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二、生命的起源 Origin of Life 2012-11-08 19:07:38


Ⅱ. Origin of Life


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1. Definition of life


Before discussing the origin of life, we must firstly figure out what life is. Otherwise, we will not be able to explore the origin of life.


Nowadays, although the scientists who are discussing life may not be as many as the hairs on an ox, at least the number is very huge. When we use the Google Search Engine and enter the words "life"," life study", "origin of life" and "life exploration", ect, we will enter into a wide field of life exploration, in which we can have an idea of various of research theories and achievements discussed by life scientists.


Unfortunately, all life scientists just make a fuss on the presentations of life; none of them understand the essence of life. Only Christopher Langton, a doctor of Los. Amos National Laboratory of United States in his "Artificial life " initiated some slightest wisdom in the life exploration area; some of his opinions broke through the limitation of inherent thinking pattern and took a small step on the cognition of life, for example, "The essence of life lies not in the specific substances but form".


Then, what on earth is life?


Ⅱ Life is one kind of nonmaterial structure having spirituality.


All substances are not life, but a carrier of life. Just like a person's watch, car, house and the clothes, all of these are not part of himself, but a kind of appendages and adornments of his life. We can not get to know him simply relying on his appendages and adornments. Furthermore, we neither can know him by his age, appearances, physique and physical condition, etc, because all of these are just a kind of material structure of life carrier.


It is very hard to understand nonmaterial structure, since it mostly depends on our perception of telegnosis. Only with the extraordinary sensitive telegnosis, can we "see" it. If one's telegnosis is blunt, it would be very hard to perceive telegnosis in any case. But this does not mean that there is no way to know. I will give an example and hope it can inspire you to draw inferences.


While I am sending a fax to my friend from Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe, to Washington, America, My friend's fax machine is receiving it simultaneously. The contents he receives are identical with what I have sent; my handwriting, the shape of the characters and the line spacing is copied unchanged by his fax machine. However, the original fax is still with me and I toss it into wastepaper basket as rubbish. Why should I toss it? The reason is that it has accomplished its mission and has conveyed its message (soul) to my friend in Washington.


Let's make an analysis: the origin copy doesn't go to Washington, but my friend has got my fax instantly, and only the paper (carrier of the information) has changed. How do you explain this?


The fact is that the fax machine transfers the information into a bunch of radio signals through photo electricity principle, and sends it to the communication station through electric cable and then Communication station "transmits" this signal to the communication satellite through communication launcher; then the information is received by another communication launcher, and this launcher sends it to my friend's fax machine through electric cable. At last, my friend's fax machine restores the information into words or pictures. In this way, the "soul" of my original copy is reached to my friend.


Here, we mainly focus on the radio signal. Radio signal is a kind of material rather than nonmaterial. However, this bunch of radio signals has its own characteristic-structure, no matter in wavelength or frequency. If the structure has consciousness, it will be a nonmaterial structure.


When microscopic particle tends to be infinitesimal, it will not exist or move in the form of particles and it will become a "String", or even a "Super String". "Super String" is a nonmaterial structure.


In this sense, the essence of life lies in the nonmaterial structure, rather tan the carrier of life-material.


The essence of life is formless. Is there anybody who can tell the form, color and weight of life?. When referring human beings, dogs, vegetation, insects, and bacteria as life, we are literally talking about the expressions of life forms rather than the essence of life.


The forms of life are exceedingly strange and omnifarious, but the essence of life is simplex.


Life has spiritual nature. Life can not exist without spiritual nature. For a person, when he is alive, his body shows up the active spiritual nature. He can talk to others, eat, drink and blink eyes. But when he dies, his body loses spiritual nature. Once he has lost the spiritual nature, can we call his corpse a human? Absolutely not.


Thus, when flesh has spiritual nature, it is a life; when flesh (material) doesn't have the spiritual nature, it is a corpse.


