莎士比亚说 活着或者死掉, 这是一个问题。TO BE OR NOT TO BE, IT IS A QURESTION. 编者按:难道仇恨-----不是催生恐怖份子最好的营养品吗? 亲爱的读者,透过这种每天发生的这些并不复杂的故事,我们可能明白了这个世界为什么会有恐怖份子。不知您是否同意。 恐怖分子并不是来自于外太空, 他们来自于仇恨。 我们需要做的是化解仇恨, 而不是加剧之。 正如大禹治水, 疏而不堵。 为什么ISIS提出要杀死这个4岁的女孩 消息来源: Arwa Damon,Ghazi Balkiz和Brice Laine,CNN 2017年3月30日星期三下午6:41更新 伊拉克埃尔比勒市(哈蕊(Hawra)搂着祖母阿里亚的手臂喃喃地说:“我想要妈妈”。 四岁半的她,因为虚弱,嘴唇几乎不能动, 她绝望地请求道。 她的脸上刻有小伤口,纱布缠在她的喉咙和腿上,烧伤尚未愈合。 她不能睁开眼睛, 其中一个有弹片,另一个痛苦地闭着。 医生不知道她是否能够再次见到光明。 她的祖母并不回答,却开始流泪。
Why ISIS offered to kill this 4-year-old girl By Arwa Damon, Ghazi Balkiz and Brice Laine, CNN Updated 6:41 PM ET, Thu March 30, 2017 Erbil, Iraq (CNN)"I want my mommy," Hawra' mumbles while cradled in the arms of her grandmother, Aliya. The four-and-a-half-year-old's lips barely move to form the weak but desperate plea. Her face is etched with small wounds, gauze wrapped around her throat and leg over burns that have yet to heal. She can't open her eyes; there is shrapnel in one of them, the other painfully closed. Doctors don't know if she will be able to see properly again. Her grandmother is lost for words. Tears start to fall. 
在3月17日的空袭之一中,哈蕊(Hawra)被炸断了一条腿,同时面部和脊背下部受了破碎的弹片的打击, 她可能会双目失明。 。 “我想最好是死掉,我想死, 而不是像现在这样生活”。 ”过去的哈蕊(Hawra”)就像一朵花,她会玩会跑,现在她没有母亲,没有眼睛”。 祖母阿里亚说。 In one of the March 17 airstrikes, Hawra' suffered a broken leg and shrapnel to the face and lower back. She may never see again. "I am thinking it's better to be dead. I am thinking to die, rather than a life like this. (Hawra') was like a little flower. She would play and run. Now, she how has no mother, no eyes," Aliya says. 据悉,哈蕊(Hawra)的母亲在3月17日的空袭中丧生。当天在西摩拉穆勒社区发生了多起美国领导的联军发动的空袭,已经出现了平民伤亡事件。 美国和伊拉克政府正在对这一系列的空袭进行调查。 但美国防务官员表示,迄今为止,没有迹象显示美军在空袭中伤害了平民。 到目前为止,伊拉克民间部队负责人穆罕默德·舒马里上周四告诉CNN,三月十七日,空袭现场又收回了141具尸体。 他补充说:“瓦砾下还有尸体。” 实际上,伤亡数字可能要高得多。 “这是一场大规模杀戮,”阿丽雅流着眼泪说。 Hawra's mother was killed, we are told, in an airstrike on March 17. There were multiple US coalition-led strikes that day in their west Mosul neighborhood, where allegations of civilian casualties have since emerged. The series of airstrikes are now under investigation by both the US and Iraqi governments. But a US defense official has said that, so far, there has been no indication of a breakdown in US military procedures governing airstrikes. So far, 141 bodies have been recovered at the site of the airstrike on March 17, Col. Mohammad Shumari, head of Iraqi civil forces, told CNN on Thursday. He added: "There are still bodies under the rubble." In reality, the number is probably much higher. "It was a mass killing," Aliya says through her tears. 相关:回到摩苏尔 Related: Return to Mosul

