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Wuji Generates Taiji 2012-11-18 05:17:30


4. Wuji Generates Taiji

Xue Feng

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What is the state of Taiji?


First, we have to know Taiji is generated from Wuji.


Wuji is nothing and everything. It is everything because the energy existence in it can produce the material world. It is nothing because the energy in it is not material. It is chaos without firmness or emptiness. It is like the sky. When the sky is clear, there is nothing in it. But when it is cloudy, we can see the clouds and lightings and hear the thunders. Then there is everything.


In Wuji, there is the intangible energy. The intangible energy (in contrast with the tangible energy) is moving irregularly. When the irregular movement, accidently on a point, formed a specific order or symbol, the entire Wuji has formed a potential power arrow called the “tornado” centered on this point.


This potential power arrow, or “tornado”, is just called Taiji. (Please note that the tornado is simply a momentum with only potential power. It does not have kinetic energy because it is not rotating.)


This is how Taiji is generated from Wuji.


Taiji is in such a state: it is the one, amorphous, the unity without opposites, and an extremely large energy cluster (It is just like a locked reservoir containing billions of billions of Pacific)


The Taiji is just the Greatest Creator in common sense.


In Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu said, “Chaos was born before there was the Earth and Heaven.” Before the Universe was born, “something” existed. This “something” is Taiji, the psychic energy of the Greatest Creator. Lao Tzu named this “something” as Tao because he confused the nature and psychic energy of the Greatest Creator.


After understanding what Wuji is, we can understand Buddha and Buddhism. After understanding Taiji, we can understand Tao and Taoism.

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