Thus, a stone can be called a life when it has spiritual nature. And it is an aggregate of material elements when it doesn't have spiritual nature.


Thus, a tree can be called a life when it has spiritual nature. And it is a piece of wood when it loses its spiritual nature.


Thus, a car can be called a life when it has spiritual nature. And it is a heap of waste iron when it loses the spiritual nature.


Thus, a statue can be called a life when it has spiritual nature. And it is just a heap of dried mud, plaster or metal when it loses its spiritual nature.



Every material thing may be a life, and also may be an aggregate of material elements, depends on whether it has spiritual nature at the temporal time and space.


Life is a nonmaterial structure rather than a material structure. Every material has a structure, no matter in the perspective of quark or electron or in the perspective of atom and molecular. So long as it is material, it will have a structure, or particle sequence. However, the structure of material doesn't imply that this material is a life. A cup may have a structure, but it isn't a life unless it has the spiritual nature.


What is the nonmaterial structure? I have ranked the nonmaterial briefly when I talked about the negative universe in the instruction of "Universe", such as time, space, thinking, consciousness, mind, spirit, beliefs, order, spell, law and soul, all of these are nonmaterial. Does nonmaterial have a structure? Yes, it does. Spell used in witchcraft is a kind of structure. Prayers used in Christianism and Moslem are a kind of structure. Lection read by Buddhist from their mouth and heart is a kind of structure, and everybody's thinking is also a kind of structure. And the order of universe and the law of thing's movement and development are structures, too. All nonmaterial has its own given structure. But it doesn't mean that all nonmaterial is life. Only when the nonmaterial structure has spiritual nature, can it be life.


Is the human vegetable a life or not? The answer is that the human vegetable is not a life unless the spiritual nature of nonmaterial structure returns to his flesh.


Is a person who falls asleep soundly in his dreams a life or not? The answer is that the person in above situations is not a life unless his consciousness returns to his flesh immediately.


It may be hard for you to accept this. "Obviously, He is still breathing; his heart is still beating; his body is still warm; how can you say he is not a life?"


Indeed he is not a life. If a car's engine is still working with lamp lighting, temperature existing, water circulating and oil burning, can we say that the car is a life? A pot of water is boiling on the stove with steam and with the possibility of burning people. Can we say that this pot of water is a life? We see the people talk, run, eat, drink and play on the screens when we watch movie and television. Can we say they are life? A great river is flowing, running and crying. Can we say it is a life? The moon moves around the earth at full speed and tracts the earth. Can we say the moon is a life?


Everything in the universe may or may not be a life. Whether it is life or not depends on its nonmaterial structure of spiritual nature at that moment.


We just talked about the essence of life, which is just like talking about the software of computer. A software program can play its function only when it enters into computer hardware, otherwise its program will not work.


It is very hard to understand if we only talk about the essence of life. It sounds like I am talking something unreal in my imagination. So, let's level down the connotation of life to a lower degree and analyze and interpret it from the presentation of life.


Buddha-caksus Sakyamuni defines life as: eggs, wombs, humidity or by transformation, with or without form, either thoughtful or thoughtless, and neither thoughtful nor thoughtless and this definition concludes all life forms in the universe. The life forms of eggs, wombs, humidity can be seen everywhere on the earth, which is easy to be understood. What is life by transformation then? Every life with water, appropriate temperature and humidity, formed naturally belongs to the category of transformation. The huge numbered microorganism, and various bacteria are transformations; the life can be seen by human's eyes refers to life which has body form. Every life we see in the world is the life can be seen by human's eyes. Then, what is the the life can not be seen by human's eyes? It refers to the life which exists without any body form such as life in the Heaven, life in Elysium world, life in the hell, and life in Frozen Layer and Inflamed Layer, etc; thoughtful life refers to life with self-consciousness; thoughtless life refers to life without self-consciousness, such as plants without flowers, fruits and nearly all the gemstones. Either thoughtful or thoughtless life refers to the life seemly without any consciousness, actually has great wisdom, such as the earth, sea, thunder, wind, cloud, rain and snow and so on. Neither thoughtful nor thoughtless life is superior life in the universe; a life regards a thousand years as a moment, which mainly refers to Super Celestial Beings and Buddha in supreme life space. Of course, there is a life at holographic status it is the superior life in the universe--the Greatest Creator.


