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为什么学好外语口语【十分困难】? 2018-11-22 06:30:04




我记得在大学,我们只崇拜口语好的老师。其他老师,不论你是正教授,词汇量再大,莎士比亚研究的再好,只要你口语不好,我们学生都不屑一顾。系里倒是有外教,但是肉少狼多,那里够分呐。四年下来,除了一星期上几节课外,对话时间不超过几个小时。我那时就发现,外教的作用就是"考试"。想学好口语,正相反,不能靠模仿,靠外界(比如录音), 必须走自己的路。更重要的是,我的哲学研究成果,"范例体系",开始的思想,将我的口语研究提到一个新的阶段。沿此路至今。

总结自己35年教英语的经历,包括从在中山大学英语培训中心,教第一批教育部培训的李政道的研究生,到美国教,30年来教ESL和从事翻译,我深知口语的困难(听听中国驻美大使,中国外交部长,的口语就知道了)。而且清楚,如果你已经成人后再学外语,过了单纯模仿期(最晚十几岁),基本不能再跟老外学好口语了。 我走了另一条路,我自己的经历和学生作证明。我确信我的书,[范例口语],对中国留学生,尤其在中国大学毕业后的留学者,的口语定有所帮助-关键你要读懂。对于没有钱请私人外教的中国家长,也是必不可缺。因为我的方法来源于哲学认识,所以不是普通一本教英语的书,能使你少走许多弯路(国内的英语教学是误人子弟),因为我只教你"方法",你自己需要按照这些方法来练习。只有一种情况例外,如果你离开中国是少年,而且经常跟外国人交流,最好找个异性朋友,那么你靠模仿就可以了,不需要本书。

口语成果的最终目标是接近母语,在新的知识方面超过母语。那么,我认为有以下"十大难点", 括号中为犯错误的人的大概比例。





浏览(3816) (5) 评论(20)
作者:duanyi 留言时间:2018-12-23 10:58:31

Has your this book <范例口语> been published now? If you have sample book already, can I order it from you directly? (My email: duanyiwang7814@gmail.com). Thanks!

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作者:duanyi 留言时间:2018-12-15 13:57:20

Has your book <范例口语> been published yet?

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作者:duanyi 回复 microsoftbug 留言时间:2018-11-25 11:52:38

I very appreciate your guidance! It's really helpful to study your couses.

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作者:microsoftbug 留言时间:2018-11-25 04:22:09

You are mostly welcome. The relationship of the three series is of something like this if you will: the Instancology is of the foundation of which the others are built upon or its applications. I wouldn't be any different In my views than others without the new philosophy enlightenment. FYI.

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作者:duanyi 回复 microsoftbug 留言时间:2018-11-24 21:24:21

Yes, I'm also very interested in your other lecture series! Very grateful for your kindly sharing your these unique and wonderful courses with us!

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作者:microsoftbug 留言时间:2018-11-24 20:48:51

No problem at all. If interested, there are three playlists under my name:

"Measure Your Mind"

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作者:duanyi 回复 Madhatter 留言时间:2018-11-24 20:28:41

I have found your Youtube website, including your English teaching clips. Thank you so very much again for all of your great helps! Look forward to your new book available soon!

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作者:microsoftbug 留言时间:2018-11-24 20:23:41

In YouTube, search these words: "Playlist: Chinese Learn Speaking English", you will see this picture:

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作者:duanyi 回复 Madhatter 留言时间:2018-11-24 19:52:30

Great! Would you please let me know the YouTube URL of these videos? Thank a lot!

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作者:Madhatter 留言时间:2018-11-24 18:23:26

They were all uploaded to YouTube as a playlist.

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作者:duanyi 回复 microsoftbug 留言时间:2018-11-24 17:13:45

Many thanks again for your further information about your courses!

Currently, I'm particularly interested in the videos of your English classes. Would you please let me know whether I can watch these English teaching videos somewhere (QQ or website)? If they are not available online now, can I order them?

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作者:microsoftbug 留言时间:2018-11-23 21:37:14

Those class videos on both philosophy and English classes were conducted a few years ago (on QQ platform for 6 semesters, 3 months each). Later as I was too busy working on the US side, we suspended our academy. This book is basically a summary of what was taught being also an update version. You might want to watch those videos first to do a warm-up for future understanding.

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作者:duanyi 回复 microsoftbug 留言时间:2018-11-23 21:00:48

Also, is "《范例口语教程》" you mentioned in your blog the same thing as the new book to be published? Is there any information about your【范例口语学院】on website?

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作者:duanyi 回复 microsoftbug 留言时间:2018-11-23 20:34:13

Thank you so much for your prompt reply, Teacher Dong! Look forward to your new book vailable soon!

I have found your lecture series on "Instancology" on website and very interested in these videos. Would you please also let me know where I can find the videos & text information about “范例口语”讲座 (as you mentioned in http://blog.creaders.net/u/5822/201603/250157.html)? I have jsut sent a friend request in Skype in order to join your ESL online course. But not got your reply yet. Anyway, many thanks for all your helps!

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作者:microsoftbug 留言时间:2018-11-23 19:47:50

Thank you Duanyi for your interest! I will publish the book in Amazon in the next few days. Pls search the word, Instancology, in the internet. You can find past class videos for your reference. I will make a public announcement when it is ready.

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作者:duanyi 留言时间:2018-11-23 18:35:50

Would you please let me know how to order your book <范例口语>? Do you have any other English teaching materials? My email: duanyi_wang99@yahoo.com. Thanks!

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作者:南大街哦哦 留言时间:2018-11-22 21:21:39


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作者:microsoftbug 留言时间:2018-11-22 19:03:14


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作者:南大街哦哦 留言时间:2018-11-22 17:18:07


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作者:microsoftbug 留言时间:2018-11-22 15:06:33

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