文章评论 |
作者:舒服羁勒呀 |
留言时间:2011-03-07 00:01:03 |
姜MM说:在国内只有李刚才能当挡箭牌,什么法律民主都玩去 |
作者:八面山 |
留言时间:2011-03-06 18:18:17 |
非常欣赏这篇文章,说得很好。谢谢! |
作者:共产斧头帮 |
留言时间:2011-03-06 03:04:35 |
MustaphaK, 华山: 如果你们一开始就向国际社会承认,我们就是独裁专制,我们就是不允许记者采访,我就要骚扰你们记者, 那大家也无话可说; 可是你们做婊子行当的偏喜欢立牌坊, 说尽漂亮话,宪法标榜的民权与自由度比任何国家的还要多还要高, 而做的却是另一套偷鸡摸狗的营当 ! 不管是做人还是党,都是比较龌龊的 ! |
作者:解滨 |
留言时间:2011-03-05 20:43:05 |
请问何为“低数”? 低等数学?
网络语言比较不拘一格,但您这种创造性似乎大大出格了,您有通过“低语”(低级汉语)考试吗? 谢谢! |
作者:butanzhengzhi |
留言时间:2011-03-05 19:50:18 |
大家別在给力啦!再不停地给力,那什么都会飞走啦!!!!!!!!! |
作者:不跟帖不行 |
留言时间:2011-03-05 18:57:47 |
Coody:你的几句鸟粪,又脏又臭,快去喂你妈吃吧!可多要五毛钱 |
作者:QingXingChen |
留言时间:2011-03-05 18:28:36 |
其实很多人都忘了,毛泽东掌权后接连使出的组合拳“反右,大跃进,文革等”中,对中国造成最大危害的是他在发动文革后,立即“砸烂公检法、撤销高等教育,”致使中国人的思维方式彻底毁坏。 |
作者:benznj |
留言时间:2011-03-05 17:45:48 |
作者:MustaphaK |
留言时间:2011-03-05 17:27:23 |
网络游戏 : 中国的法律,不是让神七放到外太空去遨游了吗?
还好,比起美国的法律,放在卫星上,升空3分钟,临空爆炸的, 还算有个盼头。
哈哈哈哈!! |
作者:benznj |
留言时间:2011-03-05 17:12:44 |
lil5, Thanks lot for sharing your thoughts and valuable suggestions. I certainly understand your choice. Please do encourage your son to participate politics when the time is right, and hey, ask him to bring forth you several grand children! |
作者:不跟帖不行 |
留言时间:2011-03-05 16:27:03 |
作者:不跟帖不行 |
留言时间:2011-03-05 16:21:50 |
Mustaphak:你这个五毛,为了党妈赏给你块骨头,又跑这来出丑,上次你的小学语文错误还没让我给你砸怕呀! |
作者:不跟帖不行 |
留言时间:2011-03-05 16:02:21 |
解大侠!又一牛文,你是中华民族的骄傲! 土共外交发言人的::“不要拿法律当挡箭牌”水平又低又无赖!这就是土共,这种部门在这样的场合都这样,可想而知土共对付国内的弱势群体了 |
作者:网络游戏 |
留言时间:2011-03-05 15:52:38 |
作者:网络游戏 |
留言时间:2011-03-05 15:49:53 |
听说要一万年才能转回来。 |
作者:li15 |
留言时间:2011-03-05 15:10:23 |
Thank 解滨 for using his blog for this discussion. Thank you for your kind words. But, I will not start a blog, at least not at this time. You are the second person to say so. I do applaud on your idea about increasing Hua population and promoting our interest in North America (are you in USA or Canada? -- I visited there 4 times mostly for academic reason), but I would not want to be too public. You may see the page "http://blog.creaders.net/ygyy2010/user_blog_diary.php?did=78502" to know more. Do not mention that I do not have time.
Increasing Hua population is not a simple issue. Practically, it does have some hindrance. I am only an academic person, I chose not to mettle with politics since I was about 10 years old. My father, the oldest brother, and several young brothers are communists, but I never intended to be a one. I almost made the decision to stay in USA long before I came here, and chose to be naturalized soon after more than one person openly suggested me to be naturalized as soon as I could and found out my career, at least somehow, concerns about (if not depends on) my citizenship. I do not have any intention to go back to China besides visiting my family and touring already twice, even I may well have very good chance to be a guest whatever there. I do think that many of us should join the USA or Canada politics as much as possible, again, I do not have intention or time to do it at this time.
Your voice on increasing our population and promoting our interest should be as loud as possible and heard by as many people as possible. If possible, I would be glad to see many people like you to say that in public, not only on this web. This is one of more important things to do. I mentioned this point because I think that youngsters should not fuss around but figure out how to stay here and live a different life unless they are planning to go back (then they should figure out how to improve China's political environment instead of complaining about some minor stuff -- say, how to reduce the corruption is more important -- it is not possible to wipe out the corruption anywhere because of human nature). Helping other Chinese to succeed in USA could be another one. However, I do not have the luxury to do so -- at least at this time. I joined a little bit discussion only recently on this site because I do have a broad interests including politics which I do not intend to mettle with (actually, I am thinking about encouraging my son to participate more in politics if he would be willing to do when time is mature for him). We indeed should do everything possible to promote Hua people's interest. |
作者:benznj |
留言时间:2011-03-05 13:12:39 |
lil5, your thought and suggestion. |
作者:benznj |
留言时间:2011-03-05 12:52:54 |
Thanks for the response.
I am fully aware of the savage side of US ruling class.
You said "there are more important things to do rather than fussing around.", May be you can offer your thoughts on what we can do to promote our Chinese community and contribute more of our share to this country.