It will take hundreds of years to comprehensively analyze the life forms. Now I will take human being as an example to interpret life.


Life is 1+1=1


Life consists two parts: one is formless spiritual entity; the other is tangible objects.


Intangible spiritual entity mainly refers to consciousness, thinking, spirit, inspiration, and mind and mindfulness, which are collectively called soul.


Tangible objects mainly refer to the body attached to soul, such as human being's flesh.


Human being is a living creature. Because he has consciousness, thinking, spirit, and some invisible and impalpable psychological activities, as well as soul attached body, such as the five sense organs and the seven apertures in the human head, internal organs of body, trunk and limbs, skin and hair, nerve and blood and so on.


No soul, no life.


If a person is senseless to the scald when putting his hand into the boiling water, senseless to the pain when a thorn sticking into his flesh, senseless to the coldness when squatting in the icehouse, senseless to the flavor when eating, senseless to starvation without eating anything for three days, senseless to danger, senseless to love and hatred, senseless to the changing surroundings, senseless to fear and dread, such kind of person is a person without soul. Yet there is no human being like that.


Although medically speaking a human vegetable is still a person, but his soul has left from his body and roamed in space tunnel. Because of the maladjustment of the body, his soul can't attach to his flesh effectively; his thinking and consciousness can't be expressed effectively. If we massage constantly at a certain acupoint of his body or call softly around his ear, we can bring his distant soul back sometimes at the moment of the body changing and finally, turn the human vegetable into a normal person.


Once the soul has left from the body, the body will lose the vitality of life. As long as the soul still stays in the body, the body will never die. Even you dig out a person's heart, take out all his blood or even chop his head off, his life still exits. He is not dead.


In myth novel The Legend and the Hero, Prime Minister Bi Gan was set up and got his heart cut by Da Ji. He did not die right away because his consciousness, thinking and psychosocial activity were still there. That is to say his soul was still attached to his body. So he still could speak and walk. But he breathed out his life immediately when he heard Da Ji, who disguised herself as a person selling arenaria saying "Vegetable without heart can live, but human without heart must die". Why? That is because Da Ji's words blockaded his thinking and compelled his soul to fly away from his body. With the leaving of the Soul, the body is dead.


Once there was an experiment conducted by someone who said to a prisoner sentenced with death penalty: "You were sentenced to death. Death penalty would be executed immediately. And you are to be bleeding to death. We hoped you can cooperate." Then, they put the condemned prisoner on a bed, with his eyes covered, leaving one of his arms hanging on the bedside, with a basin below; then, they cut the prisoner's wrist with the back of the knife blade, meanwhile dropping water drips into the basin beside the bed. The sound of drip-drop kept sounding in the ears of the prisoner. Tens of minutes later, the continuous sound of drip-drop disappeared gradually, leaving only the tick-tock sound in the air. Then the sound of drip-drop disappeared completely. With the disappearance of the drip-drop sound, prisoner was found completely dead.


What made the prisoner die? His wrist was not cut and his blood did not shed at all.


The reason leading to his death is his conventional thinking: "I was sentenced to death. I must die. My blood ran out completely. One definitely can not live without blood. So I have to die." As a result, he died.


During China's "SARS" period, Sohu reported a story like this: In order to find out the source of the SARS virus, related departments went to Guangdong to investigate some restaurants, and launched a tracking survey on one of the animal traders. Once, this animal trader bought lots of snakes from the market and sold them to a restaurant. Because they were very familiar with each other, and the animal trader had nothing to do after the business is done, so he began to help the cook to cut the snakes. At the end when he was clearing up, one of his fingers was caught by the head of a snake. Although his life was not in danger after medical treatment, the finger bitten by the snake became disabled.


