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游山玩水总是情 - Mont.Tremblant 2010-03-08 13:11:19




这次的自助游方式是在离我们住的蒙城160公里左右的Mont.Tremblant租了一间当地称为CondoHotel的地方。这种Condohotel在魁北克很流行,许多当地人会在长周末(long weenkend)租个两三天来度假,有钱的甚至卖下一间,有空来玩玩。而有些更富有的就会在这儿的湖边或山上建一栋Chalet(就是我们中国人说的度假别墅)。由于魁北克确实“山多水清”,四季分明,所以用这种方式旅游很流行。而我们刚去玩回来的MontTremblant,就是被加拿大人称为魁省的小BanffAlbertaBanff,我和LG十年前游过,因为是连着北美著名的Rocky Mountain,所以非常雄伟。Mont.Tremblant虽然没有Banff 那样气势磅礴,但也是加拿大东部的滑雪圣地。而秋日观枫叶,更是我们全家每年必游的节目之一.

来加十年,在生活上没有大富大贵,在事业上也没有飞黄腾达,但从没有放弃享受这儿出去旅游的方便和亲身体验“读万卷书不如走千里路”。从八年前,我和LG手里拿着"Lonely Planet",背着大包到ThailandCambodia做了一回backpacker开始,我们没有停止试过不同的旅游方式。期间的酸甜苦辣,也许到老了,看看那些照片,还是挺有味道的,或者对自己的子孙后代也可以吹吹牛,显摆一下.....



Dinning Room








急不可待的Pre-teens 和还没有完全长大的妈妈们(没有我,别猜了)




Oh,man,what should I do now?





越来越多的人学snowboard, 这也是儿子明年的new project





两位靓太,咱不滑,但要尝尝当地的新鲜饮品-Cafe Brezilliant(我也是第一次听说)


Cafe Brezilliant-五种酒+咖啡+whipped cream+one small cherry(不怕醉,就试一下)



再加两张以前照的Mont.Tremblant 秋景


浏览(1787) (3) 评论(23)
作者:春阳 留言时间:2010-03-11 20:21:59
Beaubien2010: 你没记错,我说的就是 Quebac City。
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作者:新中国木乃伊 留言时间:2010-03-11 16:43:46
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作者:Beaubien2010 留言时间:2010-03-11 10:28:15
I do read that aricle from Haiyun, that's why I left my supporting message there,you could turn the second page and see it.I have been attacked by the same person,but I already passed my difficult time,especially after reading "看不见的朋友“by 五彩, I felt so touched by all the good friends from Wanwei,giving me encouraging words when I need it,leaving good comments when I alway want it.Of course,including you,my friend,Mr.Mummy,it is my pleasure to "meet" you all by internet.
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作者:Beaubien2010 留言时间:2010-03-11 10:19:32
"My fair lady",wow,that's a good one,haha...I am really flattered by your compliment,though,I am just a desperate housewife with two beaufigul kids,and, a fat but lovely husband.
Thank you for everything you say to me!
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作者:新中国木乃伊 留言时间:2010-03-10 20:37:51
Don't know if you have notice this article below, you may want to check it out.
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作者:twocentsworth 留言时间:2010-03-10 11:45:06
"My Fair Lady" in English. Very appropriate, don't you think?
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作者:新中国木乃伊 留言时间:2010-03-10 08:41:19
oh..原来如比, 窈窕淑女!
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作者:Beaubien2010 留言时间:2010-03-09 21:07:23
Don't put that way.I am still a debutante in French.Every time I write sth. in french, there are two books always on my side,Bescherelle and Larousse french-English dictionary.So come practice with me,we could do better one day.
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作者:twocentsworth 留言时间:2010-03-09 14:25:38
I know when it’s time to “fold” the French (I mean give my laughable French a rest. Haha.), right Beaubien?
You were asking how my skiing was, so I answered I was too embarrassed to tell you. In hindsight the second part of the sentence should have said “worse than my French”? Haha.

