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Buddha and The Way Of Buddha 2012-11-14 06:41:03


Buddha and The Way Of Buddha

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Buddha is nature, nature is Buddha.


"All Bhadras and Aryas differ on account of the Eternal Asamskrta Dharma."


He who sees me by outward appearance and seeks me in sound, treads the heterodox path (And) cannot perceive the Tathagata. They should develop a mind which does not abide in anything. If minds abide somewhere, it will be in falsehood. You heart should not harbor any of these. Your heart should be void of ego, other people, age, a dharma, and a no-dharma. Emptiness is form and form is emptiness.


The merit and virtue of formless alms-giving outweigh those of seven-treasure alms-giving that are as countless as the sand grains of the Ganges. The retribution for formless alms-giving is inconceivable. One should give without a mind abiding in form, or he should give without a mind abiding in sound, or in smell, or in taste, or in touch or in things. A Bodhisattva should give alms without a mind abiding in false notions of form (laksana). Everything with form is unreal. All that is void of different forms is called Buddha. A bodhisattva should not be avid for merit and virtue.


If some says that Buddha Sakyamuni is preaching dharma, then he is slandering Buddha and does not understand the essence of Buddha's teaching and the gist of the way of Buddha. All dharma is the way of Buddha. The real way of Buddha is free from an ego, a personality, a being, a life, and a dharma. All phenomena are like a dream, an illusion, a bubble and a shadow, like dew and lightning. Thus should you meditate upon them.


The way to the "Supreme Authentic Wisdom" is: cultivate spiritual perception, act in accordance with nature and model after nature. To get the real experience and savoring of "Supreme Authentic Wisdom", you have firstly to have spiritual perception rather than rely on wisdom; you have to act in accordance with nature rather than rely on the knowledge and ideas that have been accumulated; and modeling after nature but look for a shortcut. Lao Tzu has long ago warned people in Way (Tao)Te Ching, "the Main path is easy to walk on, Yet people love the small by-paths." If we do not act like children who behave as accords their character, do not unfold the screenplay of life following the natural laws, but are bent on finding the Buddhist gate to "Supreme Authentic Wisdom", then we are giving up the main road for by-paths. If we want to acquire "Supreme Authentic Wisdom", we should first build our garden of soul. A long journey begins with a small step, and rivers come from the confluences of numerous streams. If we do not build our garden of soul, we cannot achieve any beautiful wishes, and cannot realize any beautiful ideals. If we don't build our garden of soul, we can never acquire "Supreme Authentic Wisdom".


The Diamond Sutra is the Himalayas of wisdom.


Emptiness is not different from form and form is the same as emptiness. What is visional is real and what is real is illusive.


All phenomena are like a dream, an illusion, a bubble and a shadow, like dew and lightning. Thus should you meditate upon them. All dharma of inaction cannot be expressed. It comes like lightning and vanished like illusion. There is no nonentity and no entity, no sound and no breath, no border and no edge, no move and no target. It is invisible, intangible, and tremendously powerful. It can not be stolen, cannot be hidden. It is forever changing. Everything is it, and yet it is not everything. Conform to it, we will enjoy smooth faring and peace for tens of thousands of years; go against it, we may encounter full of frustrations and incur disaster to the future.


Buddha Sakyamuni is not the ancestor of Buddha.


the Tathagatas' words are true and correspond to reality. They are ultimate words, neither deceitful nor heterodox. The Dharma the Tathagata has obtained is neither real nor unreal. The Tathagata possesses human eyes, deva eyes, wisdom eyes, Dharma eyes, Budda eyes. Tathagata is so named because Buddha is as he is, coming from nowhere and going nowhere.


All different dharma are not separate from their inherent nature. An enlightened heart is perceptive of nature, and perception of nature can leading to the attainment of Buddhahood.


Once you have perceived your own nature, you can attain Buddhahood through insight or sudden enlightenment. However, to perceive your own nature, you need to go through daily accumulation. Without endless meditation, without the accumulated cultivation for generations, it would be difficult to associate yourself with Buddhism and understand the recondite way of Buddha.


The qualitative change of everything comes about as a result of the accumulation of quantitative changes. Only if the accumulation of quantitative changes have reached the critical point, will it be possible for you to attain Buddhahood via sudden enlightenment. The qualitative change is the result of quantitative changes. Self-cultivation and self-refining has no shortcut to insight and sudden enlightenment. You can reach the ideal destination only through quantitative accumulation in a down-to-earth manner. You can complete the process from the quantitative change to the qualitative change only by getting across the critical point.