Here, we are not going to discuss the source of the SARS virus and the finger of the trader. What we concern about is that why the cut snake could make revenge and bite the finger of the trader after it being dead for some time.


It could still revenge when its body were gone. The main reason is that its consciousness and psychological activity still existed; it did not die.


This case proves that as long as the soul doesn't leave from the body, even the body is cut into pieces, its life will still be there.


Buddhists consecrate tooth relic of the Buddha. People going to ancestral graves to burn incenses and kowtow is regarded as a conventional activity to express admiration and grief; but wise men know that tooth relic of the Buddha is the whole body of the Buddha. It is like a dressing mirror. Even if it is broken into thousands of pieces, you can still find your reflection from each piece. You burn incenses and kowtow to your ancestor, because you are afraid that his soul might still be attached to his body. If you stop respecting him, firstly you will feel sorry in conscience and emotion; secondly, you are afraid of the spells from ancestors and the ill retribution there from.


Egyptian pyramids are very mysterious. One of the mysteries is that, those who have involved with the ancient rulers' tombs of Egypt, regardless of their methods or motivations, as long as they dug the tomb of Pharoah or disturbed the peace of Pharoah, they would be punished. The way of punishment was mainly sudden death. More than forty archaeologists had died successively. The curator of Cairo museum died suddenly for being involved with Egypt burial mound and mummy. Kamoroer who achieved success for exploring Tutankhamun's tomb and died of serious disease; Archaeologist Emory who had searched ancient tome suddenly became total paralysis and died; Professor Dormethren who entered the tomb to copy the inscriptions also met tragic death.



Why? The reason is that Pharoah's soul has not left from his body at all; Pharoahs believed that they would be brought back to life when the time comes. So they went nowhere and waited and guarded day and night. If people dared to disturb them at this moment, undoubtedly, they would be punished.


All tomb robbers would suffer serious illness and die suddenly, some of them might lose their home and family, once they encounter the tombs whose soul has not yet left its body.


Let's take a look at the scenes in many movie stories. In the life and death fighting moment, although obviously some people were killed, they struggled to fight at a crucial time and killed their enemy and then died at the same time. Why? The reason is the same as the snake bite.


Cancer, leukocythemia, AIDS, SARS virus and other diseases kill people's thinking and consciousness firstly; then result in the death of the body. A person's thinking and consciousness "knows" that the opportunity of survive is very limited once they suffer the "incurable disease". So the self-consciousness collapses first. The collapse of the defense line will inevitably lead to an overall weakness and maladjustment of the body, which in turn further strengthens the consciousness of death. And there is only death in the end.


Some better-off modern people like to have regular physical examination. They like to nip a thing in the bud, but they don't know the danger of it. If the examination report shows fine result, everything is ok. What if illness or "incurable disease" is found? This simply is "dig your own grave". In fact, human body has the self-defense and disease fighting function. A lot of diseases occur silently and disappear unconsciously, we can just let it be; yet, once you take them seriously, they will tangle you to the end unflaggingly.


There is a case: A hospital in China has misplaced two patients' examination reports due to carelessness by placing the first patient's examination report into the second patient's pathological report files; and vise versa. Unfortunately, the one who isn't sick sneaked into the office of the case reports due to curiosity and found his case report. At the sight of his report he felt dizzy and chill instantly and struggled back to his ward, and totally collapsed since then, for the examination report said "terminal cancer".


Meanwhile, the sister of the patient who suffered the terminal cancer also sneaked into the case report office to check her brother's condition. She was wild with joy when she saw her brother's report, because it said "normal". She happily took out the examination reports to her brother. This look rewrote the history of physical therapy. Originally, the patient at the point of death and unmovable, suddenly sat up and said, "These doctors are jerks; they only want to cheat their patients money, well, let's go home." He held his sister's hand and left the hospital cheerly without giving a notice like a healthy man.


