五、《圣经》宣扬的上帝不是真正的上帝 V. The God in the Bible is not the Genuine Greatest Creator Our website is:http://url.cn/7rRwOe 首先,我们要肯定的是,《圣经》是以色列民族智慧的结晶,它忠实地记录了犹太民族的历史,最大限度地解释了神魔与人类的关系,为人类指明了前进的方向。 First of all, we have to admit that the Bible is the accomplishment of the Ephraim which loyally records the Jewish history, explains the relationship between the God, Devil and human beings to the furthest degree, and gives the direction the human beings should take. 《圣经》与《古兰经》、佛经、《道德经》是人类智慧的宝库,是人类的宝典,是教导我们如何做人、如何向高层生命空间发展的永恒有效的法宝。 The Bible, the Koran, the Buddhist Scripture and the Tao Te Ching are the eternal and effective treasures and collections of human wisdom, teaching us how to behave and develop into the higher level of life space. 《圣经》开宗明义讲的那句话是真理,但用神圣的袈裟盖住的东西不一定全是圣物,穿上神圣的袈裟的人也不一定全是主持。 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”. The first sentence in the Bible did tell the truth. But the things covered by the cossack may not be the holly things. And the people wearing the sacred cassock may not be the abbot. 《圣经》有一个问题,那就是它宣扬的上帝并不是真正的上帝。 The problem with the Bible is that the God it introduces is not the genuine Greatest Creator. 我们已经知道,上帝有八大特征:唯一、无定形、中性、无明、公正、仁慈、超能、智慧。智慧主要表现在建立了宇宙秩序、设计了生命程序、知晓过去未来。 We have known that the Greatest Creator has the 8 features. The Greatest Creator is sole and only, amorphous, neutral, mysterious, impartial, merciful, supremely powerful and wise. The wisdom of the Greatest Creator is revealed through its establishment of the Universe order, design of the life program and knowledge about the past and the future. 那么,《圣经》中的上帝是否具备以上这8大特征? Then, does the God in the Bible have the above-mentioned 8 features? 我们举几个例子来说明。 Let’s explain this with examples. 亚当夏娃的背叛。 The Betrayal of Adam and Eve 《创始记》中说,亚当夏娃受蛇的教唆,吃了(《圣经》中的)上帝不允许他们吃的分别善恶树上的果子,因而违背了(《圣经》中)上帝的旨意被逐出了伊甸园。 According to the Genesis, Adam and Eve were instigated to eat the fruit on the Wisdom Tree forbidden by the God in the Bible. Because they have violated the order of the God (in the Bible), they were repelled out of the Eden. 这个事件说明:《圣经》中的上帝:a.无能;b.无远见;c.不公正。 It indicates that the God in the Bible is a. incompetent; b. improvident; and c. impartial. 无能表现在他一开始就是个失败者。他创造的第一对人就背叛自己,还谈什么超能。 He is incompetent because he was a loser at the beginning. The first couple of human he created betrayed him. So can we still say it is supremely powerful? 一个经常失败的“人”能让我们信服吗?洪水淹死了绝大部分的人类,以后的人类又如何呢?还是不听他的话,摩西十戒是《圣经》中的上帝的指令,但人类遵守了几条?一条也没有认真遵守,《圣经》中的上帝似乎对人类没有办法,唯一的办法是威胁了再威胁:若不怎么怎么样,就一定要如何如何。几千年了,从一开始到如今,人类还是那个样子,难道就再没有什么办法了?难道还有什么别的力量制约着这个至高无上的上帝?若是这样,难道上帝不是唯一的?人类几千年了仍然与您背道而驰,您拖拖拉拉在等待什么? Can we still believe in a “person” who often loses? The Great Flood had killed most of the human beings. What happened to them afterwards? They still wouldn’t listen to his words. The Moses Ten Commandments are actually the directives of the God in the Bible. Can you tell me how many of them are obeyed by the human being? Actually not even one. The God in the Bible seemed to know nothing about how to control the human beings. The only measure it takes is to voice warnings and threats against the human beings. Thousands of years has passed, the human beings remain the same. Is there no means to control the human beings? Or is there some other force constraining this Almighty God? If this is the case, is this God not sole or only? For thousands of years, the human beings have been violating hisorder. What is he waiting for? 《圣经》中的上帝的无远见表现在不知道亚当夏娃要背叛自己,不清楚自己创造的东西的未来发展趋势。无法预知过去未来,你这个上帝能靠得住吗?若地球要飞出太阳系,您却一点不知,您如何拯救人类?连人都管理不了,您如何管理得了神佛仙魔?您又如何管理庞大的宇宙? The God in the Bible is improvident because he didn’t know that Adam and Eve were going to betray him or the development trend of what he had created. Is this God, who is not able to predict the future or the past, still reliable? If the Earth is going to get out of the Solar System and this God knows nothing about it, how can he save the human beings? How can this GOD administer the deities, Buddha, celestial beings and Devils when he found it difficult to control the human beings? How can he manage the spacious Universe? 