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经典笑话第三集:《贾甲蹬三轮》 2007-01-29 22:22:17

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Joined: 09 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 8:54 pm    Post subject: 知青笑话第三集:《贾甲蹬三轮》 \"Reply





Shocked Mad


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作者:pepe jeans 留言时间:2007-12-25 07:01:49
pepe jeans - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/romeomiquel/pepe-jeans.html > pepe jeans </a> dem jeans - <a href = http://medlem.spray.se/gadaraew/dem-jeans.html > dem jeans </a> skin tight jeans - <a href = http://medlem.spray.se/gadaraew/skin-tight-jeans.html > skin tight jeans </a> dem jeans chingy - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/romeomiquel/dem-jeans-chingy.html > dem jeans chingy </a> same jeans - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/romeomiquel/same-jeans.html > same jeans </a> embroidered jeans - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/romeomiquel/embroidered-jeans.html > embroidered jeans </a>
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作者:bulge in jeans 留言时间:2007-12-25 05:45:13
bulge in jeans - <a href = http://medlem.spray.se/gadaraew/bulge-in-jeans.html > bulge in jeans </a> diesel jeans - <a href = http://medlem.spray.se/gadaraew/diesel-jeans.html > diesel jeans </a> chingy dem jeans - <a href = http://medlem.spray.se/gadaraew/chingy-dem-jeans.html > chingy dem jeans </a> bulging jeans - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/romeomiquel/bulging-jeans.html > bulging jeans </a> wet jeans - <a href = http://geo.ya.com/urilucky/wet-jeans.html > wet jeans </a> teens in jeans - <a href = http://geo.ya.com/urilucky/teens-in-jeans.html > teens in jeans </a> lee jeans - <a href = http://geo.ya.com/urilucky/lee-jeans.html > lee jeans </a> jnco jeans - <a href = http://members.lycos.nl/daswell/jnco-jeans.html > jnco jeans </a> true religion jeans - <a href = http://medlem.spray.se/gadaraew/true-religion-jeans.html > true religion jeans </a> red monkey jeans - <a href = http://medlem.spray.se/gadaraew/red-monkey-jeans.html > red monkey jeans </a>
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作者:jeans 留言时间:2007-12-25 05:19:40
jeans - <a href = http://medlem.spray.se/gadaraew/index.html > jeans </a> dem jeans - <a href = http://geo.ya.com/urilucky/dem-jeans.html > dem jeans </a> teen jeans - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/romeomiquel/teen-jeans.html > teen jeans </a> jeans - <a href = http://geo.ya.com/urilucky/index.html > jeans </a> girl wet jeans - <a href = http://geo.ya.com/urilucky/girl-wet-jeans.html > girl wet jeans </a> topless jeans - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/romeomiquel/topless-jeans.html > topless jeans </a> the view - same jeans - <a href = http://members.lycos.nl/daswell/the-view---same-jeans.html > the view - same jeans </a> miss me jeans - <a href = http://members.lycos.nl/daswell/miss-me-jeans.html > miss me jeans </a> guys in jeans - <a href = http://members.lycos.nl/daswell/guys-in-jeans.html > guys in jeans </a> blue jeans - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/romeomiquel/blue-jeans.html > blue jeans </a>
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作者:in those jeans 留言时间:2007-12-25 05:15:51
in those jeans - <a href = http://medlem.spray.se/gadaraew/in-those-jeans.html > in those jeans </a> peed jeans - <a href = http://medlem.spray.se/gadaraew/peed-jeans.html > peed jeans </a> low rise jeans - <a href = http://medlem.spray.se/gadaraew/low-rise-jeans.html > low rise jeans </a> hot girls in jeans - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/romeomiquel/hot-girls-in-jeans.html > hot girls in jeans </a> designer jeans - <a href = http://medlem.spray.se/gadaraew/designer-jeans.html > designer jeans </a> chingy dem jeans - <a href = http://geo.ya.com/urilucky/chingy-dem-jeans.html > chingy dem jeans </a> jeans butt - <a href = http://members.lycos.nl/daswell/jeans-butt.html > jeans butt </a> rock and republic jeans - <a href = http://geo.ya.com/urilucky/rock-and-republic-jeans.html > rock and republic jeans </a> evisu jeans - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/romeomiquel/evisu-jeans.html > evisu jeans </a> cut off jeans - <a href = http://medlem.spray.se/gadaraew/cut-off-jeans.html > cut off jeans </a>