The functions of consciousness, thinking and psychological activities are so great. It indicates the death of a living creature comes first when the soul is dead. The death of body is resulted from the death of consciousness, thinking and psychological activities which represent their personal soul. People died out of shame, fear or anger, are actually killed by their own consciousness, thinking and psychological activities. A shameless person will never die from shame; a bold person will never die from fear; and a tolerant and broad minded person will never die from anger.


Seth said, "Physiological symptoms are communications from the inner self, indications that we are making mental errors of one kind or another"


Such is the case. When our consciousness, thinking and psychological activities are in abnormal condition, our body will turn up to dysfunction and maladjustment, which is the reason why so many people need to be self-refined.


In talking about good health and long life, Chinese Taoists is second to none. A person seeking Tao is the easiest one to cast off the worldly involvement and to treat life in a higher level. When their self-refinement makes them realize that as long as there is a soul, there is a life from the aspects of consciousness, thinking and psychological activities, then they are not far from being Celestial Being.


Buddhists' understanding of life is in a higher realm, they realize that, although the soul consisting of consciousness, thinking, spirit and psychological activities can not be a life if it doesn't have the carrier-a body, it can get itself attached to other matters to form another new life. Soul can go to the Elysium World directly and enjoy the supreme happiness of life when self-refinement reaches a profound level by getting rid of the constraints of the normal thinking completely.


What I mean by the supreme self-refinement is the self-refinement of the consciousness and thinking. The self-refinement which aims to exceptional functions is in lower level; Buddha eminent monks never take exceptional function seriously. However, "many things grow in the garden that were never sown there," Jesus and Sakyamuni merely considered how to save all living creatures, yet in the end, both of them have obtained the magical power.


In postscript, I have written, "Unbearable cold, surpass the human world, infinite day in Balikeya Island. Scatter a handful of sand, thousands of trees will appear."


"Scatter a handful of sand, thousands of trees will appear," is a kind of exceptional functions, a magical power. Yet it is never easy to obtain the exceptional functions.


Journey to the West is regarded as a nonsense myth novel by ordinary people. In fact, it really isn't. The author Wu Cheng-en actually was a Dharma eminent monk who came from India to China who "faced the wall" for nine years. In order to help people at that time to understand Buddhism theories in the Buddhist scripture books and to relieve the souls from suffering, he promoted Dharma in the form of accessible story, made straightaway story containing profound Buddhism theories. Ordinary people may regard Journey to the West as a myth, but in the Dharma's view it is reality.


I take Journey to the West as an example, merely to show when you refine yourself to higher levels, you can understand multiple meanings of the life and enormous functions of the mind to the life.


The whole story of Journey to the West was to enlighten the humanity, "Connoisseur knows knowledge; laypeople like jollification". "Sakya picked a flower, Kassapa smiled." Only when reaching the level of telepathy, can you resonate with each other in the same-frequency and "smile".

《西游记》中的美猴王为了学道远涉天涯、云游海角,最后到达南瞻部洲(就是仙岛群岛洲Celestial Islands Continent)的斜月三星洞,拜菩提祖师为师,最后获得长生秘诀,并学会了七十二般变化和腾云驾雾的特异功能,整个过程都是对人类的点化。

The Monkey King in Journey to the West traveled thousands of miles to pursue Tao. In the end, he arrived at Crescent Moon and Three Stars Cave in Jambudvipa (that is the Celestial Islands Continent), and sought Bodhi Patriarch as his master and finally got the secret of longevity, learned the exceptional functions of 72 different forms and of speeding across the sky. The whole process is enlightenment to human beings.


Firstly, it enlightens us that if you want to sublimate the meaning of life, you have to cast off the destiny of the world. The birth of Monkey King from rocks is telling us, only by desalting family and affections in conscious thinking and psychological activity and being rid of all constraints, can you have the chance to develop to the supreme life space. If you merely consider being patriotic, upholding the honor of ancestors and other worldly affairs, you will stay in the same place for ever.