《圣经》中的上帝的不公正表现在不辨是非,不讲道理。 The God in the Bible is impartial because it cannot tell wrong from the right and because it is unreasonable. 亚当夏娃为什么要背叛自己?原因有三:一是自己创造的亚当夏娃的基因结构有问题,或者说不完美,自己创造的东西反过来制约了自己,令自己愤怒生气,这就象一个建筑师辛辛苦苦盖了一幢房子,工程刚刚完工房子就塌了下来,并砸了自己的脚,应该怪房子呢?还是应该责备自己? Why would Adam and Eve betray the God in the Bible? There are three major reasons. First, the genetic structure of Adam and Eve had faults, or was imperfect. The life created by this God was now its own constraint. This angered the God very much. It is just like the house built by an architect who put every efforts was fallen and hit his own feet. Is the house or the architect that should be blamed? 背叛的第二个原因是蛇的引诱和教唆。亚当夏娃是人,而蛇背后的力量是魔鬼撒旦,人的能量和智慧是无法与魔抗衡的,不去惩罚罪魁祸首撒旦,却把满腔怒火降到亚当夏娃的身上,把他俩逐出伊甸园,这公正吗?如果一个强奸犯强奸了一个八岁幼女,不对强奸犯绳之以法,反而怪罪小女孩长了阴道,抵抗力太弱,这公正吗? The second reason they betrayed is that they were instigated and seduced by the snake. Adam and Eve are humans while behind the snake was the Devil Satan. The energy and wisdom of human beings can’t match those of the Devil. This God didn’t punish the Devil Satan. Instead, it imposed inflictions on Adam and Eve and drove them out of Eden. Is it fair? If a rapist raped an 8-year-old girl, would it be fair to blame the girl for her sexual organ and weakness instead of bringing justice to the rapist? 背叛的第三个原因是,也是最主要的原因是,那棵该死的分别善恶的智慧树。是谁把它栽到了伊甸园中?栽它干什么?在小孩子们的吃饭桌上放一颗有毒的糖果,这不是蓄意制造“此地无银三百两”吗?一方面给青春少女们不断地放影黄色录象,一方面又假惺惺地要她们保持贞操,这难道是一个有道德的人的所为吗?导致亚当夏娃背叛的难道不就是在伊甸园中载那棵智慧树的阴险毒辣的“人”吗? The third reason of betrayal, which is also the most important one, is the damned Wisdom Tree that can tell the good and evil. Who has planted it in the Eden and why? It’s just like putting a poisonous sweet on the dinner table for the kids. Or it’s like playing the porn video for the young girls while teaching them to retain their innocence. Would a moral person do such a thing? Isn’t this “person” who planted the Wisdom Tree in the Eden has caused the betrayal of Adam and Eve? 再说,一个能创造出宇宙的人,除了把亚当夏娃逐出伊甸园外,再没有其他办法了吗?犯了一次错,连个改正的机会都不给,这公平吗?一次犯错,终生有罪吗? Besides, does this God, who had created Adam and Eve, has other measures to take rather than driving Adam and Eve out of the Eden? Is it fair not to give them a second chance simply because they have made only one mistake? Does one mistake justify their life-long sins? 耶稣到人间来主要是为人“赎罪”。因为按照《圣经》的逻辑,人都有“原罪”,这“原罪”是从哪儿来的呢?是从人类的祖先亚当夏娃遗传来的,而亚当夏娃的“罪”是因为他们吃了那棵该死的分别善恶树上的果子导致的。 Jesus came to the Mortal World to atone for the human beings’ sins. According to the Bible, all the people have their “original sin”. Where does the “original sin” come from? Actually, they are inherited from Adam and Eve, the ancestors of human beings, whose sins were formed because they had eaten the fruit on the damned Wisdom Tree. 我们一出娘胎,就背负着亚当夏娃遗传的“原罪”,这个“十字架”背的可太沉重了。这种逻辑推理的结果是:“贼的儿子永远是贼,”“罪犯的儿子永远是罪犯,”地、富、反、坏、右的子女永远是黑五类,“皇帝的儿子永远是皇帝,”难怪人类的历史上,特别是封建时代,“一人犯罪,要株连九祖,”难怪“一人得道,要鸡犬升天,”难怪皇帝不轮流坐,要让三岁的无知小孩继承皇位,原来这些都符合《圣经》的逻辑。 When we are born, we have the “original sin” inherited from Adam and Eve. The “cross” on our back was much too heavy. According to this logic, “the son of a thief is always a thief”, “the son of a criminal is always a criminal”, and “the son of an emperor is always an emperor”. That’s why in ancient China, in the feudal period in particular, “If a man committed crime, all his family members would be sentenced to death”, or “If a man attained the Tao, even his pets ascended to Heaven”. This also explains why the thrones can only be passed on to the next generations of royal families. This is because it complies with the logic in the Bible. 要说有罪,首先是您《圣经》中的上帝有罪,撒旦有罪。仅仅为了亚当夏娃,却让人类历史上的上百亿人跟着受罪,还讲人道吗?为什么不把亚当夏娃当时处死,再重新造人?难道造一个人对《圣经》中的上帝那么难? If somebody has sins, the God in the Bible and the Satan sined first. Is it humanitarian to inflict on billions of humans throughout the history simply because of the wrongdoings of Adam and Eve? Why not executing Adam and Eve and creating a new pair of humans at the time? Is creating a new couple so difficult for the God in the Bible? 