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作者:diesel jeans 留言时间:2007-12-25 05:08:21
diesel jeans - <a href = http://geo.ya.com/urilucky/diesel-jeans.html > diesel jeans </a> low rider jeans - <a href = http://medlem.spray.se/gadaraew/low-rider-jeans.html > low rider jeans </a> peed jeans - <a href = http://geo.ya.com/urilucky/peed-jeans.html > peed jeans </a> denim jeans - <a href = http://geo.ya.com/urilucky/denim-jeans.html > denim jeans </a> lucky jeans - <a href = http://geo.ya.com/urilucky/lucky-jeans.html > lucky jeans </a> lucky jeans - <a href = http://medlem.spray.se/gadaraew/lucky-jeans.html > lucky jeans </a> girl wet jeans - <a href = http://medlem.spray.se/gadaraew/girl-wet-jeans.html > girl wet jeans </a> lucky brand jeans - <a href = http://medlem.spray.se/gadaraew/lucky-brand-jeans.html > lucky brand jeans </a> denim jeans - <a href = http://medlem.spray.se/gadaraew/denim-jeans.html > denim jeans </a> skinny jeans - <a href = http://medlem.spray.se/gadaraew/skinny-jeans.html > skinny jeans </a>
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作者:low rise jeans 留言时间:2007-12-25 05:07:29
low rise jeans - <a href = http://geo.ya.com/urilucky/low-rise-jeans.html > low rise jeans </a> dem jeans - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/romeomiquel/dem-jeans.html > dem jeans </a> low rider jeans - <a href = http://geo.ya.com/urilucky/low-rider-jeans.html > low rider jeans </a> jeans sitting - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/romeomiquel/jeans-sitting.html > jeans sitting </a> seven jeans - <a href = http://geo.ya.com/urilucky/seven-jeans.html > seven jeans </a> lee jeans - <a href = http://medlem.spray.se/gadaraew/lee-jeans.html > lee jeans </a> them jeans - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/romeomiquel/them-jeans.html > them jeans </a> low jeans - <a href = http://members.lycos.nl/daswell/low-jeans.html > low jeans </a> girls in tight jeans - <a href = http://medlem.spray.se/gadaraew/girls-in-tight-jeans.html > girls in tight jeans </a> cinch jeans - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/romeomiquel/cinch-jeans.html > cinch jeans </a>
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作者:sexy jeans 留言时间:2007-12-25 05:05:50
sexy jeans - <a href = http://medlem.spray.se/gadaraew/sexy-jeans.html > sexy jeans </a> tight jeans - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/romeomiquel/tight-jeans.html > tight jeans </a> brazilian jeans - <a href = http://geo.ya.com/urilucky/brazilian-jeans.html > brazilian jeans </a> wrangler jeans - <a href = http://medlem.spray.se/gadaraew/wrangler-jeans.html > wrangler jeans </a> face sit jeans - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/romeomiquel/face-sit-jeans.html > face sit jeans </a> plus size jeans - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/romeomiquel/plus-size-jeans.html > plus size jeans </a> low cut jeans - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/romeomiquel/low-cut-jeans.html > low cut jeans </a> mudd jeans - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/romeomiquel/mudd-jeans.html > mudd jeans </a> fashion designer jeans - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/romeomiquel/fashion-designer-jeans.html > fashion designer jeans </a> in those jeans - <a href = http://geo.ya.com/urilucky/in-those-jeans.html > in those jeans </a>
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作者:booty jeans 留言时间:2007-12-25 03:58:19