Secondly, it enlightens that once you determine to pursuit Tao, you must overcome all hardships, must be persistent; Like Sakyamuni, once sitting under the bodhi tree, he would not rise until he was enlightened. This is the only way.


Then, it enlightens that there are no trees can bear life fruit on the earth. Well then, where is the Wuzhuang Temple? Definitely not in the man's world. In this sense, we must expand our view of thinking into the vast universe, surpass the limitation of space and time, and enter into another space to discover the mysteries of life in the far Heaven.


Wukong's master wanted him to learn the knowledge of "art", "circulation" and "movement". Wukong asked: "Will these learning make me live forever?" Master replied: "No." Wukong said again and again, "I don't want to learn all these skills."


This makes us realize that profound knowledge doesn't exist in "art", "circulation" and "movement", which are actually different levels of exceptional functions. If we restrict our thinking and consciousness at the level of "art", we will never arrive at the other side of the life.


What was Wukong's refinement in Crescent Moon and Three Stars Cave?


He refined himself the knowledge of soul, including thinking, consciousness, spirit, psychological activities. When you grasp the secrets of soul and life, 72 different forms is nothing difficult, even a thousands kinds of transformation; it is not a fancy to speed across the sky and go up into Heaven and go down to the Earth.


Speaking of "speeding across the sky", people would regard it as a thinking of fantasy and talking idiot nonsense. In fact, if you let go of your consciousness, expand your thinking, you will find that it is a very common life phenomena in the other space and time.


Take a look at the astronauts in spacecraft, think about the footsteps made by the people flying to the moon, then suppose the moon is smaller than its actual size, or twice smaller, or three times smaller, until it minimized to a sphere as small as a football field, in these cases, can people fly? Or suppose the size of the earth doesn't change, and its weight is only ten thousand kilos, can you speed across the sky?


Then, suppose your weight is not 70 kilos, but 20 kilos, 10kilos, 1kilo, or 1 gram, even as light as a feather, can you speed across the sky?


You should know that the spiritual entity (soul) which constructs the life is weightless.


Without spiritual entity (soul), there will be no life; without objects, there will not be life.


Life is 1+1=1, not 1=1, or 0+1=1. Spiritual entity can exist alone, and objects can also exist alone. When spiritual entity and objects exist independently, they can't be called life. Only when the two are combined together, life can be generated. Just like hydrogen atom and oxygen atom, only when the two are combined together, water can be generated. Like cloud clusters with positive charges and negative charges, only when the two are met with each other, thunder and lightning can be generated.


Soul can play its function only when it is attached to other objects. Soul not only can be attached to the body of human beings and animals, but also to plants, rocks, houses, thunders and lights, rivers, ponds, automobiles, TVs, or any other instruments.


There are lots of examples in the Bible. Many prophets have predicted some incredible, inexplicit prophecies after being possessed by spirits from supreme life space; Jesus cured many people who were possessed by evil spirits; there are countless records and instances about being possessed by soul (some people call this as being haunted by ghost) at all times and in all over the world. Seth conveyed the information of life to common people through the attachment to an American woman.


There are many examples on soul attached to thunder and lightning. In the next chapter-Chapter of Certainty, two examples will be mentioned:


1. In 1899, a person had been struck dead by thunder and lightning in his own courtyard. 30 years later, his son was killed in the same way at the same place. On Oct.8, 1949, his grandson was struck dead by thunder and lightning in the same courtyard. Three generations were struck dead by thunder and lightning in the same place. This is a phenomenon of spirit's revenge through thunder and lightning.


2. In 1918, a Canadian major, Saint Mery May Ford was hurt by thunder and lightning. He was hurt again by thunder and lightning in 1924 and became partially paralyzed. In 1930, he was struck by thunder again and became wholly paralyzed. 2 years later, he passed away; in June, 1934, his tomb was struck into pieces by thunder and lightning.


