六、翻译上帝的“话语” VI. Interpretation of the words of the Greatest Creator Our website is:http://url.cn/7rRwOe 上帝从来不与人类直接对话,上帝的“话语”隐含在自然规律中,若用一句话说,上帝的“话语”就是“道”,具体点讲,上帝的“话语”就是物理学中的公式、化学中的分子式、数学中的方程式、生物学中的结构式、生命学中的因果式...... The Greatest Creator has never talked with the human beings directly. The word of the Greatest Creator are hidden in the laws of the nature. In a word, the word of the Greatest Creator is the Tao. To be specific, the Greatest Creator’s “speeches” are the equations in the physics, the molecular formula in the chemistry, the formula in the math, the structural formula in the biology and the cause-effect formula in the life science. 所以,真正能翻译上帝“话语”的是那些大物理学家、化学家、数学家、生物学家、杰出的医生等。 So only the great physicists, chemists, mathematicians, biologists and doctors can interpret the Greatest Creator’s “speeches”. 《道德经》、《黄帝内经》、《太上感应篇》等著作可以看成是社会生命学中上帝“话语”的翻译。 The works such as Tao Te Ching, The Yellow Emperor’s Book of Internal Medicine and the Book of Supreme Senses are the interpretation of the Greatest Creator’s “speeches” in the social life science. 在人类社会中,各行各业中那些获得了成功的人士是无意之中执行了上帝“话语”的人,因为他们顺应了当时当地事物运动变化发展的规律(规律就是上帝的“话语”)。而失败的人是逆规律而行的人。 In the human society, the successful people in all sectors have implemented the “speeches” of the Greatest Creator, in unconsciousness because they have followed the movement laws of matters at the right time and the right place (the laws are the Greatest Creator’s “speeches”). And the losers are those who have gone against the laws. 精神或物质上富足的人是自觉自愿地顺应了规律的人,也就是理解了上帝“话语”的人,而精神或物质上贫乏的人是无视上帝的存在,曲解了上帝“话语”的人。 The wealthy people, either in physical or mental aspect, are those who are willing to follow the laws. We can say they have understood the Greatest Creator’s “speeches”. Those who are poor in physical or mental aspect have ignored the existence of the Greatest Creator and misunderstood the “speeches”. 凡能虚心地接受教育的人,都是理解上帝“话语”的人,凡固执己见、认死理、心浮气躁、不知变通、静不下心来思索的人,都是违背上帝“话语”的人,是不可理喻的人、是不可救药的人、是注定要受苦受罪的人。 All those who are modest enough to receive the education can understand the Greatest Creator’s words. Those who are stubborn, impatient, inflexible, or who wouldn’t stay quiet to think, would violate the “words”. They are not reasonable or worthy of being saved. They are born to suffer. 翻译上帝的“话语”需要智慧,需要思索和感悟,需要心平气和的心态,需要完备的灵觉神态,更需要敬畏上帝、敬重神佛、热爱大自然、热爱生命、热爱人类的态度。 It needs wisdom to interpret the Greatest Creator’s words. Moreover, it needs thought, understanding, peaceful mind, complete spiritual state, respect to the Greatest Creator, respect to the Buddha and God, love for the nature, life and human beings. 我勉强翻译一点上帝的“话语”,恳请在人间的藏龙卧虎和大隐高士们指正。 I would try to interpret some of the “words” of the Greatest Creator, earnestly request those learned and great recluses to point out my mistkaes so that I can correct. “我是上帝,是宇宙的最高主宰,是众神的统帅,是生命的摇篮、智慧的发祥地,是宇宙的原动力,是超物质世界的能量中心,是沙漠中的甘泉、迷雾中的灯塔。我无所不能、无处不在,完美无暇、洞察秋毫。” “I am the Greatest Creator, the supreme master of the Universe, the leader of all Gods, the cradle of life, thebirth place of wisdom, the original force of the Universe, the energy center of the super-material world, the stream in the desert and the lantern in the mist. I am almighty, ubiquitous, impeccable and perceptive.” “我为敬畏我的人准备了千年界、万年界和极乐界,那里是无限美好的世界,在那里你们再不会为吃穿住行发愁,不会为生老病死焦虑,不会为无常灾变担忧,你们可以尽情地玩乐享受。