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生命禅院时代 Lifechanyuan Era 2012-11-11 06:08:58

生命禅院时代 Lifechanyuan Era

Our website is:http://url.cn/7rRwOe


Mankind is about to be ushered into Lifechanyuan Era that will span a thousand years.


Open the windows and the sunlight and fresh air will come in.

Take a broad view and you will see faraway mountains are fresh and green.

Stay and study in Lifechanyuan will a new LIFE begin.

You will see clear paradise scenes.

3、生命禅院时代主要有八大标证:There are mainly eight major identifying brands for Lifechanyuan Era:一、国家消失、宗教消失、政党消失、家庭生活解体;二、没有法庭、没有法院、没有法官、没有律师;三、没有宪法、法律、法规、戒律、戒条,只有生命禅院理念;四、人人以真、善、美、爱、信、诚、勤、和为言行准则,而不是以宪法、法律、法规、戒律、戒条为行为的规范;五、战争、疾病、饥饿、犯罪消失;六、人类从追求物质享受进入追求精神享受和心灵享受;七、人类的生产和生活由圣人引导,由贤人管理,全球统筹;八、人类与宇宙其他高级生命和大自然将处于和谐有序的状态。

(1). The disappearance of state, religion, political party, and family life;(2). The absence of court, judge, and lawyers;(3). The absence of constitution, law, statutes, commandment, and dharma, there will be only values of Lifechanyuan;(4). Instead of following constitution, laws, statutes, commandment, and dharma as the norm for behavior, people take sincerity, kindness, beauty, love, faith, honesty, diligence, and harmony as the guideline for words and behaviors;(5). The disappearance of war, diseases, hunger, and crime;(6). Man will shift from the pursuit of material comfort to the pursuit of spiritual satisfaction;(7). The production and life of man all over the world will be uniformly steered by sages and managed by wise men;(8). Man will coexist harmoniously with other advanced LIFE of the universe and nature in an orderly manner.


Lifechanyuan will establish 256 branches around the globe to correspond with the secular governments. The resident members of each branch shall not surpass 300. The people under the jurisdiction of secular governments can range from tens of thousands to hundreds of millions. Each branch shoulder three functions: copy the life style of the Thousand Year World and provide Chanyuan celestial with bases to cultivate into celestial beings; assist the secular governments and train management personnel for secular governments; strive to transit all the humankind to Chanyuan celestial within 200-300 years and transform the secular governments to Home without marriage and family.

4、走向生命禅院时代,这是上帝的意愿,是基督 的寄望,是佛陀的心意,是人类贤哲呕心沥血的理想,也是劳苦大众最向往的时代,为此付出我们的一切,是最有价值的人生,基督佛陀最深刻的教诲蕴含于此,人类贤哲最美好的愿望凝聚于此,善良勤劳人们的所有期盼汇聚于此,一切愿意成就仙佛品质的人,所有愿意将毕生心血贡献给人类美好理想的人,凡向人生和生命的最高境界跋涉攀登的人,所有希望进入天国家园的修行人和修炼者,让我们一起走向生命禅院时代。

Marching toward Lifechanyuan Era is the will of the Greatest Creator, the wish of Christ, the hope of Buddha, the ideal of sages and saints who have exerted their utmost effort to that purpose, and also the desire of the toiling masses who yearn toward such an era. To devote our whole life to Lifechanyuan is the greatest value of LIFE, which has contained the deepest teachings of Christ and Buddha, the beautiful dreams of sages and saints of mankind, and the expectations of all the kind-hearted and diligent people. Let’s march toward Lifechanyuan Era—all people who wish to cultivate the character of celestial beings and Buddha, all people who are willing to devote all their LIFE to the beautiful ideals of mankind, all people who are trekking and climbing toward the highest compass of life and LIFE and all people who wish to enter the heaven through cultivation.


The greatest characteristic of Lifechanyuan Era is the absence of family, religion, political party, and state in the world. “the talented will be put to good use, and the whole world will be one family”, in which “no one would pocket anything found on the ground, and doors are not bolted at night”, The people will be natural and pure, the weather will be good for harvest, the society will be harmonious, the will of the people will be peaceful, the products will be plentiful, and everyone will be happy.


Family, nationality, state, political party, and religion is the source of misfortune for mankind.


Those favoring private ownership are seculars, those preferring public ownership are sages, those bent on non-ownership are celestial beings.


