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义商思想為轉而賺 2015-08-25 04:54:14





Good morning, everyone!


I am very pleased to be here today. I’d like to thank the Hong Kong Gemstone Group for inviting me to attend this event in buffalo.  And thank you for Mr. Jiang and Mr.Thomas give me this chance to be on this stage today. I will take about 30 minutes to talk about virtuous business conduct.


What is virtuous business? Some of you may not familiar with this. But we all know money sharks, right? The opposite of money sharks are virtuous businessmen.


For now, there are 7.4 billion people living on this planet, and the biggest social problem is the widening gap between the rich and the poor. Many people are suffering because of poverty. People can’t afford food, education, health care, homes and so on. Money sharks hold the most wealth in the world, but they use a defective distribution method for sharing their resources. So people won’t solve poverty by working hard.


Nowadays, the wealth gap worse than ever. 1% people holding the 99 % wealth in the world, while the rest of 99 % people have to share that 1 % wealth. So there is only 1% people have a happy life in the world, and we can see social inequalities everywhere.


There is a basic rule in the society that more Money Sharks, more poor people, but more Virtuous Businessmen, fewer poor people. Our vision is to create a balanced society, so Promoting Virtuous Business Conduct is an essential endeavor.

全球义商班第三期 纽约

我為此創辦了全球義商班,以世界七大義商沈家楨、張靜江、安德魯.卡內基、比爾.蓋茨、沃倫.巴菲特、查克 費尼、丹.普萊斯的行為做實例,闡述義商思想。全球義商班的宗旨是傳播義商思想,讓社會產生更多義商。

I am the founder of the global virtuous business seminar. Here, I list out the best seven virtuous businessmen in the world. They are C.T. Shen, Jingjiang Zhang, Andrew Carnegie, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Chuck Feeney, and Dan Price. I created the global virtuous business seminar is aim to promote the virtuous business conduct, and bring more virtuous businessmen in our society.


Let’s take a look at these 7 virtuous businessmen

第一位是沈家楨d C.T.Shen。他是美國航运家。1970年,他從紐約來到巴發羅,買下一家虧損的航运公司,运用義商思想和經營智慧,創建了五大湖航运史上最庞大的自动化船队,开辟了了美國經濟戰略运输线西煤东运水路联运線。他的義商思想概括起來是四個字:為轉而賺。

The first one C.T. Shen. He was a shipping entrepreneur. In 1970, he bought an unprofitable shipping company in Buffalo. In shipping history, He created the largest automatic fleet in the Great Lakes area through virtuous business conduct. He opened up the connection between the water transportation and land transportation, which revolutionized the coal strategy shipping from the west to east. His virtuous idea can be summarized as “earn to turn” which means to create the wealth to share the wealth.

第二位是張靜江Jingjiang Zhang,他是一位在巴黎經商的中國古董商,傾家蕩產資助孫中山發動武裝起義,創建了亞洲第一個共和國中華民國,從帝王專制下解放了四億五千萬中國人。孫中山對他的義舉非常感激,親書“滿堂花醉三千客,一劍霜寒四十州對聯贈送給他。

The second is JingJiang Zhang, who was an Chinese antique dealer in Paris. He donated all his property to help Sun Yat-sen armed uprising, which created the first republic country in Asia—the Republic of China, and liberated four hundred fifty million Chinese people. Sun Yat-sen is deeply appreciated what Jingjiang Zhang did and personally wrote him a couplet as a gift.

第三位是安德鲁.卡内基Andrew Carnegie,美國鋼鐵大王,20世紀初的世界首富。他的義商思想是一個有錢人如果到死還是很有錢,那就是一件可恥的事情。基於這樣的思想,他生前就把財富裸捐了。紐約卡內基音樂廳、匹茲堡卡內基大學、3500個圖書館,煉鋼工人救濟養老基金、捨己救人基金、大學教授退休基金、總統退休基金、作家基金、名人基金,都是他捐建的。

The third is Andrew carnegie who built a steel empire in America and became the richest man in the world in the early 20th century. His virtuous philosophy is “ the man who dies rich thus dies disgraced.” Based on the philosophy, he donated all his wealth before his death. He created the Carnegie hall in New York, the university of Carnegie in Pittsburgh, three thousand and five hundred libraries, steelworker relief pension fund, university professor pension fund, president pension fund, writer fund, celebrity fund, and so on.

第四位是比爾蓋茨Bill Gates20次蟬聯美國首富,他在華盛頓大學演講時對聽眾說:我能理解你們想要幾百萬美元,一旦你擁有太多金錢,我必須告訴你,漢堡還是那塊漢堡。”蓋茨的義商思想相當樸實。

Number four is Bill Gates, he was the richest man in America for 20 years. In his speech at the university of Washington, he said “I can understand you want millions dollars, but I have to tell you, even if you have that much money, a Hamburger is still a hamburger.” As we can see, Bill gates has a very simple virtuous business ideal.

第五位是沃倫.巴菲特Warren Buffett,他當著兒子的面在公司股東大會上說:那種認為只要投對娘胎便可一世衣食無憂的想法,損害了我心中的公平觀念。他宣佈將300多億美元財產捐給慈善事業,沒有給兒子。巴菲特的義商思想的特點是平等意識,他的平等觀高於血統論。

No.5 is Warren Buffett. During the company shareholder meeting, he said he didn’t believe in dynastic wealth in front of his son. He announced that he would donate more than 30 billion dollars for charity, not for his son. The focus of Warren Buffett’s virtuous business conduct is equal. Equality is over everything.

