【摘录】中国加入世界贸易组织的9大虚假承诺 Top 9 False Promises That China Made in Joining the World Trade Organization https://www.innovationfiles.org/top-9-false-promises-that-china-made-in-joining-the-world-trade-organization/
【注】: 此文章是2015年发表的。这几年中,如果实际情况有实质上的变化和进步,请各位不吝赐教。
1】Refraining from requiring technology transfer as a condition of market access 制止以技术转让作为市场准入的条件
2】Significantly reducing intellectual property (IP) theft and violations 显著减少知识产权(IP)的盗窃和违规行为
3】Substantially reducing production and/or export subsidies 大幅减少生产和/或出口补贴
4】Liberalizing foreign film distribution 放开外国电影的发行
5】Joining the Government Procurement Agreement 加入政府采购协议(该协议禁止对成员国之间政府采购的限制)
6】Requiring state-owned enterprises to make purchases based on commercial considerations 要求国有企业基于商业的考虑进行购买(不偏爱或反对任何特定的供应商或国籍)
7】Giving foreign banks national treatment 给予外资银行国民待遇
8】Opening the telecommunications market to foreign producers 向外国产商开放电信市场
9】Abiding by the Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement and not manipulating technology standards 遵守技术性贸易壁垒协议,而不是操纵技术标准(即不以技术标准为贸易壁垒)