The thing will be of greater value if it is shared to a larger extent. The greater the extent of sharing, the higher the utilization ratio of resources will be, and the greater their values and significances will be. Man must bring his talent into full play, and materials should be put to full use. This is the will of the Greatest Creator, as well as the wish of all kind-hearted, diligent, honest, and trustworthy people. A civilized society is one in which resources are shared by all its members; a barbarian society is one in which resources are contested and occupied.


Only after Lifechanyuan Era is initiated for people to lead the life of Home without marriage and family in Lifechanyuan, can people get rid of the suffering of life, and obtain a happy, joyful, free and blessed life.


The optimum system of administration for human society is “Lifechanyuan plus secular government”. Lifechanyuan takes charge of man’s spiritual being, while secular governments shall be responsible for the material construction and ensure the efficiency and order of life and society of humankind.


Lifechanyuan is the homestead of man’s spirit and soul, the transfer station for seculars to move toward the higher level ofLIFE space, and the headspring for every individual to obtain sublimation of spiritualism and acquire spiritual wealth. The core of Lifechanyuan is reverence for the Greatest Creator, LIFE, and nature, and following the Way of the Greatest Creator. The purpose of Lifechanyuan is to gradually eliminate the shackles and bondages of family, nationality, state, political party, and religion and lead man to Lifechanyuan Era.


All the mankind must enter Lifechanyuan Era, initiate Lifechanyuan Era, and march toward Lifechanyuan Era—this is the best road of life, the most miraculous road of self-improving and self-refining, and the only road for man to solve all the crises he faces and march toward civilization and happiness. The relationship between Lifechanyuan and government is that between fish and water. Government is water, and Lifechanyuan is fish. Lifechanyuan does not interfere with and comment on government actions. Lifechanyuan is unconditionally subject to the administration of government. Any Chanyuan celestial will be punished by government if he has violated government regulations. Lifechanyuan will not interfere. If any branch of Lifechanyuan across the world is to be banned because of its inappropriate behaviors. The instructions of the government must be enforced immediately, and the branch must be disbanded instantly without any defiance. The disbanded branch shall not lodge any complaint or plan any secret activities. If any Chanyuan celestial abet or instigate other Chanyuan celestials to rival and create difficulties for the government, he is then proved to be a careerist and schemer, and shall be immediately ridded of his competency as a Chanyuan celestial and expelled from the homestead.


Before the birth of Lifechanyuan, man has chosen two wrong paths: one is the abandonment of this life in pursuit of a future life, which is characterized by a passive and pessimistic cultivation for the future instead of positively and optimistically creating the present life; the other is the abandonment of the future life in pursuit of a befuddled present life, viewing the future as an illusion and engrossed in the enjoyment of the present life to the negligence of future life. Man has taken two wrong roads: one is the placement of hope upon gods and emperors, submitting himself to the will of Heaven, leading a conservative life, and expecting windfall from the sky; the other is the placement of hope upon himself, harboring the idea that man is to conquer nature, and showing no reverence for the Greatest Creator and god, which as a result has not only rendered him unable to enjoy the pleasure of life but also forfeited his splendid prospect for the future.


The network era is coming for all religions tending toward unification, and for “Harvest the ripe crops”. It is also coming for the LIFE of the universe which is undergoing grand adjustment, and for purifing the earth. . The network era is coming and we are to be ushered in Lifechanyuan Era.










The symbols of “ripe crops” are:1. Reverence for the Greatest Creator, LIFE, and nature, and follow the Way of the Greatest Creator.

2. No involvement in marriage and family, state, political party, and religion.

3. The absence of status, property, fame, and influence.

4. The absence of jealousy, complaint, and comparison; the absence of selfishness, greed, and scheming; the absence of sloth, arrogance, and resentment; the absence of worry, anxiety and dread.

5. Not opinionated, be flexible and accommodating, act as accords one’s nature, and follow the Tao.

6. Humble, kind, hardworking, honest, trustworthy, simple and unsophisticated, healthy, and civilized.

7. Know how to play, know how to play games, like collective activities and collective life, open-minded and active, and maintain a happy and joyful state of mind.

8. Do not cling to a mortal’s life but a celestial life; do not cling to a mortal’s human relationship but a celestial order, do not pursue a mortal’s path but a celestial road, do not long for the human world but the fairyland.


The heaven becomes clear and bright when unified, the earth becomes peaceful when united, the deity becomes effective when united, the grain becomes prosperous when united, all things become thriving when unified, and a saint’s idea may become universal if he pursues the uniform truth. The whole of mankind has only one government, one belief, one order, and one pattern; man can only have one goal, one wish, one path to build, and one road to follow all through his life. Otherwise, it will be difficult to realize the clarity, peace, effectiveness, and prosperity. Excess breeds confusion and heterogeneity causes irritation. Only if “all methods are unified into one general principle”, and “all religions are unified into one uniform religion”, can the uniformity be realized. Only if the uniformity is realized, can we enjoy harmony, peace, auspiciousness, good weather, and a happy, joyful,free and blessed life.