人生来是有罪的,这就是为什么每个人来人间要受苦受罪的缘由。但这个罪决不是从祖先那儿遗传的,而是每个人前一世自己造的。人若没有罪,就成仙、成佛了。 All the people are born with sins. This is why each of us comes to the Mortal World to endure the sufferings. But the sins are not inherited from our ancestors. They are made by oursleves in the previous cycle of life. If we don’t have sins, we would all have become Buddha or celestial beings. 埃及十大灾殃。 Ten Plagues of Egypt 《出埃及记》中记载着:当摩西和亚伦以《圣经》中的上帝的名义要求埃及法老允许他们让色列人离开埃及时,被法老拒绝了。结果,《圣经》中的上帝给埃及人降下了十大灾殃:(1)。尼罗河水变成了血水,河里的鱼都死了,河水开始腥臭;(2)。青蛙从尼罗河里跳出来,布满了埃及全地,遍地腥臭;(3)。让埃及遍地的尘土都变成了虱子,爬到了人和牲畜的身上;(4)。让成群成群的苍蝇败坏埃及;(5)。用瘟疫杀光了几乎埃及人的所有牲畜;(6)。让埃及人身上长毒疮;(7)。降了一场罕见的冰雹;(8)。用蝗虫将冰雹打剩的绿色植物全部吃光;(9)。三天的黑暗笼罩了埃及;(10)。杀死了所有人和牲畜的头胎。 According to the Exodus, when Moses and Aaron, in the capacity of the GOD in the Bible, asked the Egyptian Pharaoh to let the Israelis leave Egypt, they were refused. Consequently, the GOD in the Bible imposed 10 plagues on Egypt. 1. Plague of Blood The water of the Nile will be changed into blood. The fish in the Nile will die, and the river will stink; the Egyptians will not be able to drink its water. 2. Plague of Frogs. The Nile will teem with frogs. They will come up into your palace and your bedroom and onto your bed, into the houses of your officials and on your people, and into your ovens and kneading troughs. The frogs will go up on you and your people and all your officials. 3. Plague of Lice.The dust of the ground became lice, lice came upon men and animals. All the dust throughout the land of Egypt became lice. 4. Plague of Flies The houses of the Egyptians will be full of flies, and even the ground where they are. 5. Plague of Livestock Death The fifth plague of Egypt was an epidemic disease which exterminated the Egyptian livestock; that is, horses, donkeys, camels, cattle, sheep and goats; 6. Plague of Boils The sixth plague of Egypt was Shkhin. The Shkhin was a kind of skin disease, usually translated as "boils".; 7. Plague of Hail The seventh plague of Egypt was a destructive storm; 8. Plague of Locusts Locusts will devour what little you have left after the hail, including every tree that is growing in your fields.; 9. Plague of Darkness Total darkness covered all Egypt for three days 10. Death of the Firstborn The tenth and final plague of Egypt was the death of all first born in Egypt — no one escaped, from the lowest servant to Pharaoh's own first-born son, including first-born of livestock. 若说埃及法老不服从上帝的旨意,因而上帝惩罚埃及也是可以理解的,但是,把埃及人的和牲畜的头胎都杀死,就有点过分了,就有点不讲道理了。埃及皇帝不听从于你,你就惩罚他算了,为什么要降罪于普通老百姓?更有甚者,把处在社会最底层的如驴般推磨子的婢女的孩子也不放过,也要杀死,这样的上帝还有仁慈之心吗?这简直是灭绝人性的魔鬼行为。 It is understandable that the God punished Egypt because Egyptian Pharaoh wouldn’t obey his order. However, it was unreasonable and went too far to kill the first-born of all humans and animals in Egypt. You can punish the Egyptian Pharaoh for his disobedience. Why inflicting on the common people? Even worse, the God would kill the kids of the girl slaves working as donkeys in the lowest rank. Can we still say the God behaving like this merciful? It was behaving without humanitarianism just like a Devil. 更可恨的是,法老不让以色列人离开埃及的主要原因是《圣经》中的上帝使法老的心刚硬。十大灾殃未降之前,《圣经》中的上帝已经做了手脚,《出埃及记》7章3节记载:耶和华对摩西说:“我要使法老的心刚硬,也要在埃及地多行神迹奇事。” Even more abominable, the Pharaoh of Egypt wouldn’t let the Israelis leave mainly because the God had hardened the Pharaoh’s heart. Before the Ten Plagues came, the God in the Bible had done something. According to 7:3 in the Exodus, Jehovah told Moses, “And I will harden Pharaoh's heart, and multiply my signs and my wonders in the land of Egypt.” 这就是说,《圣经》中的上帝已经给埃及人下了套子,只是变着法儿在整他们。8章19节说:“法老心里刚硬,不肯听从摩西、亚伦,正如耶和华说的。”9章35节说:“法老的心刚硬,不容以色列人去,正如耶和华籍着摩西所说的。”10章20节说:“但耶和华使法老的心刚硬,不容以色列人去。”10章27节说:“但耶和华使法老的心刚硬,不肯容他们去。”11章10节说:“摩西、亚伦在法老面前行了这一切奇事:耶和华使法老的心刚硬,不容以色列人出离他的地。” It means the God in the Bible had prepared a trap for the Egyptians, trying to find an excuse for the following plagues. In Exodus 8:19, “Then the magicians said to Pharaoh, "This is the finger of God." But Pharaoh's heart was hardened, and he did not listen to them, as the LORD had said.”