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老美看神九: 中国在太空的巨大进步

 (前言: 中国神九胜利升空,安全返回。是全世界华人的骄傲。可喜可贺。本人先生对此表达了由衷的祝贺,并发表了感言。咱明天要飞回祖国,收拾行李的时候抽空翻译了一下。感谢贝壳老A盛情相邀,咱提前结束在湾区别墅的度假,回到村里来共同庆贺这个伟大光荣的时刻。顺便带点手信,以飨乡亲)

(前前言: 请看 http://www.cnn.com/2012/06/29/opinion/chiao-china-space/index.html?hpt=hp_abar 是美国首位华裔宇航员 Leroy Chiao 写给CNN的。Leroy 曾经与我曾辅佐的前任(现正竞选)国会议员尼克兰普森同属与美国太空基金会。兰普森是基金会理事。本文作者曾经担任国会议员兰普森经济政策顾问)

老美看神九: 中国在太空的巨大进步


作者:罗杰    翻译:丹奇
























IN SPACE       

By Roger S.

June 29, 2012


Just this past week China returned three (3) astronauts safely back to earth after 13 days in space, signaling a huge leap forward for their space program and showcasing their technological expertise to join the elite club of nations who have sent people into space – sharing this noble membership with just 2 other countries, the United States and Russia.

What’s unique about China’s progress is that it has achieved in 9 short years what took the Americans and Russians years longer to achieve – putting people in space and then transferring those people to another space craft after a delicate docking maneuver.

As a natural born United States citizen I applaud China’s rapid ascent into the heavens and to return people safely back to earth. Space flight is a very dangerous business as noted by the lost crews of the U.S. Space Shuttle program and Russian losses through the past 50 years.  Also, as a U.S. citizen I’m upset that as of this time the U.S. has no space vehicle with which to launch people into space. We, as a country, must rely on the Russians for a ride to get to the International Space Station ( ISS ).

How did we , as a country, find ourselves in such a situation? Well, first of all we find ourselves in a severe governmental budget deficit. Over the years we as a country have found it more important to fight unneeded wars ( Iraq ) and to bailout wealthy bankers and their investors than it is to invest in our world leading superior edge in technology , especially manned space flight.

Slowly, the United States is losing ground to China in this area ( as well as others such as new or updating infrastructure – roads, buildings, etc. ).

Why have we become so uninterested in space ( and infrastructure )? Basically, it’s a political equation and a budgetary one. Politically some members, enough of them, don’t believe there is a real merit to the space program or the new technologies that it has brought forth thru the years. Budgetary issues make the prior statement more easy to make – we just don’t have the money to fund space vehicle launches right now.

I believe, and it’s hard to argue the point, that the Chinese system of politics is better for space programs and their progress as well as a countries infrastructure. There is no upcoming election in the next year or two years that would stop you from doing what is necessary for the good of the country or its progress. The decision making process is much more streamlined. It’s left in the hands of a few rather than hundreds and those few have a driven interest for the country to proceed to the next level and match the Americans and Russians in space.

Unfortunately for us Americans we as citizens and supporters of our space programs are hindered by our politicians in continuing our space flight programs for the time being – all the while the Chinese rapidly gain ground in both experience and technology.

America is a great country and has led the world in economic, military and technological strength for decades but, China’s rapid gain in space technology only shines a light on our own missteps in how we manage our continued role as a world leader in space.

But, in the end I personally applaud the Chinese skill in sending humans into space and returning them safely to earth. It’s a great achievement in a short period of time, and should be applauded. Perhaps the competition for America from China will be good for us and motivate our own great country to again focus on what is important to us a country and a citizen and maintain our superiority in space.


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