1.万物有源,源头为上帝 Everything has a source—and the source is the Greatest Creator Our website is:http://url.cn/7rRwOe 横贯南美的亚马逊河、一泻千里的尼罗河、奔腾不息的长江黄河、波涛汹涌的密西西比河,都有自己的发源地;本格拉寒流、秘鲁寒流、莫桑比克暖流、圭亚那暖流,都有自己的来源处;里约热内卢——伦敦航线、洛斯安赫莱斯——巴黎航线、火奴鲁鲁——马尼拉航线、巴黎——科伦坡航线,都有自己的起点. The Amazon that runs across South America, the bold and flowing Nile, the surging Yangtze, and the roaring Mississippi—all have their headstreams. Benguela Cold Current, Peru Cold Current, Mozambique Warm Current, and Guyana Warm Current all have their sources. Rio de Janeiro-London airline, Los Angeles-Paris airline, Honolulu-Manila airline, and Paris-Colombo airline all have their starting points. 我们常用的所有工具,从铅笔、针、铲子、勺子、钳子到汽车、电脑、打印机、摄像机、机床等等;我们使用的物件,从琴棋书画、手表闹钟、桌椅板凳、鞋袜衣帽到茶杯暖瓶、台灯电话、冰箱电视等等,凡人类创造的一切,都有它们的起源,不是凭空而出。 All things created by man have come into being from a certain source;all tools that we use, including pencils, needles, spades, spoons, pliers, automobiles, computers, printers, cameras, and machine tools; and all daily articles, including musical instruments, chess, painting and calligraphy, watches, alarm clocks, desks, chairs, and wooden stool, shoes, stockings, clothes, caps, cups, thermoses, reading lamps, telephones, and refrigerators and TV sets have an origin, and obviously they don’t come from none.我们家里养的猫、狗、羊、猪等都有一个来源,即使园中载的牡丹芍药、桃梨杏果等植物也不是凭空而来,可以追溯其原始渊源。 The cats, dogs, goats, and pigs we raise at home all have an origin. Even peony, peaches, pears, and almonds can be traced back to their origins. 音乐文字、艺术医术、理论方法、法术方术、公理定理等等无一没有来源。 Music, characters, arts, medicines, theories, methods, magic arts and alchemy, axioms and theorems all have a source. 欧洲白人、非洲黑人、亚洲黄人、阿拉伯人和巴西人,无一不是自己祖先的子孙。 White Europeans, black African, yellow Asian, Arabians, and Brazilians are all descendents of their ancestors. 高耸的喜马拉雅山、沃野千里的尼罗河三角洲、辽阔的亚马逊冲积平原、银装素裹的南极冰川,没有一处不是形成于沧桑变迁。 The towering Himalayas, the fertile and vast Nile delta, the extensive Amazon alluvial plain, the silver and white wrapped Antarctica—all have formed from earth transition. 万物有源,那么地球呢?太阳系呢?宇宙呢?同样也有起源。 Everything has its origin. What about the earth, the solar system, and the universe? They all have their origins. 一切都有起源,那么,必然有一个最初的源头,这个最初源头就是上帝。 Since everything has an origin, there must be a primordial origin. And this primordial origin is the Greatest Creator. |