所以,你们应走我的道。” “I have prepared the Thousand Year World, Ten Thousand Year World and Elysium World for those who revering me. The worlds are perfect where you don’t have to worry about shelter, food, necessities, illness, old age, death, or disasters. You can enjoy the life completely. So you should take my path.” “我同样为那些无视我的存在,辱骂我、亵渎我、背离我的人准备了生命的下界——阴间、冰冻层、火炼层,你们将在那里遭受折磨,吃你们自己种下的苦果。所以,你们应当改邪归正,祈求我宽恕你们的罪过。” “I have also prepared the lower world for those who ignore me, abuse me, desecrate me or betray me. In the lower worlds, which include the Hell, Frozen Layer and Flaming Layer, you will be tortured and punished for what you have done. So you should give up evil and return to good, begging me to forgive your sins” “你们的一生很短暂,不要把宝贵的时光消耗在无益无意义的事物上,你们应该把寻求我放在首位,你们寻求我,我会出现,你们敲我的门,我会为你们开门。” “Your life is short, so you can’t afford to waste your valuable life on some meaningless things. You should give priority to the pursuit me. I will show up when you pursue me. You knock on my door, and I will open it for you.” “你们看见的一切,都是虚无缥缈的昙花一现,真正的东西隐藏在你们所看到的事物的背面,你们自己要学会寻找。” “Everything you have seen is just the flash in the pan. The truth is hidden on the other side of what you have seen and you have to seek the truth on your own.” “你们在人间拥有的一切,不会给你们带来真正的幸福和快乐,你们在人间拥有的越多,你们的苦恼也会越多。你们应当追求智慧,惟有智慧才能使你们快乐幸福,也惟有拥有智慧,我才能让你们进入高层生命空间。” “Everything you possess in the Mortal World will never bring you the genuine happiness or pleasure. The more you possess in the Mortal World, the more distress you will sink into. You should pursue wisdom because only wisdom can grant you with happiness and pleasure. I will allow the people with wisdom to the senior life space.” “你们不要把人生搞得太复杂,要追求简单平凡而又丰富的生活,因为我更喜爱拥有智慧、普通平凡的人,而不仅仅是有权有势有名望的人。” “You shouldn’t make the human life much too complicatedYou should pursue the simple and fruitful life.I prefer those common people with wisdom, not the people with authorities, power or fame.” “你们不要把思维局限在三维空间内,那样,你们将看不到其它的空间,不要因为看不到而否定其它空间的存在,就象看不到粒子而否定粒子的存在那样。” “You should never limit your thinking within the 3-dimensional space because that will blind you against other spaces. Don’t deny the existence of other spaces simply because you can’t see themjust like you can never deny the existence of particles just because you can’t see them.” “你们要远离恶行,凡偷盗、抢劫、欺骗、敲诈、奸淫、凶杀、贪婪贪污的,绝对不会有美好的未来。” “You should stay away from the evil conducts. Those who steal, rob, cheat, blackmail, rape, murder or corrupt will never have the bright future.” “你们不要生嫉妒、诽谤、傲慢、狂妄、怨恨、诡诈之心,这些东西是病毒性细菌,会蚕食你们的灵性。” “Don’t be jealous, slandering, arrogant, conceited, complaining or crafty because these are the virus which will swallow your spiritual nature.” “你们不要与人对比,要做自己的人,走自己的路,不要追赶时髦和浪潮,不要迷失正道。” “You shouldn’t compare yourself with others. Behave yourself and take your own path. Don’t follow the fashions or trend and don’t lose the right path.” “你们应虚心地向那些有智慧的人学习,勇于聆听智者的教诲,要勇于承认自己的无知。” “You should be modest enough to learn from the wise people, and brave enough to listen to their instructions and admit your ignorance.” “你们降生人间,是注定要做人的,所以不要追求特异功能,不要追求成神成佛,你们要走好做人的道,你们来世的好坏将根据你们做人阶段的功德而定。