. In Exodus 9:35, “And the heart of Pharaoh was hardened, neither would he let the children of Israel go; as the LORD had spoken by Moses.” In Exodus 10:20, “But the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart, so that he would not let the children of Israel go.” In Exodus 10:27, “But the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart, and he would not let them go.” In Exodus 11:10, “And Moses and Aaron did all these wonders before Pharaoh: and the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart, so that he would not let the children of Israel go out of his land.” 让以色列人离开埃及的是《圣经》中的上帝,使法老的心刚硬,多生事端,不轻易让以色列人离开埃及的也是同一个上帝,《圣经》中的上帝在搞什么名堂?一方面鼓励老百姓叛乱造反,另一方面又给政府当局通风报信,鼓励政府无情镇压,这样的人难道不是阴谋家、两面派吗? It was the God in the Bible who let the Israelis leave Egypt. But it was the same God who had hardened the Pharaoh’s heart and sparked the conflicts so that the Israelis couldn’t leave Egypt easily. So what the God in the Bible was doing? It was encouraging the people to revolt while telling the authorities about the revolt and encouraging the government to oppress them mercilessly. Isn’t such a person a schemer and two-faced? 这就是上帝的模样吗?! So is this the image of the Greatest Creator? 以色列人是上帝的子民。 The Israelis Are the People of the Covenant 《圣经》分旧约和新约两部分,耶稣诞生之前的为旧约,诞生之后的为新约。所谓“约”,就是指契约、合同、协议。整部《圣经》主要是上帝和以色列人之间的契约、合同、协议。 The Bible has the Old Testament and the New Testament. The part telling what happened before Jesus was born was called the Old Testament and the part telling things after Jesus was born was the New Testament. The Testament actually means agreement, covenant, and contract. The whole Bible is the agreement, covenant and contract between the Israelis and the Greatest Creator. 这就出现了一个悖论,全世界大概有三千多个民族,为什么上帝单单与以色列人立约,其他的民族难道不是上帝的子民?若是,上帝就不可能单单与以色列人立约,而置其他民族于不顾;若不是,那么,其他的民族是从哪儿来的?难道亚当夏娃不是全人类的始祖,仅仅是以色列人的祖先?以色列人是上帝所造,难道世界上其他民族的人是魔鬼所造? So here is a paradox. There are over 3,000 nations in the world and why the God has established the Testament with the Israelis? Does this mean the other nations are not the subjects of the God? If they are, why has the God only established the Testament with the Israelis while neglecting all the other nations? If they are not, what’s the origin of all the other nations? Are Adam and Eve only the ancestors of Israelis and not the other nations? The Israelis are created by the God. Does it mean the other nations are created by the Devil? 从创世到大洪水为1656年,从大洪水到出埃及共857年,从出埃及到以色列建国为396年,从建国到以色列人被掳往巴比伦共510年,从被囚巴比伦到重建耶路撒冷为152年,从重建耶路撒冷到耶稣诞生约为450年,从耶稣诞生到今天共2003年,人类的历史,若依《圣经》来算,大约为6376年。 There are 1,656 years between the Genesis and the Great Flood. There are 857 years between the Great Flood and the Exodus. There are 396 years between the Exodus and the founding of the Israeli State. There are 510 years between the founding of the Israeli State and their captive to Babylon. There are 152 years between their imprisonment in Babylon and the reestablishment of Jerusalem. There are 450 years between the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the birth of Jesus. There are 2003 years between the birth of Jesus and today. So according to the Bible, the history of human beings is about 6,376 years. 据《圣经》记载,大洪水后,地球上只有8个人生存了下来,即挪亚夫妇俩和他们的三个儿子儿媳。也就是说,4700年前。地球上除了挪亚一家人外再没有其他人。 According to the Bible, there were only 8 people survived the Great Flood on the Earth. They were the couple of Noah, their three sons and their wives. It means that 4,700 years ago, there was no one else living on the Earth except for the Noah family. 这就带来了一系列的问题,首先要问的是,美洲印第安人是从哪儿来的?根据大陆漂移学说,美洲大陆与其它大陆的脱离不可能是在4700多年内发生的,那么,挪亚的后代是如何从中东地带到达美洲的?再说,大洪水后挪亚一家只有八口人,不可能八口人马上就分奔离析,挪亚也不可能让其中的一个儿子儿媳穿越寒冷的西伯利亚再冒险渡过白令海峡去美洲吧。 