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特朗普说,他对无证移民的法律途径持开放态度 2017-02-28 19:32:13

Trump Says He’s Open to Legal Pathway for Undocumented Immigrants


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President Trump will lay out his priorities for the weeks and months to come in a joint session of Congress address on Tuesday. CreditAl Drago/The New York Times




华盛顿 - 总统特朗普星期二发出一个新的开放,授予数百万没有犯下严重罪行的无证移民的法律地位,然后呼吁国会与他一起改革卫生保健,改变税法和重建国家的基础设施和军队。









WASHINGTON — President Trump signaled a new openness on Tuesday to granting legal status to millions of undocumented immigrants who have not committed serious crimes and then called on Congress to work with him on overhauling health care, changing the tax code and rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure and military.

In an address to a joint session of Congress in which he defended the tumultuous early days of his presidency, Mr. Trump said he was eager to reach across partisan lines and put aside “trivial fights” in the interest of helping ordinary Americans. But even as he outlined a bold agenda, he was raising new questions about his own policy priorities and how he planned to achieve them.

In a conversation with news anchors just hours before he spoke, Mr. Trump broke from his tough immigration stance and said he was open to a the kind of broad overhaul that many Republicans and some of his core supporters have derided as “amnesty.” 嘲笑为“大赦”。

“The time is right for an immigration bill as long as there is compromise on both sides,” the president told the TV anchors at the White House, according to people present during the discussion. Those present requested anonymity because they were not authorized to speak about the private meeting


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迈向全面的移民大检查将是总统的一个戏剧性的周转,他的竞选集会在墨西哥边境喊道“建墙!”,并在1月签署了行政命令,指示驱逐任何未经批准的移民谁犯罪 - 无论他们是否被起诉或定罪 - 或伪造文件。该标准可以非法地适用于该国估计的1100万人中的任何一个。








发布日期2017228日。照片由Doug Mills /纽约时报。在时间视频观看»

The idea is a sharp break from the broad crackdown on immigrants in the country illegally that Mr. Trump ordered in his first weeks in office and the hard-line positions embraced by his core supporters that helped sweep him into the White House.


 The president hinted at the reversal just hours before he arrived on Capitol Hill to deliver his address to a joint session of Congress.


But in his address, he kept to the tough-on-immigration theme that marked his campaign.


“My administration has answered the pleas of the American people for immigration enforcement and border security,” Mr. Trump said. “By finally enforcing our immigration laws, we will raise wages, help the unemployed, save billions and billions of dollars and make our communities safer for everyone.”


A move toward a comprehensive immigration overhaul would be a dramatic turnaround for the president, whose campaign rallies rang with shouts of “build the wall!” on the Mexican border and who signed an executive order in January directing the deportation of any unauthorized immigrants who have committed a crime — whether or not they have been charged or convicted — or falsified a document. The standard could apply to virtually any one of the estimated 11 million people in the country illegally.

But the president did plan to use the speech to frame his policies, including his strict approach on immigration enforcement.


Watch Live: President Addresses Lawmakers

President Trump speaking before a joint session of Congress.

 Publish DateFebruary 28, 2017. Photo by Doug Mills/The New York Times. Watch in Times Video »







白宫没有对特朗普先生对电视台主持人的言论提出异议,但副新闻秘书Sarah Huckabee Sanders说她没有目睹过对话,因此无法确认。





“By finally enforcing our immigration laws, we will raise wages, help the unemployed, save billions of dollars, and make our communities safer for everyone,” Mr. Trump planned to say, according to excerpts from his remarks provided by the White House.

In his potential shift, Mr. Trump went so far on Tuesday as to raise the idea of granting citizenship to young undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children, one person present said. Such a change would go well beyond the temporary work permits President Barack Obama offered them through a 2012 executive order.


During his campaign, Mr. Trump criticized Mr. Obama’s directive as an “illegal amnesty,” and promised he would immediately end the program if elected. But he has delayed acting on the matter since taking office and expressed sympathy for its beneficiaries, sometimes known as Dreamers.


The White House did not dispute Mr. Trump’s remarks to the television anchors, but Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the deputy press secretary, said she had not witnessed the conversation so was unable to confirm it.


The president has been very clear in his process that the immigration system is broken and needs massive reform, and hes made clear that hes open to having conversations about that moving forward, Ms. Sanders said. Right now, his primary focus, as he has made over and over again, is border control and security at the border and deporting criminals from our country, and keeping our country safe, and those priorities have not changed.


The presidents remarks about immigration came the day before Mr. Trump was to issue a new version of his executive order banning travel to the United States from seven predominantly Muslim countries and suspending the acceptance of refugees. The ban has been revised because of legal challenges.

