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Preaching the Greatest Creator to Donghai Yixiao 2012-11-15 06:09:39


Preaching the Greatest Creator to Donghai Yixiao

Xue Feng

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The Confucianists revere the “Heaven”, calling it as the “Heaven”, the “Imperial Heaven” or the “Elderly Heaven Lord”. They admit the existence of the power beyond humans and the existence of God. Such recognition is not prompted by the sudden impulse or the education from a certain master. Instead, it comes from the life and life experience of billions of people. We can go to a few elderly people above 60 years old and ask them, “Do you believe such Heaven Lord above everything?”. I am sure at least half of them will admit the existence of the Heaven Lord.


This “Heaven”, “Imperial Heaven”, or “Elderly Heaven Lord” is the Greatest Creator. If you observe the performance of a CNC machine, what feeling do you have? You will find it working accurately and conscientiously. Now do you believe it is the natural attribute of the machines, or believe someone behind is operating this machine?


Well, I will give you an example. The honeycomb is a hexagonal cylinder, the bottom of which are three rhombuses of the same size with the obtuse angle at 109o28’ and the acute angle at 70 o32’. So why do they have such angles? According to the calculations by the scientists, only such angles can save the materials to the largest degree. Now I want to ask, “Is it because the bees are clever or because some force behind the bees is manipulating them, just like someone behind the CNC machine is operating them?”


I have listed dozens of the examples in the Chapter of the Greatest Creator. With these facts, would you still deny the existence of the Greatest Creator? Everything has its origin. And where is the origin? All things are moving. And where is the driving force? Everything has psychic energy. And where is the psychic energy? Everything exists for a purpose. And what is the ultimate purpose? Life has different levels? What is the highest level of life? Can you say “the highest level of life is Donghai Yixiao (the East Sea Owl)”, or “the movement laws of Universe are made by the East Sea Owl”? All things sense each and there is a terminal for the sensing. Where is this terminal? Can you say “all the computers in the world are connected to the Internet and the terminal is on the computer of theEast Sea Owl”?


Do you still want to deny the Greatest Creator? Of course, you can say everything is formed naturally. Then can you explain to us what is called “naturally” and how it produces the things and their movement procedures in the Universe. You have to reveal the whole process in strict logics. You can’t just raise your head and say, “It is natural. I just don’t admit the existence of the Greatest Creator. I want to see what you can do with me.” All the people in this world believing in the Greatest Creator are those with spiritual nature, perception and wisdom. All those who don’t are trouble-making people. The Greatest Creator does not belong to anyone. It is wrong to think that the Greatest Creator should help whoever believing in him. The Greatest Creator is just like the sun, shining impartially on everyone in the Mortal World. Who gets more sunshine is determined by their habits and preference. Whether you love sunshine or not is your own choice, not the Greatest Creator.


The Greatest Creator has 8 features. It is sole and only, amorphous, neutral, mysterious, impartial, merciful, supremely powerful and wise.


I have said the GOD in the Old Testament is not the genuine Greatest Creator because the GOD in the Old Testament does not haveeight features. I have also said the Krishna advocated by the Kirtan and the Bhakti movement is not the genuine Greatest Creator because he has 16,108 wives. The genuine Greatest Creator is neutral or unisex, neither male nor female. Any statement or practice personalizing the Greatest Creator is wrong. Why? Why? Why? I will not give further explanation. You can make your own judgment. Why have some people resisted the Greatest Creator believed by the Life Chanyuan. The reason is that when the genuine Greatest Creator shows up, the fakes will find no place to hide. They have no choice other than slandering it.


After all, I do not expect you to believe in the Greatest Creator overnight. But I do hope you are not hurry to deny it. Instead, you should spend you whole life proving it. So long as you can exlcame---“I will not regret to die in the evening if I learned in the moring.”

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