第六位是匿名捐款80億美元的查克·費尼Chuck Feeney,他的義商思想是‘錢不捐光,我死不瞑目。’費尼靠銷售免稅白蘭地、香水和名牌商品積累起龐大財富,但他身上沒有名牌服裝,用塑料袋做公文包,出門乘坐公共汽車。他向各地大學和醫院捐款,要求受益者保密,若向外界透露消息,停止資助。

No.6 is Chuck Feeney, his virtuous philosophy is “ Giving while living ”. He collected a lot of wealth from the duty-free brandy, perfumes and other branded goods. But he never wears any designer clothes. He uses plastic bags, and commutes on buses. He donated to numerous universities and hospitals, but require that remained anonymous, otherwise he will stop funding.

第七位是丹.普萊斯,Dan Price,他今年30歲,是美國一家公司的大股東兼CEO,他的公司幫助企業處理信用卡付款,去年交易額65億美元。普萊斯根據普林斯頓大學的研究,年薪7萬美元是人們感到幸福和成功的指標,決定把員工最低工資提到7萬美元,同時把自己100萬美元的CEO年薪降到7萬美元。他的義商思想是這樣表述的:美國貧富差距擴大,我不斷思考這個現象,覺得時候到了,現在不解決要等什麼時候?’

No.7 is Dan Price, he is 30 years old, also a shareholder and CEO in a company. His company helps other company’s process credit card payments, and his company last year revenue was $6.5 billion dollars. Studies by Princeton university has found that people will feel comfortable with a minimum wage of 70 thousand dollars, so he decided to increase the employee minimum wages to 70 thousand dollars, and decrease his one million salary to the 70 thousand dollars. This is how he presents his philosophy: “I keep thinking about the wealth gap in America, and I think it’s time. If we don’t begin addressing this issue now, then when?”


All these 7 virtuous businessmen are unique, but today I will focus on C.T. Shen’s philosophy “Earn to Turn”.


What is “Earn to turn”? C.T. Shen thinks the duty of businessmen is not to make money for a better life, but to share the wealth for more people. If each businessman has such a duty, we will have enough resources to build an equal and prosperous society.

沈家桢的卧室,他活了94岁,一直过着朴实生活。 何哲摄


C.T. Shen believes that real charity is donating to your employees. He looks at each employee as 10 people; because each employee has their parents and children. As a boss, you should provide enough money for your employee to support their whole family. He himself has the same living conditions as his employees, and he pursues an equal life.


He also believes the first distribution of social wealth is the internal distribution within the enterprise, which is much more important than the second distribution from the tax, or the third distribution from philanthropists. If we already give enough to employees in the first distribution, the employees wouldn’t need the 2nd distribution or the 3rd distribution to support their family. So the real charity is the first distribution within the enterprise.


Some businessmen are really wealthy, but his wealth came from exploiting their workers. He collects huge amounts of wealth and sometimes he does charity, but it is only an euphemism for giving back to society. Does this kind of businessmen belongs to virtuous businessmen? Absolutely not! He is a money shark. The money he gives out for charity is supposed be given to his employees. However, he uses this money to enhance his reputation.


For thousands of years, we have a misconception that the duty of businessmen is to make money. Every time when I ask this question, the only answer is Making Money! No one thinks making money is a wrong concept.


We all know the doctor’s duty is curing the patientlawyer’s duty is fairness, policemen duty is fighting crime,  the government officer’s duty is integrity, the soldier’s duty is to protect the country. It is really reasonable, however, if these people were to say: the duty of businessmen is making money, so why don’t we change our duty to making money? Don’t we have the right to be rich?


Just imagine, once everyone change their duty to making money, the doctor will require the extra money from patient, if you don’t have money, you will die in the hospital; if lawyers require the bribes, if you pay less, you will prisoner to your death; if policemen require money, otherwise you will be in jail; if officer require for money, otherwise he will persecute your family; if a soldiers will get enough money before go to the fight, maybe you don’t know, a regional commander position can be sold for 3 million dollars. When people confused about their duty, this society is corrupt. Now we can see a variety of corruption in this world. The main reason is people misunderstand their duty.


C.T. Shen creates the virtuous business philosophy earn to turn. He provides a correct duty concept for businessmen; also improve businessmen to a new level. This is a great contribution he brings to our society. With the spread of virtuous business ideal, more and more people will agree with his philosophy: earn to turn.


Since I published the C.T. Shen biography 2000 at NY, I’ve been trying to spread his virtuous business philosophy. I am really glad to see the first company use C.T. Shen’s virtuous business conduct as the company philosophy –Hong Kong Gemstone Group. Today we gather in Buffalo, where C.T.Shen created the great lakes shipping miracle. This indicates a good beginning. I sincerely wish the Hong Kong Gemstone Group will grow fast, and conduct business all around the world, with a continued success in millions, billions, and trillions. Last but not least, Hong Kong Gemstone Group will lead all businessmen in the world to create a real virtuous business society.


Thank you.

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