我厌恶那些做人不象人,希奇古怪的人。” “Born into the Mortal World, you are destined to be the human beings. So don’t pursue super performance, or becoming the Buddha or God. You should take the path of being a human. Your next life cycle is determined by your virtues as a human. I hate those who are performing weirdly.” “地球是你们人类的家园,你们要爱护一山一草一木、一土一水一物,凡毁坏家园的,将再没有家园,凡爱护家园的,将会去往美好的家园。” “The Earth is the home to all human beings. You should love every tree and bush, and every hill and every streamon the Earth. Those who damage the Earth will lose their homes. Those who care for the Earth will enter the beautiful homes.” “你们依什么方式待我,我将依同样的方式对待你们。” “I will treat you the same way you treat me.” “我没有在人间创造那么多的相互矛盾的宗教,我创造的只是宇宙和生命的规律法则,宗教是你们人类自己创造的。” “I have never created that many conflicting religions in the Mortal World. I have just created the laws for the Universe and life. The religions are created by the humans on your own.” “你们不要为我修建庙宇教堂,整个宇宙就是我的所在。你们不要杀牛宰羊为我献祭,我是上帝,我不吃那些东西。” “Don’t build temples or churches for me. The entire Universe is where I stay. Don’t sacrifice cattle or sheep to me. I am the Greatest Creator and I don’t eat those things.” “你们要用你们的心敬畏我,不要用那些浮华的表面形式蒙骗我,你们蒙骗不了我。我厌恶那些表面上很虔诚,而内心里藐视我的人。” “You should revere me with your heart. Don’t try to cheat me with those superficial forms because I can sense it. I hate those who look loyal and scorn me in the heart.” “你们当孝敬老人,因为你们也会老。你们当爱护幼小,因为你们在我的眼中是幼小的,你们不爱护幼小,我也将不爱护你们。” “You should show filial piety to the elderly because you are on the way to become elderly. You should care for the kids because you are the kids in my eyes. I will not care for those who don’t care for the kids.” “你们当尊敬老师,要虚心接受教育,否则,愚昧和无知将会蒙住你们的心灵,让你们生生世世在黑暗中摸索。” “You should respect the teachers and receive the education modestly. Otherwise, your soul will be covered by ignorance and your life will be spent in darkness.” “你们当遵纪守法,尊敬你们的君王,宇宙处处是法,你们不能无法无天。” “You should obey the laws and regulations and respect your kings and emperors. The laws are everywhere in the Universe and you shouldn't be outlaws.” “做人的权利是我赐给每个人的,你们当维护自己做人的权利,与剥夺你们做人权利的人和事做抗争。要堂堂正正地做人,不要象狗一样地摇尾乞怜。” “The right of being a human is granted by me. You should retain the right and fight against those who try to deprive you of the right. You should behave yourself as humans and never act as fawning as adog.” “你们自助,我助你们,你们放弃,我抛弃你们。” “You help yourselves and I will help you. You give up and I will forsake you.” “地球上人的数量已经够多了,你们必须自我控制,不能象其它动物那样随意繁衍,否则。我的道会给你们降下灾祸。警言在先,不要怨我残忍。” “The population on the Earth is much too large. You must learn to control the population and can’t reproduce freely like animals. Otherwise, I will inflict the plagues on you. This is my warning and be serious with it. Don’t blame me for being cruel.” “你们要积极地寻求我,走我的道,若无视我的存在,随你们人类的心意恣意妄为,普天大祸随时会降临到你们的头上。” “You should seek me actively and take my path. If you neglect my existence and act reckless as you wish, the plagues will be imposed on you at any time.” “紧紧拉住我的手!” “Hold my hands firmly!” 以上翻译是否准确,请认识了上帝的人们批评指正。 Look forward to the corrections from those who have understood the Greatest Creator. 灵性超常伦, You will see clear paradise scenes. 禅院得生命; Stay and study in Lifechanyuan will a new life begin.. 放眼远山青, faraway mountains are fresh and green. 开窗日月进。 Take a broad view and you will see |