But this has brought some other questions. First, where do the American Indians come from? According to the theory of Continental Drift, America drifted away from the other continents. But it couldn’t happen within 4,700 years of time. Then how the Noah family reached America from the Middle East? After the Great Flood, there were only 8 members in Noah family. It was impossible for them to get dispersed. Noah couldn’t let one of his sons and his wife to cross the freezing Siberia and the Bering Strait to get to America. 第二个要问的是非洲的黑人是从哪儿来的?从遗传学的角度来讲,黑人、黄人、白种人都有各自的祖先,一对纯种的白人无论如何也繁衍不出一个黑人或黄种人来,即使说进化,以色列人也不可能在4700年的时间内进化出黑人和黄人来。再说,根据达尔文的进化学说,进化的必然是优胜劣汰,难道能写出《圣经》的以色列人能进化成美洲黑人吗?无论如何安慰黑人兄弟,黑人从智力上并没有优胜于以色列人。 Second, where did the African blacks come from? From the perspective of genetics, the blacks, yellows and whites have their separate ancestors. A couple of pure whites couldn’t generate the blacks and yellows. Even the evolvement couldn’t produce the blacks and yellows in 3,700 years of time. Besides, according to Darwin’s evolutionary theory, the survival of the fittest, could the Israelis able to write the Bible evolve into the African blacks? The blacks are not the matches of Israelis in the intelligence no matter how we exaggerate their abilities. 再说中华民族,皇帝的出现约在4600多年前,大禹治水的事迹约在4200多年前,从时间跨度上来说,挪亚的后代不可能在大洪水100多年后就来到中原,即使能来到中原,400年的时间内能繁衍出那么多的人跟随大禹治水吗? Now let’s come to the Chinese nation. The first Chinese King was born about 4,600 years ago. The story of Dayu‘s Flood Control happened about 4,200 years ago. It was impossible for the future generations of Noah to come to mainland China 100 years after the Great Flood. Even if they did it, how could they produce so many people who followed Dayu to control the flood? 中华民族是从哪儿来的?大禹治水是否可理解为治当时的大洪水? Where does the Chinese nation come from? Are the Flood Control by Dayu were just the Great Flood? 从《圣经》的角度来讲,绝对是不能承认生物进化学说的,因为一旦承认了生物进化学说,无疑,就是否定了上帝创造人类的理论学说,但若否定了生物进化学说,就没有办法解释黑人和黄种人的来历,就不能说亚当夏娃就是人类的共同祖先。 From the perspective of the Bible, the biological evolutionary theory could never be accepted. But once we accepted the theory, it would deny the theory that the God created the human beings. But if we denied the evolutionary theory, there was no way to explain the origin of the blacks and yellows and we can’t say Adam and Eve are the common ancestors of all human beings. 该隐的故事。 The Story of Cain 亚当和夏娃被逐出伊甸园后生的第一个孩子是该隐,第二个孩子是亚伯。“有一日,该隐拿地里的出产为供物献给耶和华;亚伯也将他羊群中头生的和羊的脂油献上。耶和华看中了亚伯和他的供物,只是看不中该隐和他的供物。”为此,该隐由于嫉妒杀了他的亲弟弟亚伯。 The first child of Adam and Eve, after they were driven out of the Eden, was Cain, followed by Abel. “And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the LORD. And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering: But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect.” Out of jealousy, Cain killed his brother Abel. 我们要问《圣经》中的上帝,你为什么只看中亚伯的供物,而看不中该隐的供物?该隐杀亲兄弟亚伯,难道不就是你制造的麻烦?你若不厚此薄彼,怎能引起该隐的嫉妒?你创造的人为什么就这么多的麻烦,亚当夏娃不听话,而他们的儿子相互残杀,以你上帝的能力就解决不了这些问题?或者这是你故意的安排? We want to ask the God in the Bible some questions, “Why do you favor the offerings of Abel instead of those of Cain? Is Cain killing his brother Abel not your fault? If you had never favored one of them, how could it arouse the jealousy of Cain? Why the people created by you had so many troubles? Adam and Eve wouldn’t follow your orders and their kids killed each other. As the God, you don’t have the ability to solve these problems? Or is it what you have designed? 该隐是杀人犯,理应严厉惩罚,可是你却对该隐说:“凡杀该隐的,必遭七倍报应。” Cain was a murderer and deserved the punishment. But you told Cain, “Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold.” 这是什么是非标准?!你不惩罚罪犯也就罢了,可如果别人惩罚罪犯,却要给予七倍的惩罚,你这不是包庇罪犯吗? So what kind of the justice standard is it? It is hardly understandable not to levy the punishment on the criminal. But it is even more understandable to have revenge of sevenfold on those who would punish the criminal. Is it protecting the criminal? 难怪人类几千年的历史充满了血腥、充满了犯罪和罪犯,原来是你《圣经》中的上帝在那里保护着罪犯。 That’s why the few thousand years of human history were full of blood, violence and crime. The God in the Bible has been protecting the criminals. “凡杀该隐的,必遭七倍报应。”