Would you open your own blog, to offer a different voice on politics, social issues, etc? I know, from your background, you can offer much valuable insight which can no doubt benefit our Chinese community.
I want to thank you for applauding my proposal to increase Chinese population by enhancing immigration and birth rate. Do you think it's praticle?
Aristotle said, "Men by nature are political animals". So we Chinese need to get more involved in politics, I think |
作者:共产斧头帮 |
留言时间:2011-03-05 10:41:51 |
华山: 你说民主自由是 "国外贩来的普世水货水土不服", 那请问马恩列斯的社会主义共产主义是不是洋货? 你们用得很服水土么? <img src="http://www.qpic.ws/images/9b338398.gif" alt=""/> |
作者:巴山人 |
留言时间:2011-03-05 09:21:00 |
另外对deliver关于毛泽东的一段评价也很有共鸣。我们都不喜欢毛在世时的许多政策。但毛在世时说“走资派还在走”、“资产阶级复辟的危险随时存在”,确实说得很准。还没过三十年,一切都兑现了。不能不承认他的先见之明。听说王震死前说了一句话:“毛主席他老人家比我们所有人早看五十年”。我觉得对毛的全面评价还要等更长的时间来做才会比较客观和公正。 |
作者:华山 |
留言时间:2011-03-05 09:13:54 |
极端派(左,右)同流合污是当前大趋势,在中国再搞一次共产革命,再搞一次文化革命确实还有基础。但中国人民是否还愿意再用一百年来轮回一次?国家再回到殖民地极贫极弱的过去(甭再提GDP老几)?这可需要大多数中国人的同意。另外,借老毛这具死人给力压活人,也要问问你的同伙们(象阿苹阿妞等)愿不愿意掺和。 |
作者:li15 |
留言时间:2011-03-05 08:30:28 |
Thank you for your response.
Yes, you are absolutely right about being deceitful and savage. I have experiences in several regional universities (I bargained to be teaching instead of doing research for a while) and several top research universities (I never went through any so-called, here "so-called" is not a typo, searching processes). I have sort of close friends in white as well as in black (I taught once in a black university). For instance, black people are now not slaves anymore (at least on the surface, you may say), partially because communism movement (not Martin Luther King, whom USA government attributes to for obvious reason: !politics). Many blacks were communists under a different name in 60's (for example), some of them were killed during a demonstration in 1979 (that was not too long ago?) (in the town I lived) by white KKK members in the daytime on the street with gun shots (no white KKK members were injured), but the court did not do anything about those killers after a lawsuit. There are still people on death row for being communists today under the charge of different crimes. There are still efforts even today about that killing, but I will not be surprised that there will be no result like in the case of the President Kennedy's assassination. Killing and assassination is only deceitful to you, not a savage? What I tried to say to youngsters is that there are more important things to do rather than fussing around. I wish that I could say something meaningful to you; I do not know and I do not care that much either (it is not my duty or responsibility at all, do not say that I do not have time to fuss around). |
作者:解滨 |
留言时间:2011-03-05 07:47:12 |
哈哈,在下表面上批毛,但内心里偶尔也是一个毛粉。 好几年前我就想过要写个帖子,叫“毛泽东也许是对的”。 看看今日中国的知识分子多卑鄙,多猥琐,多流氓,就觉得文革毛泽东整他们也许没错;看看如今当官的普遍多坏,就觉得毛泽东把他们全都整一遍根本就没错;看看富裕起来的国人吃喝嫖赌无恶不作,就觉得毛泽东对国人搞禁欲也许多少也有点道理。 作为一个基本上只读线装书的旧读书人,毛泽东对国人的劣根性也许吃得最准,对读书人骨子里的每一个细胞都看过一遍,对当官的血液里的每一个血球都化验过一遍。 邓小平口口声声要搞“中国特色”的社会主义。 知中国特色,唯毛泽东也。
周末愉快! |
作者:benznj |
留言时间:2011-03-05 06:46:59 |
li15, I see what you were saying (I hope I see), politics is dirty everywhere, only in US is more deceitful, in China more savage?
(PS: Thanks for the comment in my blog) |
作者:deliver |
留言时间:2011-03-05 05:32:24 |
……中国过几十年在工业化后,翘尾巴的可能性就更大了。你们回去以后,请告诉你们的下一代,将来中国如果翘尾巴,翘到一万公尺以上,就批评它。要监督中国,要全世界都来监督中国。那个时候我就不在了,去找马克思开代表大会了。 |
作者:MustaphaK |
留言时间:2011-03-05 00:58:00 |
鄙毛兄, 你把我敲得好痛哦。
咦,民主人都上哪去了? 真不‘给力’啊。
哈哈! |
作者:共产斧头帮 |
留言时间:2011-03-05 00:13:21 |
中国的法律是用来看的,不是用来用的。学过数学的人都知道数学中有一个 Null 的概念,既不是有,也不是没有,既不能等于,也不能不等于。中国的法律就是这样的一个 Null。Nullified 中国的法律,既不是有,也不是没有,既不是存在,也不是不存在,既不能遵守,也不能不遵守,既不能违反,也不能不违反.... <img src="http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/smilies/big/020.gif" alt=""/> |
作者:看前面黑洞洞 |
留言时间:2011-03-04 23:58:05 |
作者:特有理 |
留言时间:2011-03-04 21:23:32 |
网上看望花筒给力,周末上网更给力,周末看谢先生的文章特别给力! |
作者:li15 |
留言时间:2011-03-04 20:40:05 |
上访? You may BE ("be" was missed) arrested at once! Try it; you will see. I had lived in 4 different states in USA before we settled down (the reason for my family's moving was the game in politics behind my academic career, not the job market). I often try to talk to people from various communities. |