booty jeans - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/romeomiquel/booty-jeans.html > booty jeans </a> tight jeans - <a href = http://geo.ya.com/urilucky/tight-jeans.html > tight jeans </a> hudson jeans - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/romeomiquel/hudson-jeans.html > hudson jeans </a> levi jeans - <a href = http://geo.ya.com/urilucky/levi-jeans.html > levi jeans </a> white jeans - <a href = http://members.lycos.nl/daswell/white-jeans.html > white jeans </a> the view same jeans - <a href = http://medlem.spray.se/gadaraew/the-view-same-jeans.html > the view same jeans </a> calvin klein jeans - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/romeomiquel/calvin-klein-jeans.html > calvin klein jeans </a> blue jeans - <a href = http://medlem.spray.se/gadaraew/blue-jeans.html > blue jeans </a> super low rise jeans - <a href = http://members.lycos.nl/daswell/super-low-rise-jeans.html > super low rise jeans </a> skinny jeans - <a href = http://geo.ya.com/urilucky/skinny-jeans.html > skinny jeans </a>
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作者:designer jeans 留言时间:2007-12-25 03:56:03
designer jeans - <a href = http://geo.ya.com/urilucky/designer-jeans.html > designer jeans </a> torn jeans - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/romeomiquel/torn-jeans.html > torn jeans </a> ripped jeans - <a href = http://geo.ya.com/urilucky/ripped-jeans.html > ripped jeans </a> hot jeans - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/romeomiquel/hot-jeans.html > hot jeans </a> draggin jeans - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/romeomiquel/draggin-jeans.html > draggin jeans </a> levi s jeans - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/romeomiquel/levi-s-jeans.html > levi s jeans </a> super low jeans - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/romeomiquel/super-low-jeans.html > super low jeans </a> tight jeans - <a href = http://medlem.spray.se/gadaraew/tight-jeans.html > tight jeans </a> fashion jeans - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/romeomiquel/fashion-jeans.html > fashion jeans </a> levi jeans - <a href = http://medlem.spray.se/gadaraew/levi-jeans.html > levi jeans </a>
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作者:baggy jeans 留言时间:2007-12-25 03:52:00
baggy jeans - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/romeomiquel/baggy-jeans.html > baggy jeans </a> wide leg jeans - <a href = http://members.lycos.nl/daswell/wide-leg-jeans.html > wide leg jeans </a> wrangler jeans - <a href = http://geo.ya.com/urilucky/wrangler-jeans.html > wrangler jeans </a> womens jeans - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/romeomiquel/womens-jeans.html > womens jeans </a> spandex jeans - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/romeomiquel/spandex-jeans.html > spandex jeans </a> express jeans - <a href = http://members.lycos.nl/daswell/express-jeans.html > express jeans </a> lei jeans - <a href = http://members.lycos.nl/daswell/lei-jeans.html > lei jeans </a> silver jeans - <a href = http://geo.ya.com/urilucky/silver-jeans.html > silver jeans </a> lee jeans - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/romeomiquel/lee-jeans.html > lee jeans </a> gallery tight jeans - <a href = http://medlem.spray.se/gadaraew/gallery-tight-jeans.html > gallery tight jeans </a>
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作者:tight blue jeans 留言时间:2007-12-25 03:42:37
tight blue jeans - <a href = http://medlem.spray.se/gadaraew/tight-blue-jeans.html > tight blue jeans </a> seven jeans - <a href = http://medlem.spray.se/gadaraew/seven-jeans.html > seven jeans </a> wrangler jeans - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/romeomiquel/wrangler-jeans.html > wrangler jeans </a> sexy jeans - <a href = http://geo.ya.com/urilucky/sexy-jeans.html > sexy jeans </a> silver jeans - <a href = http://medlem.spray.se/gadaraew/silver-jeans.html > silver jeans </a> apple bottom jeans - <a href = http://medlem.spray.se/gadaraew/apple-bottom-jeans.html > apple bottom jeans </a> stretch jeans - <a href = http://members.lycos.nl/daswell/stretch-jeans.html > stretch jeans </a> seven jeans - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/romeomiquel/seven-jeans.html > seven jeans </a> levis jeans - <a href = http://medlem.spray.se/gadaraew/levis-jeans.html > levis jeans </a> same jeans - <a href = http://geo.ya.com/urilucky/same-jeans.html > same jeans </a>
