6、“两仪”生“四象” 6. The “Two Polarities” create the “Four Directions” Xue Feng Our website is :http://www.3388qq.com “两仪”的出现,带来了“四象”的产生,从方位上讲,就有了东西南北之分,从位置上讲,就有了前后左右之别,从发展上讲,就有了生、长、衰、亡之差,从函数图象上讲,就有了第一、二、三、四四个象限。。。。。。 The “two polarities” have brought about the “four directions”. There is south, north, east and west. There is front, rear, left and right. There is life, growth, decline and death. There is quadrant 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the function image. |