该隐是罪犯,那么我们完全可以理解为:“凡杀罪犯的,必遭七倍报应。” “Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold.” Because Cain is a criminal, we can fully understand it as ““Therefore whosoever slayeth the criminal, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold.”” 由此看来,还是当罪犯好,当罪犯起码有人保护,当好人不但没人保护,反而要遭七倍报应。 We can conclude we had better become criminals because the criminals are protected and the good men are not. The good men have the risk of being revenged sevenfold. 先知与梦。 The Prophet and the Dream 《圣经》中有大量的先知和梦。先知都是上帝在人间的代表,有不可猜测的智慧和能力。这就让我们这些普通智力的老百姓如坠云雾山中分不出东西南北。如果有人说:“我是先知。”我们是信呢?还是不信?如若不信,我们岂不是在与上帝作对!如若信,这家伙会不会是盗用先知的名义,在“挂羊头,卖狗肉”? In the Bible, there are a large number of prophets and dreams. The prophets are the representatives of the God in the Mortal World. They have unimaginable wisdom and power, which sink the average people with average wisdom into the mist. If someone says, “I am a prophet”, should we believe him or not. If we don’t, we are standing against the God. If we do, how can we know the prophet is a fake or not? 再说梦,《圣经》中有大量的梦和有关梦的解析,尤其在《启示录》中,当然,能解析梦的都是先知。这同样给我们带来了数不清的困惑。 Now let’s talk about the dreams. There are many dreams and dream analysis in the Bible, in particular in the Revelation. Of course, those who can analyze the dreams are all prophets. But they have also brought a lot of puzzles. 首先,你这个先知到底做没做这个梦?你做的梦他人看不见,你会不会瞎编几个梦骗我们?若确实做了梦,你的解释是否正确?你会不会恰好把梦解释反了? First, has the prophet had the dream at all? No one could see his dream and he could well compose some dreams and cheat us. If he really had the dream, was his analysis correct, or was he analyzing the dream on the reverse aspect? 请问《圣经》中的上帝,在“旧约”中你总是与人直接对话,为什么后来就不直接与人类对话了?是不是其他星球上的亚当夏娃也不服管教了?你为什么要用梦的形式警戒人类?为什么不清楚明了地说明事情的真相?你难道没有这个本事?你难道没有时间?难道你有什么难言之隐? I want to ask the God in the Bible, in the Old Testament, you used to talk directly with the human beings. Then why you stopped doing so later? Are the Adam and Eve on other planets also disobeying your orders? Why would you warn the human beings in the form of dreams? Why not tell us the truth directly? Don’t you have the ability to do so? Don’t you have time? Don you have some secret sorrow? 我们还可以举出许多事例来说明《圣经》中的上帝不具备唯一、无定形、中性、无明、公正、超能、仁慈、智慧这些属性。 I can give many other examples to state that the God in the Bible does not have the features of being sole and only, amorphous, neutral, mysterious, impartial, supremely powerful, merciful and wise as genuine Greatest Creator has. 可以肯定地说:“《圣经》中的上帝不是真正的上帝!” So we can affirm that “the God in the Bible is not the genuine Greatest Creator”. 六、翻译上帝的“话语” VI. Interpretation of the words of the Greatest Creator 上帝从来不与人类直接对话,上帝的“话语”隐含在自然规律中,若用一句话说,上帝的“话语”就是“道”,具体点讲,上帝的“话语”就是物理学中的公式、化学中的分子式、数学中的方程式、生物学中的结构式、生命学中的因果式...... The Greatest Creator has never talked with the human beings directly. The word of the Greatest Creator are hidden in the laws of the nature. In a word, the word of the Greatest Creator is the Tao. To be specific, the Greatest Creator’s “speeches” are the equations in the physics, the molecular formula in the chemistry, the formula in the math, the structural formula in the biology and the cause-effect formula in the life science. 所以,真正能翻译上帝“话语”的是那些大物理学家、化学家、数学家、生物学家、杰出的医生等。 So only the great physicists, chemists, mathematicians, biologists and doctors can interpret the Greatest Creator’s “speeches”. 《道德经》、《黄帝内经》、《太上感应篇》等著作可以看成是社会生命学中上帝“话语”的翻译。 The works such as Tao Te Ching, The Yellow Emperor’s Book of Internal Medicine and the Book of Supreme Senses are the interpretation of the Greatest Creator’s “speeches” in the social life science. 在人类社会中,各行各业中那些获得了成功的人士是无意之中执行了上帝“话语”的人,因为他们顺应了当时当地事物运动变化发展的规律(规律就是上帝的“话语”)。而失败的人是逆规律而行的人。 In the human society, the successful people in all sectors have implemented the “speeches” of the Greatest Creator, in unconsciousness because they have followed the movement laws of matters at the right time and the right place (the laws are the Greatest Creator’s “speeches”). And the losers are those who have gone against the laws. 精神或物质上富足的人是自觉自愿地顺应了规律的人,也就是理解了上帝“话语”的人,而精神或物质上贫乏的人是无视上帝的存在,曲解了上帝“话语”的人。 