送交者: jiang_jun 2007年9月20日17:34:13 浮生六记,我居然一口气读了下去,二十多年没碰过的生疏古文(当然只是近代古文)也一下子通了八成。难怪长期以来老听别人沈复长芸娘短的,发现中国古代文人还是蛮有节目的嘛。读到“猫奴争食……两人不禁泪落”一段,觉得这对两小无猜的鸳鸯鸟让人好生羡慕,也单纯得可爱。
作者:qqwest 提交日期:2005-5-18 14:09:00
'was like a spring dream which vanished without a trace'东坡诗中的‘事如春梦了无痕’
The country was then in the heyday of peace, i was born in a scholars' family.正值太平盛世,且在衣冠之家。
I hope the reader will be kind enough not to scrutinize my grammar , which would be like looking for brilliance in a tarnished mirror. 若必考订其文法,是责明于垢鉴矣。
卷一 wedded bliss 闺房记乐
two innocent children 两小无嫌
i fell asleep drunk like a fish. 大醉而卧
of a slender figure ,she had dropping shoulders and a rather long neck .Slim but not to the point of being skinny.Her eyebrows were arched and there was a look of quick intelligence. 其形削肩长项,瘦不露骨,眉弯目秀。
its style is a little bit too biting 但未免形容尖薄耳。(这是芸对西厢记的评语)
Yun looked back at me with a smile and our souls were carried away in a mist of passion 芸回眸微笑,便觉一缕情丝摇人魂魄。
all too soon the dawn came 不知东方之既白
and soon every day we rubber soulders together and clung to each other like an object and its shadow and the love between us was something surpassed the lanuage of words 自此耳鬓厮磨,亲同形影,爱恋之情有不可以言语形容者。
i felt like a garrison prisoner receiving his pardon and we held each other's hand in silence and it seemed then our souls had melted away or evaporaterd like a mist 喜同戍人的赦,握手未通片语,而两人魂魄恍恍然化烟成雾。
my ears tingled and i did not know where i was 觉耳中惺然一响,不知更有此身矣。
a hall ...called 'After my heart '-the reference was to an iold poem :' when the water is clear,i will wash the tassels of my hat;and when the water is muddy,i will wash my foot' 名曰‘我取’,取‘清斯濯缨,浊斯濯足’意也
Li Po's poems have the wayward charm of a nymph.His lines come naturally like dropping petals and flowing waters ,and are so much lovelier for their spontaneity 但李诗宛如姑射仙子,有一种落花流水之趣,令人可爱。
'one who is over courteous is crafty' 语曰‘礼多必诈’
‘so much obliged’ 得罪 (这是他们夫妇两人之间的对话用语)
From then on our conversation wer full of 'i'm sorry's 'and 'i beg your pardon's' 自此‘岂敢’‘得罪’竟成语助词矣 (相敬如宾阿)
I had carved two seals with the in????ion 'That we might remain husband and wife from incarnation to incarnation.' 余携‘愿生生世世为夫妇’图章二方。
I kept the seal with positive characters while ahe kept the one with negative characters. 余执朱文,芸执白文。
The fifteenth of the the seventh moon was All souls' day.七月望,俗谓之鬼节。
Yun knitted her brow and said :'if it be the wish of God that we two should live together until there are silver threads in our hair then the moon must come out again tonight.' 芸愀然曰:‘妾能与君白头偕老,月轮当出。’(这是他们在家赏月时的对话)
Yun was buried amidst tear and laughter and choking on my breast. 芸已漱涎涕泪笑倒余怀。
then Yun stopped laughing and said :'the cjtron is the gentleman among the different fragrant plants because its fragrance is so slight that you can hardly detect it;ont the other hand, the jasmine is a common fellow because it borrows its fragrance partly from others.Therefore , the fragrance of the jasmine is like that of a smiling sycophant.' 芸乃止笑曰:‘佛手乃香中君子,只在有意无意间。茉莉是香中小人,故须借人之势。其香也如胁肩谄笑。
True it is that when the cup of happiness overflows disaster follows, as the saying goes, and this was also an omen that we should not be able to live together until old age. 真所谓乐极灾生,亦是白头不终之兆。(书中第一次提到这样的说法。这也是本书所谓的’糟粕‘的部分吧)
After a whil , the moon had already arisen from behind the forest,and the breeze was palying about our sleeves, while the moon's image sparkled in the rppling watermand all worldly cares were banished from our breasts. 少焉一轮明月已上林梢,渐觉风生袖底,月到波心,俗虑尘怀爽然顿释。(这是他们中秋在沧浪亭赏月)
’if you are in love with a thing you will forget its uglyness‘ said Yun 芸曰’情之所终,虽丑不嫌。’
...besides had the talent of reaching my wishes by a mere glance or movement of the eyebrow, doing things without being told and doing them to my perfect satisfaction. 且能察眼意懂眉语,一举一动示之以色,无不头头是道。
'it will be quite beautiful if we can then still remember what has happened in this life.' 芸曰‘必得不昧今生,方觉得有情趣’
‘That's all very well ,but even a bowl of congee has provided material for so much conversation .We shan't be able to sleep a wink the whole wedding might ,but shall be discussing what we have done in the previous existence.if we can still remember what's happened in this life then' 余笑曰:’幼时一粥尤谈不了,若来世不昧今生,合卺之夕,细谈隔世,更无合眼时矣。(他们小时候就有过绯闻。那时他们才13岁~~)
'Ended is the present life and uncertain the next' ‘他生未卜此生休’(又是一个感叹。这种心碎的感觉时常萦绕心头)
After a while ,the moon cut her image int water so we ... and whiled away the whole day.Thus , clad in simple gowns and eating simple meals, we could live a very happy life together without going anywhere. 少焉,月印池中,赏玩竟日,布衣菜饭可乐终身,不必作远游计也。(赏月时,谈到将来,芸的要求只是那么简单。后面她还说到要陪丈夫游览苏州附近的山水,但她那一双小脚又能走多远呢~~)
or gossip over the tea-cups 或煮茗清谈
Accondingly she changed her coiffure into a queue 于是易髻为辫。(芸要和他一起去看热闹的节日,只好换男装)
'Even if they should find it out ,they would laugh it off as a joke' (他安慰芸,即使被人识破也没什么大不了的。丈夫也是个开放的人。)