First Draft

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特朗普先生出现在众议院的井中,是为了自己过去39天的动荡作辩护,并为未来的几个星期和几个月安排优先次序。 对立法者的地址预计将是短暂的细节,并与支持特朗普的运动的民粹主义的主题。






Mr. Trump, appearing in the well of the House, was to defend his record of the past tumultuous 动荡39 days and lay out his priorities for the coming weeks and months. The address to lawmakers was expected to be short on specifics and laden with the populist themes that powered Mr. Trump’s campaign.

The speech opened a new phase in a presidency that has so far been defined by unilateral actions and pronouncements and showed how much Mr. Trump now needs Congress to carry out the tax and health care overhauls and massive infrastructure rebuilding program he has promised.


The president planned to say he was eager to forge partnerships across partisan lines, even on some measures that appeared to be at odds with his promise to reduce government regulations and cut social spending.


TRUMP’S NEW GOVERNMENT By EMMA COTT and TAIGE JENSEN 6:40Lawyers Take On Trump’s Travel Ban





照片来源Ora DeKornfeld




Lawyers Take On Trump’s Travel Ban

The judiciary is the new front line: A group of lawyers scramble to get their clients into the country, while preparing a legal challenge to Trump’s immigration ban.

 By EMMA COTT and TAIGE JENSEN on Publish DateFebruary 21, 2017. Photo by Ora DeKornfeld. Watch in Times Video »



他希望自己表现出渴望在竞选运动和他的成为总统后的刻薄姿态放置于一旁 - 展示出(言行的)不一致 --- 自他自入主白宫以来的




演讲还反映了特朗普与自己和内心的战争。即使当特朗普先生提出了数百万无证移民的法律地位的可能性,第一夫人梅拉尼亚特朗普,接待这些移民暴力犯罪的受害者的家庭 - 一种突出特朗普先生的信念,移民缺乏法律地位对美国人构成严重威胁,应受到恐惧和消除,不被接受。






My administration wants to work with members in both parties to make child care accessible and affordable, to help ensure new parents have paid family leave, to invest in womens health, and to promote clean air and clean water and rebuild our military infrastructure, Mr. Trump planned to say.


He was expected to present himself as eager to put aside the vitriol刻薄 of his campaign and his presidency — a message at odds with his time in office so far.


The time for small thinking is over, the time for trivial fights is behind us, Mr. Trump planned to say. From now on, America will be empowered by our aspirations not burdened by our fears.


The speech also reflected the war Mr. Trump is fighting with himself and his inner circle. Even as Mr. Trump held out the possibility of legal status for millions of undocumented immigrants, Melania Trump, the first lady, was hosting the families of victims of violent crime by such immigrants — a way of highlighting Mr. Trump’s belief that immigrants who lack legal status pose a grave threat to Americans and should be feared and removed, not embraced.


Mr. Trump has yet to propose major legislation to achieve his goals, with members of his cabinet and senior staff divided over key elements of tax and health care plans and congressional Republicans split on how to structure them. By this point in his presidency, Mr. Obama had established an active — if not always friendly — working relationship with a Democratic-led Congress, having signed into law a $787 billion package of spending and tax cuts intended to stabilize the economy.


Democrats said Mr. Trump was making grandiose promises without laying out specific steps for achieving them, and

doubling down on steps they argued had harmed Americans since he took office.


纽约的参议员查克·舒默(Chuck Schumer)是最高的民主党人,他认为特朗普先生的讲话“比以往的总统发言更加重要,因为他的演讲没有说明他实际上要做什么。


为了写这篇演讲,特朗普先生向那些帮助开发他的就职地址的顶级顾问转达:他的高级政策顾问Stephen Miller和他的首席战略家Stephen K. Bannon。两人还在星期一晚上的演讲中工作。






Maggie HabermanGlenn Thrush贡献了报告。




Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the top Democrat, argued that Mr. Trump’s address was “far less important than past presidential addresses, because his speeches don’t indicate what he’s actually going to do.”


To write the speech, Mr. Trump turned to the same top advisers who helped develop his inaugural address: Stephen Miller, his senior policy adviser, and Stephen K. Bannon, his chief strategist. The two were still working on the speech late Monday evening, aides said.


Mr. Miller and Mr. Bannon, both architects of the presidents tough immigration policies, were responsible for shaping the dark themes of the president’s speech on Inauguration Day.


But White House officials said Mr. Trump wanted to offer a more positive vision for the countrys future in Tuesdays congressional address. They said the president drew inspiration for the speech from the frequent listening sessions he held at the White House in recent days with health care officials, law enforcement officers, coal miners, union representatives and others.

Maggie Haberman and Glenn Thrush contributed reporting.

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