who were crying earlier before the party were crying again. I felt bad for not crying. I was sad that the musical was done, and I was touched by the speeches, but I wasn’t emotional enough that I was going to cry. Many more speeches followed, with people saying how their lives at home were not the best, but Annie brightened up their day. Then, people started leaving. The people who already gave their speeches left first, and soon there were less than fifteen people left. So far, all the speeches had been mostly about thanking everyone and praising Annie, but then, B---- took the stage.

B---- is usually a really nice guy, always saying hi to everyone at the rehearsals, always being mature and not goof around. He played ***, and he did a great job. However, as he went up there, his demeanor was different. He stared at the ground for a few seconds, then lifted his head to look at us and said: “A while ago….my father lost his job.” That drew gasps from everyone. And then, he proceeded to talk about how his mother then got breast cancer, and they had to move to a smaller apartment because they couldn’t afford their house. At that point, he just started crying. He told us how he lost his hope in life, how he tried to run away. He ran for three miles, he couldn’t feel his legs, and then the police got him and brought him back. He didn’t want to go home, he didn’t want to face his parents and go back to school. “My mom forced me to do the musical, but I didn’t want to.” He said. “Now…I’m so glad I did it.”

That story finally made me cry. Tears filled my eyes, and I couldn’t stop. And I wasn’t the only one. Everyone who was crying earlier cried even harder, and even the boys were dabbing at their eyes. We suddenly felt so much closer to eachother because of B----’s personal story. B----’s speech was what finally opened the gate of confessions. After him, others stepped up and shared their troubles, about how lonely they were, how they felt like they didn’t have friends, how they were bullied, how they were made fun of, and finally: how Annie had been the thing they could hang on to.

I never knew that all these people had so many troubles bothering them. During the musical rehearsals and at school, I see them as perfect people who had their lives all together. They were always smiling and cheerful, and I thought they had lots of friends and were really popular. I never knew they felt so insecure, that they were depressed and even suicidal. I had no idea that their home lives were falling apart, or that they were being bullied. Suddenly, I realized something: what you see is usually not the truth. People always put on a show when they’re in public, they show the good things and hide the sadness and brokeness. However, in reality, they are just as insecure and self-concious as me. Late that night, we shared some of that sadness, we talked, we cried, and we held on to eachother. I realized just how little I knew about any of them, even though I’ve been in a musical with them for four months.

Finally, almost everybody had left. The remaining six of us were all out of tears. We calmed down somewhat, and after sitting around and feeling awkward since we just cried in front of eachother, I called my parents. They came and picked me up, and I went back home, away from the magic of the party. It was finally over.

Now that I’m back home and, despite what E---- says, the musical has ended, I’m suddenly realizing just how much it meant to me. And I’m not just talking about the party, but also about the practices and rehearsals. It had been such a wonderful experience. I can’t believe I used to find rehearsals boring! I had became such close friends with them all. B, M, J, C, E, J… we were more than just a few kids who performed together. We were something more, we were connected to eachother. We were truly a musical family.


“Don’t be sad that it’s over, be glad that it happened.”

  • quote by…I don’t really know, but it seems appropriate to go right here

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作者:小哭 留言时间:2014-03-07 12:48:54
to 美瓢虫:谢谢!!!我建议她好好地规划一下!!
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作者:ladybug 留言时间:2014-03-07 11:53:04
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