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作者:apple bottom jeans 留言时间:2007-12-25 03:41:06
apple bottom jeans - <a href = http://geo.ya.com/urilucky/apple-bottom-jeans.html > apple bottom jeans </a> lucky brand jeans - <a href = http://geo.ya.com/urilucky/lucky-brand-jeans.html > lucky brand jeans </a> blue jeans - <a href = http://geo.ya.com/urilucky/blue-jeans.html > blue jeans </a> tummy tuck jeans - <a href = http://members.lycos.nl/daswell/tummy-tuck-jeans.html > tummy tuck jeans </a> sexy jeans - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/romeomiquel/sexy-jeans.html > sexy jeans </a> red monkey jeans - <a href = http://geo.ya.com/urilucky/red-monkey-jeans.html > red monkey jeans </a> wet jeans - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/romeomiquel/wet-jeans.html > wet jeans </a> levis jeans - <a href = http://geo.ya.com/urilucky/levis-jeans.html > levis jeans </a> skin tight jeans - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/romeomiquel/skin-tight-jeans.html > skin tight jeans </a> true religion jeans - <a href = http://geo.ya.com/urilucky/true-religion-jeans.html > true religion jeans </a>
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作者:ring tone downloads 留言时间:2007-12-25 01:54:54
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作者:kelly blue book classic cars 留言时间:2007-12-25 01:53:23
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作者:harley davidson leather jackets 留言时间:2007-12-25 01:52:00
harley davidson leather jackets - <a href = http://panchovenedictnm.iespana.es/harley-davidson-leather-jackets.html > harley davidson leather jackets </a> wholesale replica watches - <a href = http://slum.in/chpokilaz/wholesale-replica-watches.html > wholesale replica watches </a> christmas decoration - <a href = http://www.forchristmas.biz/christmas-decoration.html > christmas decoration </a> high pitch ring tone - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/theoshawanda/high-pitch-ring-tone.html > high pitch ring tone </a> ring tone software - <a href = http://medlem.spray.se/tokachto/ring-tone-software.html > ring tone software </a> 24 ctu ring tone - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/theoshawanda/24-ctu-ring-tone.html > 24 ctu ring tone </a> a-1 flight jackets - <a href = http://panchovenedictnm.iespana.es/a-1-flight-jackets.html > a-1 flight jackets </a> xmas ringtones - <a href = http://www.forchristmas.biz/xmas-ringtones.html > xmas ringtones </a> infant life jackets - <a href = http://panchovenedictnm.iespana.es/infant-life-jackets.html > infant life jackets </a> harry potter ring tone - <a href = http://audio.ya.com/claynejackqj/harry-potter-ring-tone.html > harry potter ring tone </a>
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作者:harley davidson leather jackets 留言时间:2007-12-25 01:46:09
harley davidson leather jackets - <a href = http://panchovenedictnm.iespana.es/harley-davidson-leather-jackets.html > harley davidson leather jackets </a> wholesale replica watches - <a href = http://slum.in/chpokilaz/wholesale-replica-watches.html > wholesale replica watches </a> christmas decoration - <a href = http://www.forchristmas.biz/christmas-decoration.html > christmas decoration </a> high pitch ring tone - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/theoshawanda/high-pitch-ring-tone.html > high pitch ring tone </a> ring tone software - <a href = http://medlem.spray.se/tokachto/ring-tone-software.html > ring tone software </a> 24 ctu ring tone - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/theoshawanda/24-ctu-ring-tone.html > 24 ctu ring tone </a> a-1 flight jackets - <a href = http://panchovenedictnm.iespana.es/a-1-flight-jackets.html > a-1 flight jackets </a> xmas ringtones - <a href = http://www.forchristmas.biz/xmas-ringtones.html > xmas ringtones </a> infant life jackets - <a href = http://panchovenedictnm.iespana.es/infant-life-jackets.html > infant life jackets </a> harry potter ring tone - <a href = http://audio.ya.com/claynejackqj/harry-potter-ring-tone.html > harry potter ring tone </a>
