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日本地震造成的核危机已到关键时刻 2011-03-14 08:37:54




根据过去24小时的消息,日本福岛核电站已有两座核能反应堆发生了爆炸。另外有好几座位于灾区的反应堆濒临类似的危机。这场事故涉及多座反应堆,在范围上已经是人类前所未有。 今后72小时是关键时刻。 如果技术人员能够控制住不发生新的爆炸,把已经灌注海水的反应堆在几天内成功地降温,那么其核危害将被限制在较小的范围。到目前为止核泄漏还仅限于爆炸时冲出的烟云中的较少的放射性物质,并不会造成大面积核污染。 但是如果连灌注海水都没有能够控制住燃料棒温度的持续升高,最终将会造成反应炉炉芯的溶化,那造成的危害将远不止日本本岛,而是大半个亚洲和太平洋地区,甚至美国都将遭受其危害。 

网上有外行人对此事故不正确地描绘为核燃料“超过‘临界点’,引起核爆炸”,那是胡说八道。核反应堆里面是使用的低浓缩铀,核武器使用的是高浓缩铀。低浓缩铀不会引起核爆。 造成这两次爆炸的原因应该是由于地震和海啸造成反应堆失控,紧急关闭反应堆后燃料棒大幅露出,紧急冷却装置由于大面积停电无法启动,使包覆核燃料的锆合金温度升高,与水反应产生氢气,氢气外漏到反应炉的建筑物里,和空气中的氧气发生反应,引发氢爆。 爆炸产生的气体中含有放射性材料。 为了阻止燃料棒持续升温并关闭核反应堆,核电站只好采用自杀式办法—灌注海水来降温。

据最新消息,已经产生爆炸的两个反应堆的燃料棒都出现了“partial meltdown”,这也就是某些(不是全部)燃料棒已经变形或者熔化。假如反应堆的炉温在灌注海水后还不能得到有效的控制, 接着就是燃料棒熔合在一起,使炉芯彻底失去控制,此所谓 “complete meltdown”, 其造成的高温度使得它们熔化一切屏蔽物或保护层,造成有点类似切尔诺贝利那样的大火和核烟云。 这种核烟云含有大量放射性物质,可以漂流到日本周围几千公里内的任何国家,后果不堪设想。这将是人类的一场大范围的核灾难。

众所周知,对于这种大面积核污染,人类目前还没有找到有效的方法来治理。 核污染烟云漂流到区域,既可以直接造成人和一切动物的直接被污染,也可由于放射性物质被植物或农作物吸收而造成对人类的间接影响。对人类最直接的结果是儿童得白血病的比率高将比其他地区高出数倍。由于辐射物质导致人体染色体变异,畸形婴儿也将大量出现。

日本政府已经把出事反应堆周围地区20公里内的居民全部撤出,这就是说日本政府已经在准备对付“complete meltdown”  即使不出现“complete meltdown”那种悲剧,核灾区附近的老百姓也不能进行正常的生活,撤离核灾区的几十万人将在今后的数月中无法回家。日本的国土狭小,一旦出现“complete meltdown”日本的核电站周围的大量居民撤出后可以肯定再也不能搬回去了。 这也就是说,日本将出现数万平方公里的无人区。

反应堆一旦出现“complete meltdown”,对于日本本土的直接破环程度将比别国严重得多。 要扑灭反应堆大火,可能的办法是用飞机从高空直接投放数千乃至数万吨白云石、砂粒、硼化物、土和铅等灭火材料,把大火强行压住。 控制住火势后还要设法逐渐堵住放射性烟尘的持续扩散(灭火后反应堆的烟雾仍然可以持续飘逸数月之久)。  放射性烟尘消失后还要清理现场并在现场建立一个永久隔离区。 这个过程需要数万人的参与。灭火人员不受核辐射污染是不可能的事,只是污染的严重程度因人而异。 前苏联切尔诺贝利核电站事故处理过程中当场就有三十几名工人死亡,后来因受到大剂量辐射而有5.5万人在抢险救援工作中死亡,15万人残废,并且还造成了大量的生态难民。有15万平方公里的前苏联领土受到了直接污染,其中乌克兰26个州中12个州的4.4万多平方公里的土地受到核污染,300万人受害。

那么,日本目前的核危机有没有达到前苏联切尔诺贝利核电站事故那样的严重程度呢? 暂时还没有。 用核工程学者的估算方法,如果把前苏联切尔诺贝利核电站事故的严重程度形容为7,那美国的三里岛事故大概是5。 日本昨天的严重程度已经到了4。 今明两天极有可能到达6


这一次出事故的有总共7个反应堆,其中两个已经爆炸,另外两个已经亮红灯,在爆炸的边缘。 要扑灭这几场核大火,至少要几十万人参与,必有几千人丧生或患上辐射病,长远的灾害就不敢想了。日本的地震海啸造成的灾害才刚刚开始,救灾还在进行,要同时对付两、三场核大火,不要说日本,就连美国也未必能够一下子提供这么多的人力物力到那里去。 美国的“里根”号航母因为害怕核灾害已经远离核灾区。一个已经是灾难深重的国家从哪弄这么多人和物资来抢救这场人类空前的核灾难呢?