Ala'a Al-Tai描述了他和他的母亲阿丽雅Aliya(坐在左边),向ISIS战斗人员恳求,让他们离开,并为受伤的女儿哈蕊(Hawra)寻求治疗。哈蕊(Hawra)现在正在西埃尔比勒紧急医院, 处于恢复之中。 哈蕊(Hawra)的父亲阿拉Ala'a Al-Tai描述了他们家的那条街在空袭那天(发生的事情)。 他说,ISIS战斗人员聚集的交叉路口的一排房子中。 这些房屋是通过鼠线连在一起的 - 从40厘米宽和100厘米高(约15英寸宽,39英寸高)的墙壁上雕刻出来的孔 - 使ISIS战斗人员的移动受到保护, 不会被敌人发现。 Ala'a Al-Tai describes how he and his mother, Aliya (sitting on the left), pleaded with ISIS fighters to let them leave and find treatment for his wounded daughter, who is now recovering at West Erbil emergency hospital. Ala'a Al-Tai, Hawra's father, describes that day and the street their home was on. He says there was a row of houses that led to an intersection where ISIS fighters had gathered. The houses are interconnected by rat lines -- holes carved out of the walls that are 40 centimeters wide and 100 centimeters high (about 15 inches wide by 39 inches high) -- and allow ISIS fighters to move undetected. “ISIS修筑了这些工事? 我问。 “不,他们(ISIS)强迫我们做的”。阿拉回答。 隧道为家庭提供了避难所。 大约30人,包括妇女和儿童,在街头的一端在一个单独的家中寻求庇护。 “我妈妈开始尖叫起来,石块和瓦砾碎片向我们所在的房子里砸过来”。哈蕊(Hawra)的父亲阿拉(Ala'a Al-Tai)说。 "ISIS did that?" I ask. "No, they (ISIS) made us do it," Ala'a responds. The tunnels offered the families a shelter. Around 30 people, including women and children, sought refuge in a single home at one end of the street. My mother started to scream ... Rocks and debris was falling down on the house we were in. Ala'a, Hawra's father 在战斗爆发之前,哈蕊(Hawra)与她的母亲和两个亲戚一起通过鼠线移动穿过三座建筑物,回到家里烤面包,洗衣服并且取些的另外的衣服。 阿拉Ala'a认为,当天有十几个ISIS战斗人员在交叉路口。 密集的射击发生之后不久,空袭就开始了。 “开始大冒狼烟”阿拉告诉我们。 “我母亲尖叫起来,石块和瓦砾砸在我们所在的房子上,她说去看看发生了什么事。” 街上的三座房屋全部被夷平,其中是他和他的家人正居住在内的。 Before the fighting broke out, little Hawra' along with her mother and two relatives used the rat lines to move through three buildings and return to their house to bake bread, wash and grab more clothes. About a dozen ISIS fighters were at the intersection that day, Ala'a believes. Soon the shooting intensified and then the strikes started. "There was dust everywhere," Ala'a tells us. "My mother started to scream ... Rocks and debris were falling down on the house we were in. She said go see what happened." Three homes on the block were leveled including the one with his family still inside. 相关:寻找庇护我们在摩苏尔的家庭 Related: Finding the family who sheltered us in Mosul

516/5000 阿拉说,他妻子左边的一切都是她的左腿。 他用毯子盖住了她,救了他的女儿。 他听到的只有他女儿的微弱的哭声。 “我可以听到她的声音,”他回忆说。 “有一个街区已经落在她身上,还有一个金属框架 - 这是在她脸上和眼睛里的弹片,我尖叫着她的母亲,我的阿姨和叔叔,但没有回应。 把她从瓦砾中拉出来,她几乎无法识别; 她是黑色的,看起来烧焦。 Ala'a says all that was left of his wife was her left leg attached to her torso. He covered her with a blanket and saved his daughter. All he could hear was his daughter's feeble cry. "I could just hear her voice," he recalls. "There was a block that had fallen on her. There was also a metal frame -- that's what lodged the shrapnel in her face and her eyes. I screamed for her mother, my aunt and uncle but no response." Pulling her from the rubble, she was barely recognizable; she was black and looked charred. 他们请求ISIS战机让他们离开。 相反,伊拉克ISIS成员提出要杀死他的小女孩Hawra。 “他(伊拉克ISIS成员)说,我可以拍她,”阿拉记得。 “他说,你为什么要拯救她,她会死。” 他们甚至恳求进一步进入ISIS领土寻求医疗援助,但阿拉说,他认为是该单位负责人的埃及ISIS成员告诉他们,由于ISIS正在使用剩余的平民,他们不能离开 人盾。 They begged the ISIS fighters to allow them to leave. Instead, an Iraqi ISIS member offered to kill his little girl, Hawra'. "He (an Iraqi ISIS member) said 'I could just shoot her,'" Ala'a remembers. "He said 'why do you want to save her, she's going to die anyways.'" They even pleaded to go further into ISIS territory in pursuit of medical assistance, but Ala'a says an Egyptian ISIS member, who he thinks was the head of that unit, told them they couldn't leave because ISIS were using the remaining civilians as human shields.