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作者:outdoor christmas decorations 留言时间:2007-12-25 01:43:27
outdoor christmas decorations - <a href = http://www.forchristmas.biz/outdoor-christmas-decorations.html > outdoor christmas decorations </a> ring tone - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/theoshawanda/index.html > ring tone </a> silent ring tone - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/theoshawanda/silent-ring-tone.html > silent ring tone </a> discount north face jackets - <a href = http://panchovenedictnm.iespana.es/discount-north-face-jackets.html > discount north face jackets </a> kelly blue book motorcycle - <a href = http://slum.in/kikoloasz/kelly-blue-book-motorcycle.html > kelly blue book motorcycle </a> seiko replica watches - <a href = http://joyjoy6.webng.com/seiko-replica-watches.html > seiko replica watches </a> two tone filigree ring 14k - <a href = http://audio.ya.com/claynejackqj/two-tone-filigree-ring-14k.html > two tone filigree ring 14k </a> xmas shopping - <a href = http://www.forchristmas.biz/xmas-shopping.html > xmas shopping </a> white christmas - <a href = http://www.forchristmas.biz/white-christmas.html > white christmas </a> ring tone - <a href = http://medlem.spray.se/tokachto/index.html > ring tone </a>
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作者:motorcycle jackets 留言时间:2007-12-25 01:42:42
motorcycle jackets - <a href = http://www.freewebtown.com/sdggdg/motorcycle-jackets.html > motorcycle jackets </a> boat kelly blue book prices - <a href = http://slum.in/kikoloasz/boat-kelly-blue-book-prices.html > boat kelly blue book prices </a> replica watches with stones - <a href = http://slum.in/chpokilaz/replica-watches-with-stones.html > replica watches with stones </a> downloadable ring tone - <a href = http://audio.ya.com/claynejackqj/downloadable-ring-tone.html > downloadable ring tone </a> replica omega watches - <a href = http://joyjoy6.webng.com/replica-omega-watches.html > replica omega watches </a> ring tone - <a href = http://audio.ya.com/claynejackqj/index.html > ring tone </a> les poissons ring tone - <a href = http://cairumoroe.netfirms.com/les-poissons-ring-tone.html > les poissons ring tone </a> scrub jackets - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/bryantkimbery/scrub-jackets.html > scrub jackets </a> edmunds kelly blue book - <a href = http://slum.in/kikoloasz/edmunds-kelly-blue-book.html > edmunds kelly blue book </a> christmas carols - <a href = http://www.forchristmas.biz/christmas-carols.html > christmas carols </a>
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作者:ring tone for nokia phone 留言时间:2007-12-25 01:17:12
ring tone for nokia phone - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/theoshawanda/ring-tone-for-nokia-phone.html > ring tone for nokia phone </a> kelly blue book prices - <a href = http://slum.in/kikoloasz/kelly-blue-book-prices.html > kelly blue book prices </a> high pitched ring tone - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/theoshawanda/high-pitched-ring-tone.html > high pitched ring tone </a> track jackets - <a href = http://panchovenedictnm.iespana.es/track-jackets.html > track jackets </a> downloadable ring tone - <a href = http://medlem.spray.se/tokachto/downloadable-ring-tone.html > downloadable ring tone </a> ring tone generator - <a href = http://medlem.spray.se/tokachto/ring-tone-generator.html > ring tone generator </a> replica mont blanc watches - <a href = http://joyjoy6.webng.com/replica-mont-blanc-watches.html > replica mont blanc watches </a> lemax christmas village - <a href = http://www.forchristmas.biz/lemax-christmas-village.html > lemax christmas village </a> jackass theme ring tone - <a href = http://users1.nofeehost.com/theoshawanda/jackass-theme-ring-tone.html > jackass theme ring tone </a> barbour jackets - <a href = http://www.freewebtown.com/sdggdg/barbour-jackets.html > barbour jackets </a>
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作者:ring tone maker 留言时间:2007-12-25 01:11:16
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