15、地方主义和民族主义是野蛮愚昧 的象征。地球上的任何事务不是哪一个民族和地方主义者的事务,而是全体人类的事务,各地方的管理应该从全体人类中寻找最文明最优秀的人去管理,而不是从当地人或本民族中选拔。贤不遗野,才能天下一家,劳苦大众才能获得自由幸福。

Localism and nationalism are the symbols of barbarism and fatuity. No affairs on the earth belong to any particular nation or localism adherents. Instead, they belong to the whole of mankind. The administration of every region should be exercised not by the people chosen from among the locals or from among a local nation but by the most outstanding talents selected from the whole of mankind. Only if the talented are entrusted with important missions can the whole world be united as one family. Only in so doing can the toiling multitude obtain freedom and happiness.

16、每一个人都有天赋权力去指责和干涉地球上任何一个角落的事务,有权力指责和干涉各国、各政党、各宗教、各民族、各团体 的事务。

Everyone has the power endowed by god to condemn and intervene in affairs in any corner of the earth and condemn and intervene in the affairs of all countries, all political parties, all religions, all nationalities, and all organizations.


You cannot enter the life of Home without marriage and family without leaving the traditional family, you can not escape the transmigration in the human world without cultivating celestial being, and you cannot enter Lifechanyuan Era without disbanding family, state, religion, and political parties.


Man must seek the guidance and teachings of god, Buddha, immortals, and sages in order to enter the era of peace, nature, auspiciousness, happiness, and pleasure. We must revere Jesus Christ, Sakyamuni, Mohammad, and Lao Tzu, we must listen to their teachings and act accordingly.


The best way of funeral and internment in history is cremation, after which the ashes is sprinkled and scattered among the towering mountain ranges, rivers, lakes, and seas, with no corpse, no tomb, and traces left behind. The system of funeral and internment prescribed by Lifechanyuan is beneficial to the future of LIFE of Chanyuan celestial. It minimizes the burden on friends and relatives. There would be no troubles caused to offspring by the occupation of space on the earth. It is the symbol of civilization and the sign of the sublimation of culture. In Lifechanyuan Era, the funeral and interment system of Lifechanyuan is implemented: the cremation after the death of man and the scattering of ashes among the rivers, lakes, seas, and green mountains and fields, which dispenses with the building of tombs, the keeping of ashes, the establishment of memorial, and the mark of any traces.

20、人类新生活浑沌管理程序纲要:Compendium of holographic order management procedure for man’s new life:(1)建立全球政府,逐步使所有国家解体,撤销各国移民局和大使馆,让全球公民在全世界范围内自由流动。





(1) Establish a global government, gradually disband all countries, cancel the immigrant bureaus and embassies of all countries, and permit the free movement of global citizens around the world.

(2) Gradually dissolve all religious organization, and unify the various beliefs as the reverence for the Greatest Creator, LIFE, and nature, and the adherence to the Way of the Greatest Creator.

(3) Gradually disaggregate the traditional pattern of marriage and family life, and guide man to the new life pattern of Home without marriage and family created by Lifechanyuan.

(4) The interest of the whole mankind reigns supreme. Gradually make the disappearance of all political parties in the world. Adhere to one belief, one government, and one idea. A saint’s idea may become universal if he pursues the uniform truth.

(5) The function of government lies solely in the general arrangement of man’s production and life.







(6) Cancel the constitutions and laws of all countries, including the Charter of the United Nations, abolish all bylaws, commandments and dharma, and man will jointly abide by 800 Values for New Era Human Being.

(7) New life of mankind shall dispense with family, close or distant relations, nationalities, and private properties. Everyone has nothing of his own but yet can possess everything.

(8) Everyone shall try his utmost and be allotted as accords his needs.

(9) Advocate thrift and simplicity; keep luxury and extravagance in check.

(10) Advocate diligence, credibility and rein in laziness, corruption and hypocrisy.

(11) Make everyone do the work he likes.







(12) Guarantee that every global citizen has his share of business to attend to.

(13) Make money disappear.

(14) The Sage Manages affairs without action and Preaches the doctrine without words;(15) Exalt not the wise, So that the people shall not scheme and contend;(16) Prize not rare objects, So that the people shall not steal;(17) Shut out from site the things of desire, So that the people's hearts shall not be disturbed.