Doomed Car, an article compiled by Xiao Ya, is a perfect example of soul attached to car. The car is German make with six seats and excellent performance, luxury and beautiful. Yet it was called "killing monster". It killed 18 people, hurt 7 others and also led to the breaking out of the First World War.


On June 28, 1914, the car killed its passengers for the first time- crown prince of Austria and his princess. The assassination later became a blasting fuse to the First World War.


The second time, it killed a queen and her friends riding on it. The third time, it killed General P.O, the divisional commander of 5th division in Austria. The fourth time was the adviser of General P.O's captain who not only crashed his head but also killed two farmers walking on the road. The fifth time, after the First World War was broken, a head of a county got this car. He had four traffic accidents in four months time and his backbone was broken and became permanent handicapped.


Later, the car was owned or ridden by Doctor Cussac Ith, a jewel businessman, a Swiss car racer, a farmer and his workers, as well as Tabor in taxi business and his six friends respectively; but none of them escaped from the bad misfortunes by using this car.


Finally, this car was destroyed into pieces by the airplane of allied forces in the World War Ⅱ and completely disappeared from the world with no single piece left.


Is it an accidental or coincident?


I assume that the technician making this car was ill-treated. His soul was attached to the car. So he created a series of tragedies after death to comfort his injured heart.


We know that some wooden houses can make crackle sounds at late night. The reasons are not because the thermal expansion and contraction or the bursting of the wood, rather the carpenters building this house were ill-treated and did not get their due payment. For this reason, he was very angry. His soul would often visit the house to show his indignation after death.


Whenever there is unevenness, there will be sound and shocks. All uprisings, rebellions, parades, assassinations, revolts in the human history, even the earthquake, fire disaster and flood are resulted from the indignation of the soul.


There are lots of cases that soul is attached to cars, boats, buildings, trees and flowers and grass. It is not difficult to find out if you pay close attention to observe and look over in the historical records.


In short, life is 1+1=1. The flesh without spiritual entity is a corpse; we can't regard a corpse as life. In the same way, the spiritual entity without flesh is a soul; we can't regard the invisible wave as life, too.


After knowing what life is, we shall discuss the origin of the life.


We have learned the highest life in the universe--the origin of the Greatest Creator in "Chapter of Universe". We have learned the origin of supreme life space and the origin of human beings from the "Chapter of Human". Now let's take a look at the origin of tangible life on the earth.


Regarding the origin of life on the earth, there are lots of sayings. Some say life is originated from lipid molecule; life is originated from RNA; life is originated from proto-ocean; life is originated from Venus; life is originated from deep-sea vent, life is from the volcanoes on earth; life in the earth comes from outer space; comet with water hit against the earth which caused the origin of life; others say from continental facies or naturally and so on.


Most of the explanations above are reasonable. Because metaplastic lives (microorganism and fungus) are generated from land, ocean, deep-sea vent and volcanic zones; not only in these special areas above, they are also generated from soil, air, the dead bodies of animals and plants, rivers and ponds and rubbish heap. Trillion of them are generated and died everyday. No matter in what weather conditions, as long as the elements of environments change, new species will be generated. It can be said that the development of population, pollution of environment, aggravation of the greenhouse effect and the expansion of the ozonosphere hole will result in the generation of the new species, even result in bacteria exploding at large scale. Vast amounts of new bacteria may stop ecology from worsening further, also may lead to great disaster and plagues to human beings, perhaps much worse than "the Black Death". Unlike SARS virus's cross-infection, it may contaminate millions of people at the same time.


Besides metaplastic life, hygrocolous life can be randomly generated in the earth. As long as there is humidity, the molecular structure of soil will change and generate new life. Moss, lichen and grass are generated in this way.


Let's focus on the insects, animals, trees and flowers, and see what the origins of these life forms are.


