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Origin of the Universe 2012-11-07 18:31:18


2. Origin of the Universe


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All things within the time scope, including the celestial bodies and Universe, have their origin, the birth time and process of development. The beginning and ending time of the Universe, just as theπ and golden ratio, is mysterious and can’t be reached by our wisdom. Compared with the wisdom of the Greatest Creator, our wisdom is just like a drop in the sea. I would like to share my knowledge of the beginning of the Universe gained while my mind was in peace.


When I am seeking what things in the Universe are eternal, when I am thinking about the resurrection in the Bible, when I am meditating the “The life is like a dream and all the four elements (earth, water, fire and air of which the world is made) are void” in the Buddhist scripture, when I am trying to figure out the source of Tao in the Tao Te Ching, when I ask myself why I would go to the Mortal World, why we exist and where we are going, I have known the beginning process of the Universe. However, when I am delighted to think I have found the mystery of the Universe, I suddenly realize that this mystery of the Universe beginning was explained by the humans (the ancestors of dragon nation) 6,000 years ago. It is like a Mt. Everest climber, after reaching the peak after multiple difficulties, finds someone else has left his footprint on it. Thus, I am not bold enough to claim myself as the first one knowing the Universe beginning. I only wish to add some details based on the wisdom of the past talents.


The River Diagram, The Book of Changes and the Yellow Emperor’s Book of Internal Medicine have told us the process of the Universe beginning is : Wuji generates Taiji, Taiji generates two polarities, the two polarities produce the four directions, the four directions create the eight trigrams, the eight trigrams create Hexagram, and the Hexagram create all things in the Universe.

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注册日期: 2012-11-04
访问总量: 36,613 次
· 人类危机解决之道——致联合国
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· 7. The “Four Directions” creat
· 6. The “Two Polarities” create
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· The Permutation and Combinatio
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· 6. The “Two Polarities” create
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· Wuji Generates Taiji
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2018-11-27 - 2018-11-27
2012-11-04 - 2012-11-19
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