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Fireflies by Owl City 2010-01-11 09:24:54

除了爱卖弄一下文墨,我也是个赶潮流之人。也许年少时偶听了一首Carpenters 兄妹组合唱的Yesterday once more,惊为天籁之音,此后就爱上了英文歌,直到现在已是两个孩子的妈妈了,仍像个未成年少女似的紧跟北美流行乐坛。像每年的American Music Award, Grammy Award等等,诸如此类的节目,我仍是穷追不舍。虽然常被身边好友“耻笑”:矫情,装嫩。可本人依然“我听我俗”。音乐不分贵贱,你可以享受Ludwig Van Beethoven的交响乐,我依然追求性感火辣的Shakira

Today, I will present a new hit song "Fireflies", which is released by Owl City in 2009.  The song has topped the charts in the United States, Australia, Denmark and the Netherlands. The accompanying music video for the song portrays Young singing it in a toy-filled bedroom, causing the toys and other items in the room to magically come to life. (From Wiki)

I personally recommend you to listen to the whole album, Ocean Eyes. Those songs are written and produced by a young talented artist name Adam Young. He used to work at Coca-cola warehouse before everyone knows his music.  Refreshing synthpop tones, imaginable lyric plus Adam Young's special naive voice, I totally love it when I first heard it from my local radio station.



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作者:Beaubien2010 留言时间:2010-01-13 11:32:48
昭君,if I could say 怡然 is my mentor, and you, definetly are my soulmate. By the way, there's a new release from Shakira feat Lil Wayne-"Give it up to me". Kind of cool.

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作者:昭君 留言时间:2010-01-12 14:43:05
Yeah, I kind of guessed what the MTV was all about too. A boy who's reminicent about the dreams of the childhood.

Speaking of Shakira, I remember a few years ago when we were at a subway station in Shanghai (vacationing at the time), and out of nowhere, "Hips don't lie" started playing from the radio and it made my boys jump up and started singing! It's such a funny moment, because it was so unexpected. I love that song too, especially the Spanish conversation between her and the male voice in it:).
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作者:Beaubien2010 留言时间:2010-01-12 10:02:51
昭君,thank you for supporting me. Your son's right, the songs of Owl city, they are so dreaming. And I checked the link you gave to me. I understand why you thought the whole MTV was so weird, not matching with the title. However, as I researched some info from web, the song is the imagination about the old toys of Adam Young, the song writer.So be it.let's just enjoy the music.
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作者:昭君 留言时间:2010-01-11 10:21:59
I love this song too! It is so dreamy (my son's comment), but the MTV (see below for link) is very different than what I imagined:).
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