美国的Social Security已经80岁(1935-2015)了!
收到从Social Security Administration(SSA)的一个电邮,7月19日至25日是它庆祝设立80周年的纪念周“National My Social Security Week”。 它鼓励人们在它的官网建立账户,然后可以上网查已有的Social Security存钱,以及根据这些钱在62岁、正常退休年龄和70岁延迟退休时可拿到的收益。为了节省开支,以前每年你的生日前几周SSA所寄的信早已停止寄了,只给到一定年龄的人每隔几年才寄1封。
对了,一件很重要的事情是: 人们如果是在拿非移民签证时或拿绿卡时取得的Social Security Card,加入美国籍后,需要去SSA办事处更新留在那里的资料,虽然你的卡号不会变,但是退休后的待遇是不一样的。 这个信息是几年前我打电话去SSA时,一个官员告我的。 估计许多人对这件事是不太留意的。
-现有Social Security Card;
注册网站: www.socialsecurity.gov/myaccount
July 19th through 25th marks the celebration of our second National my Social Security Week. Since you have an account, you are aware of what a great financial planning and benefit management tool it is! We hope that you take this opportunity to spread the word to your colleagues, friends and family, about the benefits of signing up for a my Social Security account at
Let them know that with their account, they can verify their earnings and get estimates of their future benefits to help them make important financial decisions. If they are already receiving benefits, they can get a benefit verification letter, check benefit and payment information, change their address or direct deposit information, and get a replacement Medicare card or SSA-1099 for tax season. A my Social Security account is convenient, secure, and FREE!
It’s never too early or too late to plan for retirement.