The real "instant enlightenment" means a state of consciousness, which is characterized by the sudden enlightenment and reached after the quantitative changes have arrived at the limit and get across the critical point and have thus caused the sudden qualitative change.


People who have attained Buddhahood possess three major symbols: 1. The meeting of Tathagata; 2. The achievement of the inaction and non-form; 3. No abode for the mind. Namely, anyone who has met the three conditions will become and will be a Buddha.


Tathagata is the natural character. Diamond Sutra says, "If all forms are seen as unreal, the Tathagata will be perceived". Tathagata does not have any specific form, and anything that possesses a concrete form is not Tathagata. Therefore, man is not Tathagata, and only the natural character of man is Tathagata. Only after you have recognized your natural character, can you see Tathagata. The moment you see Tathagata, you will become a Buddha, and you will be a Buddha, because you have regained your innocence and you have understood "all forms are seen as unreal."


When you realize that your flesh is not yourself and only Tathagata of natural character is yourself, then you can get into the mustard seed. Tathagata of natural character can be so expansive that it has no border and limit, and still it can be so small that it can be incredibly traceless. Mustard seed can be an astronomical universe, and the incredibly traceless you can easily enter the mustard seed and travel around in its world.


With action, you will certainly tread awry; with action, fault is likely to occur in the perfect structure of Tathagata of natural character. The more actions you do, the further away you will be from the true nature. The more actions you have, the more difficult it will be for you to return to innocence. In one word, with action it will be difficult to attain Buddhahood. The stronger the desire, the greater the action. Laities are people with action, so what laities seek after is only fantasy and illusion. The greater the action, the lower the level of LIFE; and the smaller the action, the higher the level of LIFE; and herein lies the difference between man on the one hand and saints, sages, celestial beings and Buddha on the other.


With inaction, you can achieve everything. And only after you have reached the realm of inaction, can you do what you want to do.


You can obtain eternal enjoyment of LIFE by giving alms without your mind abiding in false notions. Giving away a thousand strings of coins to someone is not as good as giving him a scripture, and giving him a scripture is not as good as enlightening him on profound truth. The supreme great awakening and great wisdom is formless. The formless alms giving can foster supreme great awakening and great wisdom. Therefore the greatest alms giving is the formless alms giving.


Formless alms giving, or giving alms without your mind abiding in false notions, means that when you are giving alms, you will not have the notion of the self capable of giving alms, the person receiving the alms, and the object being given as alms. And of course you should not harbor the idea that you may be repaid after giving the alms. You do good deeds and yet do not expect your kindness to be repaid, and that is called formless alms giving. Formless alms giving means that you seek no interest but intend to completely meet the needs of other people, alms given without any care for costs or recompense. The virtue and merit of formless alms giving are infinite.


Giving alms with your mind abiding in false notions. Such alms giving shall be called form-based alms giving if giving alms is for the sake of fame, and benefit, and for fear of falling into the evil path, and even for the purpose of obtaining one's health and blessing. Form-based alms giving belongs to limited virtues and merits.


It is relatively easy to be free of an ego, a personality, a being, and a life. But to attain real Buddhahood, one must yet pass the two other difficulties: heart form and dharma form. Heart form and dharma form however are two precipices which are extremely difficult to break through.


One must examine and perceive who himself is in a state free from an ego, a personality, a being, a life, a dharma, a non-dharma, an entity, and a nonentity, and at the same time live in the real world to verify in a down-to-earth manner the distance between the self in the real life and the self of Tathagata. You ascend the mountain to observe and examine and descend the mountain to verify the distance. You shall repeat the process again and again before you can understand the profundity.


Many people put up the figures of Buddha and Jesus Christ inside the house for the purpose of worshipping. Many people cling tightly to scriptures. They do so because they are still constrained by heart form and dharma form. It is for this very reason that Buddha tells us to chuck away the rafts after we are ferried across the river. And this is also why Jesus Christ tells those people who always have Lord on their lips, "I don't know you".


Lifechanyuan believes that a person who seriously seeks to attain Buddhahood should build a stupa in his mind and that although the exterior stupa is important, the interior stupa is even more important. Buddha tells us, "all forms are seen as unreal". Therefore, the stupa that has a form is illusive, and the real stupa is formless stupa. We should build stupa in our mind, we shall help those pious Buddhist believers to build stupas in their minds instead of wasting a lot of manpower and money on the building of resplendent and magnificent exterior stupas. The exterior stupas are forms, only the stupas in mind are formless, and only formless stupas are the real stupas.


