在图书馆里翻到一套5册的《Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance》,最新版是第16版(2015年出版)。看到第1册的目录把美国的各种职业基本都包括了,感到抄下来对孩子上大学找工作都很有用。 女儿一直不知道大学读什么专业、将来干什么工作是好。帮她借了一本14版的第一册(新版不出借)。她视若珍宝,每天晚上临睡前翻看几页,也不知道她的脑瓜里对自己的将来有什么打算。 这里的职业目录只是大分类,具体到某个职业,书中有更详细的解释。 对照美国劳工部的职业分类,这套书肯定还有遗漏的部分,但是大致比较热门和常见的行业都在此了。 == Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance Ferguson, 16th Edition (2015), ISBN: 978-08160-85033 [5 vols.] --- A [10] accounting advertising and marketing aerospace agriculture animation airlines alternative energy alternative health care architecture automotives manufacturing B [3] biology and life sciences book publishing business administration and management C [12] casinos and casino hotels chemicals chemistry child care comic books and graphic novels commercial banking and financial services computer and video design computer hardware computer software construction consulting cosmetology D [4] dance defense dental care design E [9] earth sciences education elder care electronics manufacturing energy engineering entrepreneurship environment science and conservation event planning F [9] facilities management fashion and apparel film fire fighting fitness and sport training and coaching food processing foreign languages and studies foreign trade forestry and forest products G [2] general consumer products government H [4] health care management health care providers hospitality human resources I [6] import export information technology insurance Internet content Internet services and security investment management J [1] journalism L [3] law letter and package delivery literary and information services M [10] machining and machinery manufacturing mathematics and physics media and entertainment medical equipment manufacturing metals military services mining museums and cultural centers music N [4] nanotechnology newspapers and magazines nonprofit sector nuclear power O [1] oil and gas P [11] packaging parks and public lands personal care pharmaceuticals and biotechnology photography plastics politics, public policy, and activism printing public relations public safety pulp and paper R [8] radio railroads real estate recording industry religious ministries restaurants and food services retail rubber S [10] sales security and investigation shipping social media social sciences social services space exploration sports staffing and human resources stone, concrete, ceramics, and glass T [7] telecommunications television textiles theater toys and games travel and tourism trucking U[1] utilities V [2] veterinary medicine and animal care visual arts W [3] waste management wholesale writing and editing