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Taiji creates the Two Polarities 2012-11-19 04:40:16


5. Taiji creates the Two Polarities


Xue Feng

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什么是“两仪”?What are the two polarities?


It refers to the phenomenon of opposition.


For instance, in the state of Taiji, everything is the one and amorphous. But in the state of the “two polarities”, the intangible energy is shown up in a tangible form. The Sun, for example, is an energy cluster. It has been transformed from the intangible energy form in the state of Taiji into the tangible energy form. So the energy is classified into the tangible energy and intangible energy. “None” and “Existence” form the “two polarities”, namely, the unity of opposites.


The contents of the “two polarities” include: none and existence, firmness and emptiness, Yin and Yang, positive and negative, static and dynamic, left and right, up and down, exterior and interior, front and rear, high and low, noble and humble, hard and soft, big and small, strong and weak, dark and light, male and female, rich and poor, fortunate and unfortunate, gain and loss, merit and fault, more and less, life and death, true and false, good and evil, beauty and ugly, etc. They are the unities of opposites.


Everything in the Universe as we know is the demonstrations of the “two polarities”.


Then how are the “two polarities” were born out of the Taiji?


We have known that the irregular movement of energy in Wuji accidently formed a certain order. All the energy, in a short while, formed overwhelmingly an intangible potential energy. If the potential energy is not given out, it will only remain latent like a “paper-made tiger”. However, when all energies gather at the central point, the energy center has changed its nature, just like the water will evaporate when heated to a certain degree. At this time, the energy center, or the nucleus, is no long a kind of energy. Instead, it has become a special structure surrounded by great energies. When this structure is complete, the Consciousness comes into being. It is just like a fertilized egg without Consciousness. When it keeps absorbing energy in its mother’s uterus and improves its structure, a conscious animal (human) will be born.


The gathering of mammoth energies has led to the alienation of the energy center, resulting in a structure. The constant improvement of the structure ended up with the emergence of the Consciousness, which is the symbol of life birth. The Consciousness gathering all energies then started the process of creating the Universe. And it is the Greatest Creator.


After the Greatest Creator is born, the energy in the Taiji began to move around the Greatest Creator’s Consciousness. We can also say that all energies move around the structure of the energy center. Just like a human body, when your consciousness tells you to urinate, the bladder door is open and the urine goes out. When you want to look at the sky, your head will be raised and your eyes opened automatically. When you want to have sexual intercourse, your penis is erected.


After the Greatest Creator is born, the “two polarities” come into being, the celestial bodies show up, the celestial movement begins, the unlimited space is born, the time starts and everything gets into the movement cycle of life and death.


6. The “Two Polarities” create the “Four Directions”


The “two polarities” have brought about the “four directions”. There is south, north, east and west. There is front, rear, left and right. There is life, growth, decline and death. There is quadrant 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the function image.


7. The “Four Directions” create the “Eight Trigrams”


Because there is south, north, east and west, there are now 8 directions including the east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, north and northeast. The eight directions are called Qian, Dui, Li, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Gen and Kun respectively, forming the 8 trigrams. Each direction has its special meaning. Each direction has its different chance changes. Let’s take a person as an example. If he remains healthy in the south, he might find it difficult to get accustomed to the north. If nothing goes smooth in the east, he may achieve success in the west and the ugly duckling might become the white swan. Even grass will have different growth model and blossoming timing in different directions and locations.


The Permutation and Combination of the 8 Trigrams (Qian, Dui, Li, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Gen, and Kun) Produce the 64 Trigrams


The 64 trigrams are corresponding to the 64 factors in the Universe. But as to the details of these 64 factors, because they are related to all the mysteries in the Universe and hidden to the common people, even the King Wen of Zhou in the Canonization of the Gods didn’t know all of them. And the most achieved Taoists in China only knew a few of the factors. Sakyamuni masters half of them and Jesus only knows a few more than Sakyamuni does.


We often hear people say “No disclosure of the Heaven secrets”. The heaven secrets are just hidden in the 64 trigrams. The permutation and combination of the 64 trigrams have caused the birth and death of all things in the Universe. The things that you can’t imagine are just the combination of 2 factors. The power of Jesus lies in his mastery of the formula of these factors.


The birth and death of all things, the limitless mysteries and all changes and movements in the Universe are hidden in the permutation and combination (formula) of these 64 trigrams. “No coming, no going, the time-space ends and origin shows up.”


This is the brief process of the birth of the universe.

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