The wealthy people, either in physical or mental aspect, are those who are willing to follow the laws. We can say they have understood the Greatest Creator’s “speeches”. Those who are poor in physical or mental aspect have ignored the existence of the Greatest Creator and misunderstood the “speeches”. 凡能虚心地接受教育的人,都是理解上帝“话语”的人,凡固执己见、认死理、心浮气躁、不知变通、静不下心来思索的人,都是违背上帝“话语”的人,是不可理喻的人、是不可救药的人、是注定要受苦受罪的人。 All those who are modest enough to receive the education can understand the Greatest Creator’s words. Those who are stubborn, impatient, inflexible, or who wouldn’t stay quiet to think, would violate the “words”. They are not reasonable or worthy of being saved. They are born to suffer. 翻译上帝的“话语”需要智慧,需要思索和感悟,需要心平气和的心态,需要完备的灵觉神态,更需要敬畏上帝、敬重神佛、热爱大自然、热爱生命、热爱人类的态度。 It needs wisdom to interpret the Greatest Creator’s words. Moreover, it needs thought, understanding, peaceful mind, complete spiritual state, respect to the Greatest Creator, respect to the Buddha and God, love for the nature, life and human beings. 我勉强翻译一点上帝的“话语”,恳请在人间的藏龙卧虎和大隐高士们指正。 I would try to interpret some of the “words” of the Greatest Creator, earnestly request those learned and great recluses to point out my mistkaes so that I can correct. “我是上帝,是宇宙的最高主宰,是众神的统帅,是生命的摇篮、智慧的发祥地,是宇宙的原动力,是超物质世界的能量中心,是沙漠中的甘泉、迷雾中的灯塔。我无所不能、无处不在,完美无暇、洞察秋毫。” “I am the Greatest Creator, the supreme master of the Universe, the leader of all Gods, the cradle of life, thebirth place of wisdom, the original force of the Universe, the energy center of the super-material world, the stream in the desert and the lantern in the mist. I am almighty, ubiquitous, impeccable and perceptive.” “我为敬畏我的人准备了千年界、万年界和极乐界,那里是无限美好的世界,在那里你们再不会为吃穿住行发愁,不会为生老病死焦虑,不会为无常灾变担忧,你们可以尽情地玩乐享受。所以,你们应走我的道。” “I have prepared the Thousand Year World, Ten Thousand Year World and Elysium World for those who revering me. The worlds are perfect where you don’t have to worry about shelter, food, necessities, illness, old age, death, or disasters. You can enjoy the life completely. So you should take my path.” “我同样为那些无视我的存在,辱骂我、亵渎我、背离我的人准备了生命的下界——阴间、冰冻层、火炼层,你们将在那里遭受折磨,吃你们自己种下的苦果。所以,你们应当改邪归正,祈求我宽恕你们的罪过。” “I have also prepared the lower world for those who ignore me, abuse me, desecrate me or betray me. In the lower worlds, which include the Hell, Frozen Layer and Flaming Layer, you will be tortured and punished for what you have done. So you should give up evil and return to good, begging me to forgive your sins” “你们的一生很短暂,不要把宝贵的时光消耗在无益无意义的事物上,你们应该把寻求我放在首位,你们寻求我,我会出现,你们敲我的门,我会为你们开门。” “Your life is short, so you can’t afford to waste your valuable life on some meaningless things. You should give priority to the pursuit me. I will show up when you pursue me. You knock on my door, and I will open it for you.” “你们看见的一切,都是虚无缥缈的昙花一现,真正的东西隐藏在你们所看到的事物的背面,你们自己要学会寻找。” “Everything you have seen is just the flash in the pan. The truth is hidden on the other side of what you have seen and you have to seek the truth on your own.” “你们在人间拥有的一切,不会给你们带来真正的幸福和快乐,你们在人间拥有的越多,你们的苦恼也会越多。你们应当追求智慧,惟有智慧才能使你们快乐幸福,也惟有拥有智慧,我才能让你们进入高层生命空间。” “Everything you possess in the Mortal World will never bring you the genuine happiness or pleasure. The more you possess in the Mortal World, the more distress you will sink into. You should pursue wisdom because only wisdom can grant you with happiness and pleasure. I will allow the people with wisdom to the senior life space.” “你们不要把人生搞得太复杂,要追求简单平凡而又丰富的生活,因为我更喜爱拥有智慧、普通平凡的人,而不仅仅是有权有势有名望的人。” “You shouldn’t make the human life much too complicatedYou should pursue the simple and fruitful life.I prefer those common people with wisdom, not the people with authorities, power or fame.” “你们不要把思维局限在三维空间内,那样,你们将看不到其它的空间,不要因为看不到而否定其它空间的存在,就象看不到粒子而否定粒子的存在那样。” “You should never limit your thinking within the 3-dimensional space because that will blind you against other spaces. Don’t deny the existence of other spaces simply because you can’t see themjust like you can never deny the existence of particles just because you can’t see them.” “你们要远离恶行,凡偷盗、抢劫、欺骗、敲诈、奸淫、凶杀、贪婪贪污的,绝对不会有美好的未来。” “You should stay away from the evil