The Way Of Buddha is only a stepping stone and a ferry, and is not the heaven per se. Therefore, after you have completely understood the way of Buddha, you will inevitably enter Lifechanyuan. Without the baptism of the spiritual river of Lifechanyuan, you can not ascend the spiritual mountain and reach the Faramita.


All rules are Buddha's rules, and yet all rules are not Buddha's rules. Buddha has no settled rules. Buddha's rules is always variable according to the situation.


Our settled place for LIFE-guided by Buddhist teaching and following the direction of life pointed out by Jesus Christ, we will move closer and closer toward the Greatest Creator.


Nature is the Greatest Creator, the ancestor of Buddha, and Allah, but nature is at the same time Satan. Nature is the origin, Tathagata, and fountainhead, but nature is at the same time tributary. Nature can be innate and acquired. The innate nature is clear and limpid and spotless, the acquired nature is in a riotous profusion of colors but is also full of dregs and dirt. Innate nature is inborn nature, acquired nature is developed and learned. Innate nature embodies the characteristics of the Greatest Creator, god and Buddha, while acquiredinherencenature represents the nature and instinct of life after transmigration, and habit or second nature refers to the survival inertia of man after the set of thinking is formulated.


For a clear-sighted mind to perceive the nature, we should first understand the origin of LIFE, the structure of LIFE, the essence of LIFE, and the evolution of LIFE. If we cannot obtain a clear understanding of these issues, we will not be able to perceive nature, and thus we cannot perceive our nature of origin. Only if we have perceived our nature, can we have an enlightened mind. If we don't understand nature, for example the nature of beast, man, Buddha, and demon, our mind will only be befuddled and we can not have an enlightened mind.


If one wants to attain Buddhahood, he must voluntarily achieve the penniless state, not only disowning his money, fame and gain, properties, belle, family, and social status, and the like, but also abstaining from arguing with earthlings on account of a certain idea that he sticks to. What's more, he should not kill life and eat flesh. If you want to enter the Thousand-year World in future life, you must have perfect human nature.

165、功德无量、大慈大悲的佛陀释迦牟尼早已为我们造就了生命渡越苦海到达彼岸的"筏子" 发大乘心愿的人,只要乘坐佛陀的法船,就能到达极乐的彼岸。颂读《金刚经》、为人解说《金刚经》的功德将超过恒河沙数的七宝布施,果报将不可思议。

The infinitely merciful Buddha with boundless beneficence has already built a raft to ferry life across the sea of misery to the Faramita. People wishing to attain Great Vehicle can reach the other shore of heaven by following the teaching of Buddha. The virtue and merits of reciting and explaining Diamond Sutra will exceed those of the seven-treasure alms giving, which are as numerous as the sand grains of the Ganges. The retribution will be inconceivable.


Those wishing to attain minor vehicle have an ego, a form, and scripture. Those wishing to attain middle vehicle dissolve the ego, the form and the scripture. Those whishing to attain the Great Vehicle have no ego, no form and no scripture. Those wishing to attain the Supreme Vehicle smash Buddha, form and scripture on the other shore. Viewed in these perspectives, those who burn joss sticks, worship Buddha and recite sutras belong to minor vehicle. Those who explain sutras to others belong to the middle vehicle, those who preach Buddhism and conduct meditations belong to Great Vehicle, and those who abuse Buddha and sutras belong to the Supreme Vehicle. Attention, please. Only those people who are accomplished in the way of Buddha and have attained Tao are in a position to abuse Buddha and sutras. Ordinary people should never do so, otherwise they will be deeply sinned and beyond redemption.


If we are always thinking of Buddha in our mind and if our minds are always persistent in the thought of Buddha, we may never see Buddha and can never attain Buddhahood. "If you set your mind to the success of something, you may be frustrated with failure; and yet you may succeed in something you have accidentally and unintentionally set about doing". I have once again emphasized that we don't follow the path of god, the path of Buddha, the path of immortal, and the path of man, but we shall only take the way of the Greatest Creator. In fact if we followed the way of the Greatest Creator, we might one day discover that we have achieved the path of god, Buddha, immortal, and man.





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作者:草庐隐士 留言时间:2012-11-14 07:04:45
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