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Summary of Bugs in Creaders and Workarounds 2019-11-17 15:26:47

Many readers had encountered various problems as I did. And I would like to summarize some and provide some workarounds or walkarounds.

In early days of WWW in early 90s, a Web page contains only HTML tags. These days, a Web page mostly contains HTML tags and JavaScript delivered by the Web server. (I am not going to talk about other scripting technologies).

Basically the problems are caused by the commbinations of JavaScript and browser. For example, the scripts in wenxuecity may be more compitible or working well in variety of browsers, while the scripts in creaders is less adaptable. The design and implementation of creader's Website is full of bugs and also aging, so you may not have a solution but a workaround, more exactly walkaround.

The following is based on my experience using Google Chrome on Windows 10.

Problem 1: A page crashs after a few minutes running idle.

Walkaround: just don't leave a page running idel for a few minutes, and close it after viewing.

Problem 2: The WYSIWYG editor is not friendly for entering English.

Confirmation: The editor is not friendly to mixed English and Chinese. English requires 1 byte per letter, and Chinese with Unicode requires 2 bytes to 3 bytes per character. And the editor is configurated for entering Chinese only. 

Problem 3: In a news post, when adding comment and pressing the [Publish] button, nothing happen. And this occurs randomly.

Workaround: Copy the url to another browser tab, and copy the content of your comment to the same page in the new tab, and then press the [Publish] button.

Remarks: Sometimes, it is that the creaders server is slow, so waiting 10-30 seoncs the comment may appear.

Problem 4: After publishing a comment to a blog post, the comment is not appearing.

Reason 1: The blog owner puts a new comment under the pending list for reviewing first. And only after approval, your comment appears.

Reason 2: The blog owner deleted your comment.

Reason 3: The blog owner blacklisted your account.

Reason 4: Bugs.

Upon reason 4, you refreshing the page the comment should appear.

Otherwise, take easy and leave it.

Remarks: I don't think creaders server has some AI filters, however, there might be a keyword based filter which is full of bugs, casuing some strange things you might had encountered.

Problem 5: Not able to publish video with a snapshot in the page.And this might occur in Microsoft Edge.

Walkaround: use Google Chrome.

Remarks: In the future releases of Edge, the kernel of Edge will be using Chrome. In other words, Edge will be a shell of Chrome. Unitil then, you may not be able to use Edge for the creaders editor.

Problem 6: After copying/pasting to the editor, there may be some white background, not visible in editor but visible in the published page.

Reasons: bugs or defects.

Workaround: use a plain text editor like Notepad or Notepad++ as an exchange. That is, paste to the plain text editor first, the copy from the plain text editor and paste to creaders editor.


My gut feeling is that CyberMedia Network /Creaders.NET is using a very aging and poorly designed and badly configurated CMS and Blogging system. The proper solution is to replace with a better CMS and Blogging system after migrating existing data. If you as a creaders' staff happens to read this post, you may contact me who may provide some further supports.

If you as a reader happen to know someone in Creaders.net, you may pass this message.

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作者:右撇子 留言时间:2019-11-17 16:45:12


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