所以,今后72小时最为关键。 如果再有两个反应堆出现爆炸,或者已经爆炸的两座反应堆出现“complete meltdown”,那么联合国安理会就应该立即召开紧急会议,组织全人类的拯救行动。这不仅仅是拯救日本,也是拯救我们人类本身。


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作者:tony qu 留言时间:2011-03-15 07:39:31
我再次建议: 1.绝不能在地震区和生态区内建核电站;2.现有的核电站和正在建设的核电站必须经国际原子能专家审核通过后方可使用;3.必须制定由国际原子能机构要求的安全可靠的预警和事故处理方案;4.全球所有的核电站都必须接受国际原子能机构监督(不存在主权问题)。
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作者:阿妞不牛 留言时间:2011-03-14 22:44:01


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作者:远古的风 留言时间:2011-03-14 22:34:19
日被指刻意降低核事故等级 "切尔诺贝利"或重演
环球网 于 2011-03-14 22:25:19

  俄罗斯《共青团真理报》报称,虽然日本专家认为福岛第一号核电站不会发生“核爆炸”,也不会重演“切尔诺贝利“事件,但也有专家持不同观点。瑞典一位专家就将其称为 “日本切尔诺贝利事件”。
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作者:远古的风 留言时间:2011-03-14 22:10:58





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作者:白凡 留言时间:2011-03-14 22:10:07

作者:白凡 留言时间:2011-03-14 21:51:53
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作者:坚硬石头 留言时间:2011-03-14 21:45:20






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作者:远古的风 留言时间:2011-03-14 21:39:34
纽约时报: 日面临潜在核灾难!


Japan Faces Potential Nuclear Disaster as Radiation Levels Rise

by Hiroko Tabuchi, Keith Bradsher and Matthew L. Wald.

TOKYO — Japan faced the likelihood of a catastrophic nuclear accident Tuesday morning, as an explosion at the most crippled of three reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station damaged its crucial steel containment structure, emergency workers were withdrawn from the plant, and a fire at a fourth reactor spewed large amounts of radioactive material into the air, according to official statements and industry executives informed about the developments.

“No. 4 is currently burning and we assume radiation is being released. We are trying to put out the fire and cool down the reactor,” the chief government spokesman, Yukio Edano, told a televised press conference. “There were no fuel rods in the reactor, but spent fuel rods are inside.”

Japan's nuclear safety watchdog later said that the fire at the No. 4 reactor had been extinguished, The Associated Press reported.

Government officials also said the containment structure of the No. 2 reactor had suffered damage during an explosion shortly after 6 a.m. on Tuesday.

They initially suggested that the damage was limited and that emergency operations aimed at cooling the nuclear fuel at three stricken reactors with seawater would continue. But industry executives said that in fact the situation had spiraled out of control and that all plant workers needed to leave the plant to avoid excessive exposure to radioactive leaks.

If all workers do in fact leave the plant, the nuclear fuel in all three reactors is likely to melt down, which would lead to wholesale releases of radioactive material — by far the largest accident of its kind since the Chernobyl disaster 25 years ago.

Reports of an imminent worsening of the problem came after a frantic day and night of rescue efforts focused largely on the No. 2 reactor. There, a malfunctioning valve prevented workers from manually venting the containment vessel to release pressure and allow fresh seawater to be injected into it. That meant that the extraordinary remedy emergency workers have been using to keep the nuclear fuel from overheating no longer worked.

As a result, the nuclear fuel in that reactor was exposed for many hours, increasing the risk of a breach of the container vessel and a more dangerous emissions of radioactive particles.

By Tuesday morning, the plant’s operator, Tokyo Electric Power, said it had fixed the valve and resumed seawater injections, but that they had detected possible leaks in the containment vessel that prevented water from fully covering the fuel rods.

Then the explosion hit the same reactor. The operator initially reported that the blast may have damaged the bottom part of the container vessel, but later said radiation levels had not risen high enough to suggest a major escalation of the problem. While they did not immediately provide a detailed account of what happened at the reactor, government and company officials initially ruled out a serious breach that could lead to massive radioactive leaks or a full meltdown of the nuclear fuel.