As for my vacation, that was just terrific. The Canadian winter is too long. I’m not like you. I can’t “fight” winter like you do by going skiing, and freezing my tootoo off. Instead I must escape to a W-A-R-M place, however brief that escape may be.
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作者:Beaubien2010 留言时间:2010-03-09 13:29:10
Oh,对了,木兄,你说的那是old port,每年各种各样的festival都在那儿举行。如再来出差,记得通知我。
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作者:Beaubien2010 留言时间:2010-03-09 13:23:41
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作者:Beaubien2010 留言时间:2010-03-09 13:16:27

木兄:Vancouver,我只在机场停,没有真正参观过,我LG倒是在那里呆过两个星期,听他说有个很美的Victoria Park,以后有机会要去看看。至于那儿的bilingual,我在机场领教过了。住在那儿,就知道中国人的势力有多大。而我的名字Beaubien,以前跟昭君解释过,没什么特别,就是我家开的一间小店在一条名为Boulevard Beaubien,离蒙特利尔的奥林匹克体育中心很近。

twocentsworth, je ne comprends pas la premiere phrase tu ai ecrit,Ce qui se passe?Il semble que tu n'etait pas satisfait ton voyage,Qui ou Non?C'est normal tu ne veut pas en parler.
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作者:twocentsworth 留言时间:2010-03-09 11:47:01
If Beaubien doesn't mind, let me answer your question: "What does Beaubien mean?"

A suitable translation might be the part that come before "君子好求" in "关关雎鸠,在河之洲。..., 君子好逑。
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作者:新中国木乃伊 留言时间:2010-03-09 11:31:12
BTW, been to Montreal a couple of times, to the downtown convention center for conferences. Did not have time to do much. I think there were an Old Montreal (Town?), a magnificent church, and a very authentic Sushi place (very small, but I liked it very much)
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作者:新中国木乃伊 留言时间:2010-03-09 09:15:57
当然得想着你了, 老木娇惯女儿,因此常常接受领导批评教育。你的语录给老木提供了"理论基础"。不过好象你太没大没小了,口口声声叫老木,却悄悄把自己的辈份提了上去。

去过 Vancouver 吗? 好地方! 老木当年在 UBC 从师学艺,也是漫山遍野的玩过。今年比赛那座山,老木去过。不过我们那时是风餐露宿,不象你们这样腐败。

BTW: What does Beaubien mean? Is that French? When I was in Vancouver, people there were also bilingual, but it was English and Chinese.
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作者:twocentsworth 留言时间:2010-03-09 02:37:29
Mon ami…Je suis trop gêné pour te le dire. Bien pire que mon chinois.
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作者:五彩 留言时间:2010-03-08 22:03:06
Beaubien:看你玩儿得都乐不思蜀了, 白雪,木屋,美食,好酒,加好友,共产主义也不过如此。
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作者:Beaubien2010 留言时间:2010-03-08 20:15:26
原来你也来过。下次再来蒙城,可以通知我一声,咱愿意当“自愿者”导游,至于你提到的壁画,好像是在Quebec city,不是在Mont.Tremblant.不过,魁省的著名风景区建筑物都很相似,素有“北美小欧洲”之称,所以很容易混淆。(也许是我记错了。)
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作者:Beaubien2010 留言时间:2010-03-08 20:05:32
Hi,twocentsworth,glad to be back.The whole trip,IT IS AWESOME!!!
I have been Mont.Tremblant many times,but always in fall,you know, for seeing those maple leaves.This is the first time I really enjoy the beauty of skiing in Mont. Tremblant.

I am the only guy who has the time holding the camera,others,I think they were busy to learn how to ski, about my son and my husband,who knows, where were they,perhaps in black diamond piste.

so you are asking my skiing, I wiill say, between Green and Blue piste,all depend the weather and the condition of the piste.My skiing technic is not as good as my son's,but I'am alway trying my best to catch up to him when we ski together. Sometimes,trying is better than nothing,right?

and,how's yours?
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作者:Beaubien2010 留言时间:2010-03-08 19:33:18
才两天没见,就“想”我了。(别让弟妹看到这句话了)我们这次的度假就是赶滑雪的“末班车”,过了March Break,就基本没有机会了。(今年的魁省是暖冬)。

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作者:春阳 留言时间:2010-03-08 17:22:54
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作者:twocentsworth 留言时间:2010-03-08 17:17:16
Welcome back! Looks like you had a grand time.

How's your skiing?
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作者:新中国木乃伊 留言时间:2010-03-08 13:46:37
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