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唱过就无法忘记的一首圣诗《I am a woman》 2013-04-29 06:55:42
今年在BSF第二次唱这个诗歌的时候,就下决心回家找回来。找了这个歌词,在youtube却没有人唱,因为这首诗歌用的是"Fairest Lord Jesus" 的曲调,
干脆就把Selah唱的版本贴上来,因为Selah 一直是我非常喜爱的合唱团。

"I am a woman called to be a servant
bound by the grace your love imparts, Lord make me humble
teach me to follow; make me a woman of your heart

"I am a woman called to speak with wisdom
shining a light that will lead to you; Lord give me courage
to be your witness; make me a woman of your truth

"I am a woman purchased by your mercy
bought by the love that would spare no cost; Lord make me holy
loving you only; make me a woman of your cross"

It's #452 in the Celebration Hymnal published by Word/Integrity. Jack Hayford does the forward and is listed as part of the staff that created it in 1990 (I think that was the date). The song is copyright by Integrity/Hosanna 1997. Words are by Clair Cloninger.

[The hymn is to the tune of "Fairest Lord Jesus", an anonymous German hymn from 1677 that was set to the music we know in 1842 by Richard Willis]

 Into My Heart/Fairest Lord Jesus 
by Selah 
from the album "You Deliver Me"


Into my heart
Into my heart
Come into my heart
Lord Jesus

Come in today
Come in to stay
Come into my heart
Lord Jesus

Fairest Lord Jesus
Ruler of all nature
Oh thou of God and man the Son
Thee will I cherish 
Thee will I honor
Thou my soul's glory, joy, and crown

Fair is the sunshine
Fairer still the moonlight
And all the twinkling starry hosts
Jesus shines brighter
Jesus shines purer
Than all the angels heaven can boast

Beautiful Savior 
Lord of all the nations
Son of God and Son of man
Glory and honor
Praise adoration
Now and forevermore be Thine
Now and forevermore be Thine
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