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7. The “Four Directions” create the “Eight Trigram 2012-11-19 04:44:35


7. The “Four Directions” create the “Eight Trigrams”

Xue Feng

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Because there is south, north, east and west, there are now 8 directions including the east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, north and northeast. The eight directions are called Qian, Dui, Li, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Gen and Kun respectively, forming the 8 trigrams. Each direction has its special meaning. Each direction has its different chance changes. Let’s take a person as an example. If he remains healthy in the south, he might find it difficult to get accustomed to the north. If nothing goes smooth in the east, he may achieve success in the west and the ugly duckling might become the white swan. Even grass will have different growth model and blossoming timing in different directions and locations.

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