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Susan八年级校园生活(28)--如果爱伦.坡观看冬奥会(活学活用) 2014-04-27 06:14:23


Susan 小哭译














If E. A. Poe Saw the Winter Olympics…

“If Edgar Allen Poe saw the Winter Olympics this year, he would probably think that everything is too dangerous and everyone is going to die. All the competitors are going to get hurt and die. Or that they'll get a big injury, go home, and eventually die. Or that the loosing teams will get depressed and die from depression. Some way or another, everyone’s gonna die.”

Haha…that was what one of my classmates said today during our class discussion about America’s most influencial authors. For English Language Arts this year, we have been reading the works of some of America’s most famous and influencial authors: Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Hawthorne (I dunno his first name), Edgar Allen Poe, and most recently, Herman Melville. Out of all the authors, Hawthorne’s stories are my personal favorite. But I find Poe’s life the most interesting.

We haven’t just been reading these author’s works. We’ve been studying and analysing their lives and personalities. We talked about how Thoreau was a little coo-coo, about how Emerson was a Unitarian minister, about Poe’s many romances and personal tragedies, and about Melville’s days as a sailor. As a result, we now know a lot about the authors, about their lives, characters, beliefs, and writings.

Breif summary of the authors: Thoreau was a Trancendentalist, and he believed in finding the meaning of life in nature and in simplicity. He spent two years living alone in the woods and wrote a long boring book about it (we had to read it). Emerson believed a lot in self-reliance and independence and having your own ideas instead of going with the flow. He wrote a book called Self-Reliance that we had to read. Hawthorne explored the rivalry between good and evil, with good usually triumphing over evil, or with sin ultimately ruining a person’s life. Poe was very pessimistic, maybe because most of the women (and a man) he cared for in his life died from a disease called tuburcolosis. He was very poor and gambled and drank a lot, and his writings only got famous after he died (either from starvation or from being murdered by people he owed money to). I don’t know much about Melville other than he wrote Moby Dick and that he was a sailor.

During class discussion, Ms. Wilkie asked us about how each of those authors mentioned above would react to the Winter Olympics this year. Our responses were quiet amusing. We exaggerated the different authors’ personalities and made fun of them that way. It was okay to make fun of them because 1) we weren’t being mean and 2) they’re already dead. Thoreau probably would’ve said something about how involved in nature a lot of the sports were, like “Oh! Skiing! Skiing means snow! And ice! Snow is so beautiful…how wonderful nature is! Ahhh…think of the flowers and trees and clouds and stars….” (this is actually not that much of an exaggeration). He also would’ve liked how there were African Americans in the Olympics, because while he was alive, he was against slavery, which was still allowed back then.

Hawthorne would’ve liked the competitiveness of it all, because he wrote a lot about good competing against evil. And just like how good always won in his writings, he woud think the good people, the ones who are nice and trained hard, would win in the Olympics. Emerson would enjoy how everyone is self-reliant and all trusted in themselves. Then we got to Poe. We had the most fun with Poe, because he is just so pessimistic that it’s humorous. He would definitely think everyone would die. Even if they don’t die from an injury, they’ll get depressed and die. Or maybe he would think that one of the athletes is plotting murder, and he would try to solve it (Poe was the the father of detective stories, after all).

We had a great class discussion today. I like it when we discuss things during ELA, because our class is the best, and Ms. Wilkie is the best ELA teacher ever. She can always find ways to make class fun while still being challenging. This is just one example of what a typical class of ELA is like. If you think this was interesting….well, just wait until I write something about how Ms. Wilkie indirectly made a student announce to the whole class that she used to date another student who’s in our class when they were both in fifth grade. Now THAT’S what I call awkward.

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