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如果你不跟从我的观点,那你就是阴谋论者! 2021-02-04 22:58:53

If you are not with me, you are with conspiracy!

If you google WOWO2020060606, as of today 2021-02-05, the first result is "Coronavirus: How a false rumour led to hate online". Very educational at the usual leftist voice.

These days, by MSM, "If you are not with me which means political correctness rapidly evolving, you are with hatreds". And basically, hatred is a synonym of evil.

Anyway, I had a quick look at https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2020060606A1/en?oq=2020060606

I have to admit the patent had demonstrated a great idea, however, looking highly suspicious, inherently coupling human body activity with currency.

In capitalism, we are all already the slaves of money. Now, what a new and much closer relationship with money!

No need of any conspiracy theory, since I had already made in-depth interpretation of such coupling.

The only conspiracy that I can see now is that, when I google WOWO2020060606, the first result is "Coronavirus: How a false rumour led to hate online". What an ideology laundry that BBC and Google had made together!

When searching WO2020060606, Google does give proper patent results in the first few returned items. However, another ideology laundry is following immediately after: "Ex-CIA agent drags Microsoft's crypto patent into right-wing conspiracy".

Thanks to BBC and Google and alike, I know now that rumour, conspiracy, hatred, right-wing, extremism or even terrorism are closely related.

And you: BBC and Google and MSM alike, maintain facts, truth and political correctness for the best interests of the general public.

Over 20 years ago, I had summarized the propaganda means of CCP: you need to speak correct things, do correct things and think correct things, and don't you think this is correct?

@ BBC and Google and MSM alike, you are correct, and you spread correctness, and you stand for correctness! As correct as CCP!








我现在看到的唯一的阴谋是,当我搜索WOWO2020060606时,第一个结果是“冠状病毒:虚假谣言如何导致在线仇恨”。谷歌(Google)抓紧机会,很有针对性地挑出BBC 的辟谣文章,尽管WO2020060606 与冠状病毒并无直接或表面的联系。这肯定不是传统搜索引擎的结果。 这是人工选择的结果?还是AI的结果?还是人工指导了舆论导向的AI 结果?

注:WOWO2020060606 并非正确的专利号,而是多了WO. 





@ BBC和Google和MSM等,你们很正确,你们传扬正确,你们代表正确!就如中共正确!

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作者:新歌 留言时间:2021-02-05 08:03:32

布局民间的是仇恨——挑拨种族矛盾,性别矛盾,宗教冲突等等,自己玩的是掌控。Divide and conquer,永远有效的战略方式。所以,现在我都觉得批评那些混乱现象没啥意思了,顺着他们的布局起舞而已。对于useful idiots,多说少说一回事。



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作者:HK 留言时间:2021-02-05 03:09:28


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