(18) Banish wisdom, discard knowledge; banish "humanity," discard "justice,"; banish cunning, discard "utility,".

(19) Fill up its apertures, Close its doors, Dull its edges, Untie its tangles, Soften its light, Submerge its turmoil, This is the Mystic Unity.

(20) Tao models itself after nature. Abnegate all ethical sermons.

(21) Respect facts, science, logic, and spiritual perception, seek truth from facts, and tell truth.

(22) Explain the connotation of Tao, sublime man’s quality, eliminate jealousy, complaint, and comparison.

(23) I shall not offer help if no one seeks it, I will eagerly offer help if help is needed.






(24) Education imparts only three aspects of knowledge: the Way of the Greatest Creator (including music, art, and the like), the Way to conduct oneself (including human culture and history), and science.

(25) Inspire the qualities of sincerity, kindness, beauty, love, faith, and honesty in man’s inner world. Man’s production and life are gradually transformed into a holographic order pattern which distinguishes no supervisor and supervisee.

(26) Citizens all say what they feel like saying, do what they feel like doing, build their own road, and follow their own paths, not minding other people’s business.

(27) Retain only the traditional and natural festivals, and annul all festivals related to god, Buddha, man, state, political party, army, and religion.

(28) Celebrate no birthday.




(29) Promote natural way of health preservation, guarantee everyone’s physical and mental health, and gradually eliminate the weakness of the system of hospitals, doctors, and medical treatment created by human wisdom, which may attend to one problem but at the same time neglect another.

(30) Gradually ensure that Home without marriage and family may take charge of everyone’s food, clothes, shelter, transportation, birth, aging, disease, and death. Make sure that education and medical treatment is free of charge.

(31) Lifechanyuan Era has no churches, Buddhist temples, mosques, Taoist temples, cloisters, and any architecture and idols used for worshipping or sacrifice.


The earth created by the Greatest Creator is for all people on the earth to inhabit. It is everyone’s responsibility to protect the earth. Everyone on the earth has the power endowed by the god to walk freely on the earth. However, the laws and regulations instituted by all countries and the frontier defenses and the immigration bureaus have hindered the free movement of people on the earth. Therefore, although the immigration bureaus of all countries have played certain functions during the early period of its establishment, the existence of immigration bureaus in all countries is against the principle of civilizations, against the will of the public, and against the Way of the Greatest Creator, so immigration bureaus should be banished.


Lifechanyuan Era shall last for a thousand years, during which the first one hundred to two hundred years will still be spent on the purification of souls. During this period, capitalist should be allowed to exist. The wealths owned by capitalists are results of their hard work and wisdom. Any individual’s personal wealth shall not be bereaved under any pretense or excuses. Private property shall in no way be plundered. Lifechanyuan follows the way of the Greatest Creator, the Way of the Greatest Creator is the Tao of nature, and the Way of the Greatest Creator does not preach any form of coercion.


Lifechanyuan revere LIFE and cherish LIFE. It does not tolerate harm and maltreatment of LIFE, including all forms of LIFE. It respects and cherishes not only god, Buddha, celestial beings, saint, man, animals, plants, and insects, it also respects demons, monsters, ghosts, devils, goblins, evil spirit, and other LIFE forms, because all beings have their values and significances for existence.


The life style of Lifechanyuan Era is an urbanized Xanadu. Not purely urban or rustic, it is a close combination between the two life styles, an intimate integration of the natural with the artificial. For example, a stretch of meadow is nature, but transformed into a lawn, it becomes artificial. Therefore, artificial intelligence cannot be dispensed with, science cannot be discarded, and power, telecommunications, and transportation, and other inventions created by science cannot be abandoned.




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· Buddha and The Way Of Buddha
· 上帝及上帝之道
· 生命禅院时代 Lifechanyuan Era
· 人类危机解决之道——致联合国
· 生命禅院时代 Lifechanyuan Era
· 让心灵有个家
· 2013年前建好自己的心灵花园
· The Permutation and Combinatio
· 7. The “Four Directions” creat
· 6. The “Two Polarities” create
· Taiji creates the Two Polariti
· Wuji Generates Taiji
· 3. Before the universe was Wuj
· Origin of the Universe
· Origin of the Universe
· Preaching the Greatest Creator
· 五、生命的层次 The Levels of
· Ⅳ. The Meaning of Life 生命的
· The Features of Life 生命的特
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2018-11-27 - 2018-11-27
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