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By Tadie ( December 31th, 2011)


I read in the news this morning about China’s new 5 year plan to go to the moon. No doubt they will succeed in getting there. The Chinese also plan to set up several space stations and laboratories as well as collect more samples from the moon and create space freighters.

The ambitious program and goal the Chinese have set forth is both admirable and sad for this writer – a US citizen. The Chinese are motivated to get ahead in business, science, trade and international affairs and their progress these past 20 years is evident. They have become the second largest economy in the world, have developed a “blue water” navy and submarines, sent men into space and hold the largest foreign reserves of any country on earth.

All of he above are notable achievements in a competitive world which had been dominated by Europe and the USA the past 500 years. So, while China’s ambitious space programs is admirable it also begs the question of why the Chinese are closing the business and technology gap between itself and the USA.

Since Deng Xio Peng began the opening up of China over 30 years ago he set free an industrious people who were motivated to catch up to a world that had left China behind while they ran into the future. Now China is sprinting into the future and the USA and Europe are stagnating.


The why question can be answered fairly simply. China’s system of government is much more efficient at decision making than the USA or Europe. The title of this article, “China going to the Moon AND the USA can’t fix a bridge”, is very true. The Wests system of government, especially the USA, gone backwards where the politics of power has become the prize rather than the health of a nation maintaining its economic and technology superiority.  It makes more sense in the USA to hinder the opposition party in power, especially the President, so that they and their policies fail – so that in the next election you hope to regain power and the Presidency. This is exactly the situation in the USA right now.

The US infrastructure of roads and bridges is in need of repairs and upgrades. Congress could approve funding for thousands of projects and put thousands, perhaps millions, of people back to work. Makes sense to do that, right ? China’s government is very involved in the success of their commercial enterprises and the needs for job creation in their current 5 year plan. But, in the USA the Republican held Congress will not even bring to a vote the plans to fix our infracstructure and put people to work because that would help the economy and make the President look good, and increase he chance that the President would win a second term in office. So, politics and inability to compromise in Congress hurts the entire country.

The current divide  in the US government – Congress – is only getting worse as extremist officials of the Tea Party are elected. I dare to say that if there was a Tea Party during World War II that Europe would have fallen to Nazi Germany, Japan would have controlled China and the Korea’s and the entire region,the USA would never have sent men to the moon and we would have become an isolated country that the world despised rather than looked at in admiration of our successes.

The USA has been successful because for the most part of our history we have gotten along together and came together in unity to move forward as a nation, that crushed Nazi Germany and rebuilt Europe, that defeated the Japanese and created a democracy there and the people there maintained their heritage and traditions and even their Emporer. We showed respect to them they didn’t expect. China benefited from our use of force and our unity as nation to defeat evil  and oppression where we saw it.

But, now, we can’t even get agreement to fix a bridge or a road in our own country.

China’s going to the moon. The USA is driving on bumpy roads

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