First, please reread "The Greatest Creator" of Lifechanyuan. It will be very difficult to understand the origin of life if you don't read this book. We will understand the origin of life once we knew the highest life of the Greatest Creator and its position in the universe.


Universe did not start from the "Big Bang". The Galax and the Solar System are different from those in ancient time. Every heavenly body and every galaxy in universe have its own origin and function. As we know from the fundamental physical knowledge, the total amount of energy in the Universe is fixed without increase or decrease; there is not a perpetual motion machine in universe. Inevitably, the moving of the moon, the earth and other stars need to be pushed by force, but where does the primordial motive power come from? There are a large group of tiles, cement and wood, but they can not build a house by themselves without design and arrange by people. Not to mention the high speed running of celestial bodies, they can never construct a Solar System by themselves.


The Solar System came into being 4.5billion years ago of which the process was the "painstaking efforts" of The Greatest Creator, Gods and Celestial Beings. The earth was the first one formed in Solar System. Although astronomers think that the history of sun is longer than the earth, it doesn't mean sun is the first in Solar System.


We all know that there are "black holes" in the universe. Some scientists claim that a "black hole" is a magnetic vortex caused by the gravitation between two or more celestial bodies passing by, just like the case of typhoon and tornado. But this is not the case. A black hole is the aggregate of the high energy matter; the greater the energy, the more intangible it will be; and vice versa. "Great form has no contour". We may compare this "black hole" to a batch of covered dough, which the cook may take one piece for making food. The "black hole" is exactly that covered dough, the earth is that piece taken from the batch of dough, and the Greatest Creator as well as his assistants--Gods are the cooks hold the paste.


After the emergence of the earth, the sun was "shifted" from another place. In order to make the earth rotate the sun, other stars were added into the solar system. So, the entire solar system is to serve the earth. There are human beings on the earth, but it does not mean that they can exist in the other planets of the solar system.


After the positioning of the Solar System, God send hundreds of millions of Angels (Super Celestial Beings) to transform the earth. Water and aerosphere were firstly designed and created; the combination of water, air, sunlight and soil produced a large amount of metaplastic microbes and hygrocolous grass on the earth. Then, the Super Celestial Beings began to build "pyramids" (not the existing pyramid in Egypt now but the pyramids spread 30 degrees N latitude and S latitude in the ocean bed of the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean). These pyramids served as the laboratory of life on earth, because it could effectively gather the special energy and speed up the growth of life.


Super Celestial Beings designed and created most of the insects on the earth, all the trees and flowers and herbivores in the pyramids, and transported these forms of life to every corner of the earth by "UFO"; the whole process lasted for about more than one billion years. In the process of creating animals, Celestial Beings found water needed to be brought to the land in order to let animals and plants be spread on the earth. Therefore, they opened a mine and built a "space station" in outer space, and constructed the moon we see today by using metals of the earth. With the moon, the earth became "alive", not only brings ebb and flow, wind clouds and snow and rain but also the light for the night on the earth.


Through more than one billion years work, the earth changed into a paradise of beautiful, affluent and silken classics, which was almost a replica of the ten-thousand-year world. Super Celestial Beings (actually, we can call them advanced intelligent persons) were very pleased with the earth they made, and did not want to leave it but had to due to the jealousy of other "people". To keep the secret, they dropped all the pyramids into the bottom of the sea; the beautiful Atlantia disappeared since then.


As for the origin of insects, carnivores, dinosaurs and human beings, please refer "the Chapter of Human" of Lifechanyuan.


So we can conclude that apart from the lives of metaplasia and humidogene, all other species in the earth are designed and created one kind by one kind rather than from evolution. Like the modern tools we use now are designed and created by people. Although the monocycles, bicycles, carts, carriages, cars and trucks are very familiar with each other but all designed and created by human beings. A carriage will always be a carriage into and can not become a truck automatically; a snail will always be a snail and can't evolve into farm cattle by itself; a monkey will always be a monkey and can't evolve into man spontaneously.


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