2.万物在动,初动力来自上帝 Everything is in motion, and the primordial motive power comes from the Greatest Creator Our website is:http://url.cn/7rRwOe 群山在旋转风在舞,河水在流淌泉在涌,白云在飘过大地在动,大海在翻腾火焰在熏; The mountains are revolving; the wind is roaring; the river is flowing and the springs are welling; the clouds are drifting; the earth is shaking; the ocean is surging, and the flames are raging; 草木在生长鲜花在谢,细菌在繁殖昆虫在忙,牛羊在吃草狮虎在跑,母鸡在下蛋百灵在唱; The plants are growing and the flowers are fading, the bacteria are multiplying and the insects are bustling, cattle and goats are grazing and the lions and tigers are running, the hens are laying eggs and the larks are singing; 电子在飞旋分子在动,粒子在流泻电波在冲,红外在辐射伽马在刺,电磁在波及光子在闪; The electrons are spinning and the molecules are moving, the particles are discharging and electric waves are rushing, infrareds are radiating and Gama rays are thrusting, electromagnetic waves and photons are flashing; 心脏在跳动血液在流,皮肤在呼吸胃在动,神经在敏感毛发在长,思想在连接心神在荡; The heart is pounding and the blood is circulating, the skin is breathing and the stomach is wriggling, the nerves are sensing and the hair is growing, the thinking is connecting and the mind is thinking; 坐地日行千千里,银河瞬间万万年,日月星辰闪电转,凌晨黑发傍晚白。 Sitting on the earth we are travelling hundreds of thousands of miles every day; In an instant, tens of thousands of years have flit past; the sun, the moon, the stars, and the lightning are all speeding fast by; In the morning your hair is still black, but by the dusk it has turned grey. 万事万物在运动,相互推动才运动,最初动力从哪来?没有上帝哪来动? Everything is moving, and moving comes from pushing and pulling, where does the primordial motive power come from? How is moving possible without the Greatest Creator? |