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A Limbo! 2014-02-26 05:05:04
   Tuesday night.  BSF(Bible Study Fellowship) night.  The night I normally loved dearly.  But not tonight.
    I was so tired and couldn't even speak in a complete English sentence before class.  How am I going to teaching the Bible lesson for the whole 20 minutes?  My brain felt blank, even though I've prepared the whole lesson last night and kept rehearsing it while driving today. 
    Five boys showed up. No girls. No girls?! Oh, boy!
    Merely finished Bible lesson on time.  Phew! What a relief!  I thought I was gonna faint in the middle of it.
    Well, there was a priceless moment coming right after Bible lesson.  During the discussion questions time, one question was "What do you have that Jesus might use today?"
 The background of this question was that Jesus was entering Jerusalem, and he ordered two disciples to go into the village to get him a donkey.  And he said if the owner ask them, them should just say, "The Lord needs to use it."  And the owner would let them take it.  And Jesus rode the donkey into Jerusalem, just as the prophets had prophesied. 
    So the question was asking the students to think of something that they were willing to let Jesus use.  After my co-leader read the question, a boy who sat right next to me, whose name is Samuel, shot his hand in the air, apparently very eager to answer that question.  And he was called. 
    "A limbo!" He shouted out his answer.
    "A ---What?" my co-leader was confused.  So were I and the others, including our supervisor who was there observing that part of the night.  She did not come in the right time.  Not for us.
    "A limbo!" Sam replied excitedly and proudly.

    (Well, this is the "limbo" I had in my mind.)
    I leaned over to check his answer.  And sure enough, "A Limbo"was exactly what was written on his paper.
    "Can you explain to us why Jesus would use a limbo?" my co-leader asked nicely and patiently.
    "You know, a limbo is a very long car-----" Sam explained.
    I finally had a spark in my mind. "A limo!" I exclaimed.
    (This is the "Limbo" Samuel had in his mind.)
    The rest of the story was not hard to imagine.  Everybody bursted into laughter, including my co-leader, my supervisor and me, which was very inappropriate for us leaders, 'cause we "Should never laugh at a student's answer" according to the Leaders Manual.  Of course the boys went crazy.  And who could blame them? I mean, a limbo?!  Or even a limo?!  I could not have imagined Jesus riding in a limo.   I had to say, I truly envy this little boy's imagination.
    Ever since that moment, the classroom just went downhill. Once in a while some boy would say the word "Limbo", and the other 4 would just lost control like crazy monkeys.  I tried not to laugh with them, but without much success.  My facial muscles still hurt even now.
    The boys were going gaga during the rest of the night.  Couldn't they show just a little bit respect to the leaders and to each other?!   Couldn't they at least manage a little bit of self-control?!
    I was holding my tongue most of the time when I was not teaching, swallowing down all the threatening words I wanted to yell at them.  My hands didn't behave though; I ended up slapping one poor boy's arm.  I said sorry though.......
    Gosh, I bet my co-leader must have felt as ambarrassed as I was in front of our nice volunteer, who also happened to be a former children's leader.  I felt like crying somehow, and I didn't even know why. 
    After class, several leaders were talking by the stairs, and we joined them sheepishly, feeling like two miserable losers.  A Level 1 leader shared how a little girl cried because of confusion during the game time.  And our supervisor said that all the classrooms were kind of wild tonight.  I had to hug my co-leader at that moment, for it was so encouraging and comforting to know that we were not the only ones who messed up tonight.  I know it is an evil thought.  But it is kinda nice to know that someone else is feeling our pains too.
    God is truly humorous.  Even in the mist of our failure, He has given us a reason to laugh. 
    Jesus was right in saying, "You should be like this little child."  A child can easily laugh at his or her silliness and failure and just move on.  I should be like them too. 
    I will always remeber Sam's hilarious "Limbo", and how that little word brightened my not so great night.
    Thank you Samuel! 


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