conducts. Those who steal, rob, cheat, blackmail, rape, murder or corrupt will never have the bright future.” “你们不要生嫉妒、诽谤、傲慢、狂妄、怨恨、诡诈之心,这些东西是病毒性细菌,会蚕食你们的灵性。” “Don’t be jealous, slandering, arrogant, conceited, complaining or crafty because these are the virus which will swallow your spiritual nature.” “你们不要与人对比,要做自己的人,走自己的路,不要追赶时髦和浪潮,不要迷失正道。” “You shouldn’t compare yourself with others. Behave yourself and take your own path. Don’t follow the fashions or trend and don’t lose the right path.” “你们应虚心地向那些有智慧的人学习,勇于聆听智者的教诲,要勇于承认自己的无知。” “You should be modest enough to learn from the wise people, and brave enough to listen to their instructions and admit your ignorance.” “你们降生人间,是注定要做人的,所以不要追求特异功能,不要追求成神成佛,你们要走好做人的道,你们来世的好坏将根据你们做人阶段的功德而定。我厌恶那些做人不象人,希奇古怪的人。” “Born into the Mortal World, you are destined to be the human beings. So don’t pursue super performance, or becoming the Buddha or God. You should take the path of being a human. Your next life cycle is determined by your virtues as a human. I hate those who are performing weirdly.” “地球是你们人类的家园,你们要爱护一山一草一木、一土一水一物,凡毁坏家园的,将再没有家园,凡爱护家园的,将会去往美好的家园。” “The Earth is the home to all human beings. You should love every tree and bush, and every hill and every streamon the Earth. Those who damage the Earth will lose their homes. Those who care for the Earth will enter the beautiful homes.” “你们依什么方式待我,我将依同样的方式对待你们。” “I will treat you the same way you treat me.” “我没有在人间创造那么多的相互矛盾的宗教,我创造的只是宇宙和生命的规律法则,宗教是你们人类自己创造的。” “I have never created that many conflicting religions in the Mortal World. I have just created the laws for the Universe and life. The religions are created by the humans on your own.” “你们不要为我修建庙宇教堂,整个宇宙就是我的所在。你们不要杀牛宰羊为我献祭,我是上帝,我不吃那些东西。” “Don’t build temples or churches for me. The entire Universe is where I stay. Don’t sacrifice cattle or sheep to me. I am the Greatest Creator and I don’t eat those things.” “你们要用你们的心敬畏我,不要用那些浮华的表面形式蒙骗我,你们蒙骗不了我。我厌恶那些表面上很虔诚,而内心里藐视我的人。” “You should revere me with your heart. Don’t try to cheat me with those superficial forms because I can sense it. I hate those who look loyal and scorn me in the heart.” “你们当孝敬老人,因为你们也会老。你们当爱护幼小,因为你们在我的眼中是幼小的,你们不爱护幼小,我也将不爱护你们。” “You should show filial piety to the elderly because you are on the way to become elderly. You should care for the kids because you are the kids in my eyes. I will not care for those who don’t care for the kids.” “你们当尊敬老师,要虚心接受教育,否则,愚昧和无知将会蒙住你们的心灵,让你们生生世世在黑暗中摸索。” “You should respect the teachers and receive the education modestly. Otherwise, your soul will be covered by ignorance and your life will be spent in darkness.” “你们当遵纪守法,尊敬你们的君王,宇宙处处是法,你们不能无法无天。” “You should obey the laws and regulations and respect your kings and emperors. The laws are everywhere in the Universe and you shouldn't be outlaws.” “做人的权利是我赐给每个人的,你们当维护自己做人的权利,与剥夺你们做人权利的人和事做抗争。要堂堂正正地做人,不要象狗一样地摇尾乞怜。” “The right of being a human is granted by me. You should retain the right and fight against those who try to deprive you of the right. You should behave yourself as humans and never act as fawning as adog.” “你们自助,我助你们,你们放弃,我抛弃你们。” “You help yourselves and I will help you. You give up and I will forsake you.” “地球上人的数量已经够多了,你们必须自我控制,不能象其它动物那样随意繁衍,否则。我的道会给你们降下灾祸。警言在先,不要怨我残忍。” “The population on the Earth is much too large. You must learn to control the population and can’t reproduce freely like animals. Otherwise, I will inflict the plagues on you. This is my warning and be serious with it. Don’t blame me for being cruel.” “你们要积极地寻求我,走我的道,若无视我的存在,随你们人类的心意恣意妄为,普天大祸随时会降临到你们的头上。” “You should seek me actively and take my path. If you neglect my existence and act reckless as you wish, the plagues will be imposed on you at any time.” “紧紧拉住我的手!” “Hold my hands firmly!” 以上翻译是否准确,请认识了上帝的人们批评指正。 Look forward to the corrections from those who have understood the Greatest Creator. 灵性超常伦, You will see clear paradise scenes. 禅院得生命; Stay and study in Lifechanyuan will a new life begin.. 放眼远山青, faraway mountains are fresh and green. 开窗日月进。 Take a broad view and you will see |