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探索人类社会进步内在结构:语言的奥秘 2017-11-05 15:55:06

本人写的书Language and State: An Inquiry into the Progress of Civilization, Revised Edition于今年5月在美国再版。本人重新充实其内容并改善其语言表述。此书解释人类的语言通讯的距离的延伸代表着人类文明社会进步的整个过程。人类社会的任何一种文明形式都是一个语言通讯过程延长的结果。为何这样说?你一定想不到。如果你想了解人类社会的发展为什么与语言通讯的距离有关,为何任何一种文明都有一个时间概念和空间概念,你所处的文明社会在人类文明社会进程的哪个位置上,此书必看。此书乃世界唯一。以下是此书背面的简要概述。

This book argues that a tribe of the primitive society is formed because of kinship while a state of the civilized society is formed because of language. When humans communicate using language, they extend the distance and reaches of communication. They expand their communities. States replace tribes. Language underlies the formation of the state. Then, accordingly, language also underlies the organization of the state as men create language solutions in the organization of the state such as constitution, election and representation. The extension of linguistic communication distance also underlies the formation of three juxtaposing branches of governmentadministrative, legislative and judicial body. It also enables men to create various forms of civilization such as history, philosophy, literature, art, religion and law which play a role in the construction of men’s spirit that guides the operation of the state. Language presets the whole process of the progress of human civilization.



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