16岁的法蒂玛躺在同一家Erbil医院的病床上,背部骨折。 两周前,她在空袭中受伤,但她并没有特别提到哪一次空袭。 她只记得自己被从瓦砾中救了出来。 Ala'a试图给哈蕊(Hawra)清洗, 当他试图给她一些水时,她正在呻吟。 他补充说:“第二天我见到妻子,我看见她的腿和肠子,所以我用毯子盖住了她,离开了。 伊拉克安全部队用三天时间解放了社区。 三天后的小女孩才得到医疗救助。 其他人则帮助他埋葬他的妻子, 和婶婶,叔叔的遗体。 16-year-old Fatima lies in a bed at a the same Erbil hospital with a broken back. She was injured in an airstrike in the last two weeks though she doesn't recall specifically which. She only remembers being pulled out of the rubble afterwards. Ala'a tried to clean Hawra' up; she was moaning as he tried to give her some water. He adds: "I saw my wife the next day, I saw her leg and her intestines so I covered her in a blanket and left." It took three days for the Iraqi security forces to liberate the neighborhood. Three days to get his little girl medical help. Others helped by burying the bodies of his wife, aunt and uncle. 相关:随着哈里发崩溃,ISIS的发展 Related: As the caliphate crumbles, ISIS evolves

在医院恢复期间,Hawra与娃娃玩耍。 还不知道她是否会恢复视力。 她不断要求她3月17日在空袭中死亡的母亲。 那当天不是最致命的罢工。 在拐角处,一座多层建筑也被夷为平地,据信有100多人被庇护。 这些都不是唯一的平民伤亡指控。 摩苏尔的每一天,由ISIS扣留的平民被捕获在他们的俘虏和解放者之间。 导致死亡的空袭,炸弹,子弹和爆炸事件不成为头条新闻。 Hawra' plays with her doll while recovering in hospital. It is not yet known if she will recover her sight. She keeps asking for her mother who died in the airstrikes on March 17. That was not the deadliest of the strikes that day. Around the corner, a multi-story building was also brought down, where more than 100 people are believed to have sheltered. And these are hardly the only allegations of civilian casualties. Every day in Mosul, a civilian population held hostage by ISIS is caught between their captors and their liberators. Airstrikes, bombs, bullets and explosions leading to deaths don't make headlines. 当他在Hawra面前提到妻子的死亡时,阿拉耳语低声说话,但她听到我们谈论她的眼睛。 “看,我可以打开他们,”她喃喃地说,用小手指轻轻抬起眼皮。 然后她又要求她的母亲。 Ala'a whispers when he mentions his wife's death in the presence of Hawra' but she hears us talking about her eyes. "Look, I can open them," she murmurs, using her tiny fingers to lift her eyelids ever so slightly. Then she asks for her mother again. Pasted from <http://www.cnn.com/2017/03/30/middleeast/mosul-airstrikes-survivors/index.html> 
16 岁女孩: 特朗普的飞机轰炸, 断了她的脊柱, 永远不可能站立起来了。

搬运儿童的尸体,美国5 天的轰炸, 100多平民亡。 

4岁小女孩, 空袭要了她妈妈的命,和她的双眼:“我要妈咪”,她说。



没有妈妈, 没有眼睛

照片上的阿拉先生,4岁的女孩的爸爸说: don't say your sorry, 仅仅说抱歉是不够的。
