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/他爹  翻译/他娘





共和党这些年的战斗号角就是为了有限政府并把政府从我们的生活中赶出去。我想大部分人会同意这一点。但如果这就是他们的战斗号角 —他们又为何对妇女为防止怀孕而服用的“晨服”药丸那么在乎并嚷嚷不停呢?






一个人的决定能够影响到我的唯一方式就是如果他们的确怀孕了,并在下面几种情形下采取行动:1)有了一个不想要的孩子 2) 在贫困中带大那个孩子 3)放弃孩子给人领养 4)孩子生活在贫困中没有足够的条件获得卫生保健,因此是不健康和需要国家援助 5 作为母亲因为有了孩子而无法完成大学学业,因此不能挖掘她的潜力,结果需要政府援助 6 至少其它十个理由对我有负面影响。




















我发现我们社会中有着一种卑劣的现象,一个群体试图把他们的信仰强加于别人的头上,与此同时,他们却还在叫嚷其他国家的人权是如何被其他政府滥用的-不论是沙特阿拉伯以及他们对妇女的严格律法,或者是中国以及他们的宗教组织权利。 这些人手指指责别的国家,却在自己的国家违背民意,倒行逆施,这难道不虚伪吗?










By Tadie


The battle cry for years of the Republican party has been for limited government and to get government out of our lives. That’s something I think most people would agree with. But, if that is their battle cry – why all the concern and screaming about a little “morning after” pill for women to take to avoid pregnancy?


I’m sure the thought process and reasoning is much more complicated than I could discuss here but for a group, a large group at that, to want to impose on someone their own personal beliefs strikes me as not being limited government but actually to be more like an iron grip on power and limiting the rights or wishes of the people.


I fail to understand why someone would care if someone else took a pill to avoid a pregnancy. That individuals decision to avoid a pregnancy is their decision and theirs alone. Who am I, or who are we, to tell another person what to do with their decision making process or how to live their life?


The only possible way that this persons decision could affect me is if they did get pregnant and put in motion the following possible scenerios: 1) have an unwanted child  2) bring that child up in poverty   3) give that child up for adoption   4) child lives in poverty and doesn’t have adequate access to health care and is therefore unhealthy and needs state assistance   4) the mother has the child and fails to complete college and thus does not reach her potential and ends up on government assistance   5) at least 10 other arguments that could negatively affect me.


Now, the point of this argument, my argument, is that all the scenarios are bad ones – they are bad for the woman, bad for the kid if she has one, and bad for me and society ( the tax payers ).


The thought process of those who want to limit the woman’s access to a “morning after pill” is much the same as we see in countries that have a “theocracy” – a government essentially based on religious beliefs, regardless of whether you believe in that religion or not. Much like Saudi Arabia where women are not allowed to drive or vote or even be out in public without being with a spouse ( if married ) or a male relative, or being forced to wear restrictive clothing to hide their faces and their hair and every inch of skin on their bodies.


How ridiculous is that? It may be custom and tradition in other countries, I’m ok with that, but here? In the USA? It’s forcing a group, women, to give into the religious beliefs of another group.



I was watching Fox News this morning and one of their commentators even lied about the pill itself – calling it an “abortion” pill when there is not one piece of scientific evidence that notes this. In fact, the pill doesn’t work if you’re pregnant, it only works to prevent, yes – prevent, a pregnancy.


But, so much of the argument from the conservatives is so filled with misinformation, fear mongering and outright lies, that the purpose of the lie is to feed their own sense of right and wrong from a religious point of view that their view actually tramples the rights of those people, women, that are guaranteed under the Constitution!


Last week the Susan G Komen cancer foundation decided to stop funding Planned Parenthoods efforts in studying breast cancer – saying that Planned Parenthood was under investigation and then saying that they didn’t like the studies and research that the group performed on breast cancer.


Actually, the reason for stopping the funding was because most conservatives think of Planned Parenthood as performing abortions only. They do perform abortions but it is only about 5% of their work. The rest of their work is for womens health – mostly breast cancer, cervical cancer and reproductive health – giving these services to women who do not have insurance or are poor. They do receive federal tax dollars as part of their funding but the majority of their funding comes from private grants and donors.


After the Komen foundation  decided to cut off funding Planned Parenthood received over $3 million in donations – a massive increase in normal donations. The Komen foundation received very bad press and outrage from many that donate to their foundation. Society overwhelmingly was outraged at their move – and what did Komen do? Well, they rescinded their “defunding” in 3 days and will now continue to fund research for breast cancer to Planned Parenthood and their director of Public Policy resigned over massive pressure ( probably forced to resign or she would have been fired ). Now, the interesting part about the Director of Public Policy is that she ran for Governor of Georgia in 2010 but lost, but her major theme that she campaigned on was to be anti abortion and that she would defund Planned Parenthood in the state of Georgia.


To defund an organization like Planned Parenthood is literally cutting your nose off to spite your face. It’s a mean move and actually only limits the options that some women have towards health care. Some women’s only health care is from Planned Parenthood. But, for those who try to force their own personal beliefs on others do so only for their own benefit to the detriment of millions of women.


I find it despicable in our society that one group tried to force their belief systems on others while at the same time screaming about how the rights of people in other countries are abused by other governments – whether it is Saudi Arabia and their strict codes on women, or China and the rights of religious groups there. It’s not only hypocritical for these people to point fingers at other countries but even worse when they do it here in their own country to the detriment of their own people.


For me, I just wish the Republicans would be truthful to what they say their core belief is: Limited Government and Intrusion into citizens lives. But, saying it is easy – actually practicing is much more difficult, as the hypocritical Republicans continue to show us every day.

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