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Life Impression  
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Temptation of a fairy fox, Chapter 3 met fox 2022-07-13 10:17:56

Chapter 3 The first time met a fox


Childhood life was full of misery, which seems to have continued to this day, and is still bitter and unbearable to chew on, making people reluctant to mention it. It was not until later, when I was familiar with the history of China since then, that I deeply understood the weight of that period of suffering. Whenever I saw people who came from that era, hunched waists walked through this thick yellow land. At that time, I couldn't help but think that it was the shadow and sequelae left over from that heavy era. This heavy shackle and chain slavery has oppressed our fathers for centuries, and it has always made it difficult for them to straighten their hunched waists and lift their noble heads, the fiery red marks of inferiority and lowliness formed by suffering and poverty etched on their hearts and passed on from generation to generation.

At this moment, on Aunt Ginkgo's face, I can still see the imprints of those suffering years on her body, the sadness that shrouded her face when she mentioned the past, and the hatred that piled up on her brows, which can better illustrate the all of these. She obviously did not want to mention those humiliating years, and did not want to stir up the old things that had been buried in her heart for a long time. Yes, for a woman who had to leave her hometown as soon as she came to this world, those dusty memories are the eternal pain in her heart. Let's not mention it for the time being, let it be drowned in the long river of time forever!

However, the memory of the fox seems to be a slightly sweet past to Aunt Ginkgo, and I clearly remember the obvious changes on her face when she mentioned the fox. Her brows became gradually stretched, her eyes radiated light, and her face was covered with a happy smile. I could clearly feel the weirdness and secrecy concealed under that smile. After a slight sigh, she finally talked about the scene when she first met the fox. Now that Aunt Ginkgo has gently opened the heavy curtain of the stage play, we might as well record it truthfully. I will put an end to any subjective speculations and fabrications of my own, and I will never add extra leaves or leaves to it for the sake of grandstanding. To add fuel to the fire, I just want to faithfully record this poignant story and everything that came after it.

The first time I met a fox was at noon after autumn. On that day, the sun was as red as burning, and the sun was a little lazily. Huge fireballs hung above people's heads, and people's shadows could only step on their feet. Aunt Ginkgo, who had just gotten married, came back from her parents' house, holding a bamboo basket on her arm, walking alone on a country road. As it approached noon, there were fewer and fewer people on the road. The scorching sun made Aunt Ginkgo dizzy. She couldn't help but feel a little thirsty, and the water bottle she brought with her soon bottomed out.

I drank a little too much water that day, and when Aunt Ginkgo said this, she couldn't help but smile. At noon, the sun was red, and Aunt Ginkgo felt a little anxious. Seeing that there was no one on the road, Aunt Ginkgo went behind the willow tree by the river for convenience. As soon as Aunt Ginkgo finished her convenience, she felt a pair of eyes looking at her not far away. She was sweating in shock and stood up to take a closer look. There was a fox squatting by the river in the distance, her eyes shining brightly. It was a red fire fox; the color of its whole body was like burning fire. The fox was half-squatting on the river bank about 100 paces away, with its two front paws on the ground, its head was slightly tilted, and it was staring at her. on. When Aunt Ginkgo saw the fox's eyes, she couldn't help but shuddered, she hurriedly escaped from behind the willow tree, and hurried back on the road. When she turned to look again, the fox was under the willow tree where she had just squatted. The fox circled around the willow tree and looked at the place where she left from time to time. She walked in a hurry. At that time, there was no one on the road. She looked up at the sky. The sun was just overhead, like a big crumbling fireball. The sun pierced her so hard that she could barely open her eyes. fell on the side of the road. She didn't dare to look back anymore, she just hurried home.

Aunt Ginkgo fell ill after returning home in a daze that day, and she lay in bed for more than three days. At first, the family thought that the day she came back was at noon, because the weather was too hot and she suffered from heatstroke. They thought that it would be okay to rest for a few days, and no one took it to heart. I just boiled some mung bean soup to help her relieve the heat, but then I gradually found that things were not that simple. The ginkgo lying on the bed was flushed and groggy, and her breathing was short for a while, and her breathing was steady for a while. She seemed to be arguing and fighting with someone in her dream, and she murmured some inaudible whispers in her mouth, but when her breathing was steady, she mostly fell asleep, and occasionally snored slightly, as if nothing happened. The symptoms of ginkgo made the Langzhong invited from the family feel helpless. The old man pondered for a long time according to the pulse of ginkgo, and there were two bewildered expressions in his eyes. After helpless, I thought that it might be because of phlegm, so I prescribed a prescription for nourishing blood and soothing the mind and left.

When the hundred-year-old grandmother was invited, it was the evening of the third day after Ginkgo came home. After taking Langzhong's medicine and still ineffective, the family had to invite a century-old grandmother with a high reputation. Hundred-year-old grandma is one of the oldest old people in the village. People call her Hundred-year-old grandma because no one knows how old she is. No matter who the old man sees, he will mention the dead father or mother, and constantly recall some experiences and anecdotes with those who have died as evidence. She always said that it has been a long time. It seems that you will always live in those memories of the past. Back then, when I was with your grandmother, you were still in my arms. This sentence seems to have become her mantra, and no one can understand it. Is it true or not, but she saw that her hunched body was getting lower and lower day by day, and the crutches in her hands gradually became longer and longer, and in the end, she could only hold it in her arms. The hundred-year-old grandma has no children and no daughters. Perhaps her children have died before her. There is no way to verify this. No one cares about these things. It’s just that people who get up early every morning see the hundred-year-old grandma roaming the village with a cane., only to realize that she is still alive and still alive in this world. An incident that happened later made people in the village have a different view of the old man who was dying, but had not been able to do so. People also admired her overnight. That is, the hair of a hundred-year-old grandmother is changing day by day. Black, jet-black hair grew out of her head day by day, the black below and the white above constituted a wonderful landscape, the thin half-black and half-white hair made everyone who passed her People couldn't help but stop and watch, and a series of tsk tsk sounds continued to come out of their mouths.

The story of white hair turning black is just the beginning of the legend of the hundred-year-old grandma. What is even more astounding is that she has grown a mouthful of new teeth. The teething has greatly improved the centenarian grandma's status in people's hearts. People's surprised eyes gradually turned into a very respectful look. She is no longer the old-fashioned old woman who roams around the village every morning, but an old woman who makes people feel mysterious and dare not neglect. She is really rejuvenated, and people are just whispering behind their backs, no more Instead of the impatient look and the disdainful look she used to hear when she told her old story with her grandmother, she listened to her ramble with a respectful and attentive look. The re-grow of the teeth made the 100-year-old grandmother's cheeks, which had been shriveled away due to the loss of teeth, bulge again, and her face gradually became bloody. I believe, it must be the credit of the teeth. Only one thing has not changed, and that is her hunched body, which seems to be a little lower than before. There was no hope of straightening up at all.

The hundred-year-old grandmother showed her uniqueness as soon as she entered the door that night. She raised her nose vigorously, looked around for a while with her crutches, and spit out three words. Those three words made everyone present. Startled, they looked at the rejuvenated old man eagerly, and the three words were: "step on the evil".

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