Even if a full meltdown is averted, Japanese officials have been facing unpalatable options. One was to continue flooding the reactors and venting the resulting steam, while hoping that the prevailing winds, which have headed across the Pacific, did not turn south toward Tokyo or west, across northern Japan to the Korean Peninsula. The other was to hope that the worst of the overheating was over, and that with the passage of a few more days the nuclear cores would cool enough to essentially entomb the radioactivity inside the plants, which clearly will never be used again. Both approaches carried huge risks.

While Japanese officials made no comparisons to past accidents, the release of an unknown quantity of radioactive gases and particles — all signs that the reactor cores were damaged from at least partial melting of fuel — added considerable tension to the effort to cool the reactors.

“It’s way past Three Mile Island already,” said Frank von Hippel, a physicist and professor at Princeton. “The biggest risk now is that the core really melts down and you have a steam explosion.”

Hiroko Tabuchi reported from Tokyo, Keith Bradsher from Hong Kong and Matthew L. Wald from Washington.
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作者:山哥 留言时间:2011-03-14 20:13:23

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作者:doublewu 留言时间:2011-03-14 19:51:53
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作者:解滨 留言时间:2011-03-14 18:42:36

谢谢留言和最新消息! 根据这个消息,应该说发生严重泄漏的危机已经不那么迫切了。 但事情还远没有完。 那几个反应堆今后打算怎么办? 怎样安全地关闭掉(灌注海水后将永久报废)并隔离起来? 这是一大堆棘手的问题。 所以我觉得现在只可以“谨慎地乐观”。
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作者:解滨 留言时间:2011-03-14 18:30:17


很高兴得到您来自一线的信息! 东京应该是安全地带。 不过如果出现放射物从反应堆严重泄漏的事件,恐怕还是要快快离开为好。 你看了上面已经有分析说到风向会怎么影响核污染云的走向。 不同地区轮流停电是发电站停机造成的,不知道还要持续多少时间。 今天电视上看许多日本百姓自动停电,支援急需用电地区,很感动。

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作者:解滨 留言时间:2011-03-14 18:14:46


俺要是懵对个70%俺就心满意足了。 现在日本的余震还是不断,再来个大余震恐怕又要增添一些变数。 很同意你的观点: 乘人之危者缺德。 中日今后还会一如既往地摩擦不断。 但现在是携手合作共度难关的时刻。 这一次天灾叫日本撞上了,下一次轮到谁还说不定呢。 毛泽东说“人定胜天”现在正是这个局面。
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作者:在水一方 留言时间:2011-03-14 17:49:07

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作者:远古的风 留言时间:2011-03-14 17:27:19


New Blast Reported at Nuclear Plant as Japan Struggles to Cool Reactor
Published: March 14, 2011

TOKYO — An explosion early Tuesday morning may have damaged the inner steel containment vessel of the No. 2 reactor at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, leading to the wide release of radioactive materials there and forcing the evacuation of some emergency workers, the plant’s operator said.

Hospital patients who might have been exposed to radiation were carried into a radiation treatment center in Nihonmatsu, Fukushima Prefecture, on Sunday.

The blast appeared to be different — and more severe — than those that at two other troubled reactor at the same nuclear complex because this one, reported to have occurred at 6:14 a.m., happened in the “pressure suppression room” in the cooling area of the reactor, raising the possibility to damage to the reactor’s containment vessel.

Any damage to the steel containment vessel of a nuclear reactor is considered critical because it raises the prospect of an uncontrolled release of radioactive material and full meltdown of the nuclear fuel inside. To date, even during the four-day crisis in Japan that amounts to the worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl, workers had managed to avoid a breach of a containment vessel and had limited releases of radioactive steam to relatively low levels.

Details of what happened remain unclear, with executives of Tokyo Electric Power, the plant’s operator, giving only preliminary reports of damage to the suppression pool but declining to provide a full explanation of what that meant.

But the new blast came after emergency operations to pump seawater into the same reactor failed, leaving the nuclear fuel in that reactor dangerously exposed late Monday into early Tuesday morning.

Tokyo Electric Power said late Monday that a malfunctioning valve made it impossible to release pressure in the reactor, which in turn thwarted efforts to inject seawater into it to cool the fuel. The water levels inside the reactor’s containment vessel fell and left its fuel rods exposed — perhaps completely exposed — for some hours.

Workers had been having difficulty injecting seawater into the reactor because its vents — necessary to release pressure in the containment vessel by allowing radioactive steam to escape — had stopped working properly, they said.

In the predawn hours of Tuesday Tokyo Electric announced that workers had finally succeeded in opening a malfunctioning valve controlling the vents, reducing pressure in the container vessel. It then resumed flooding the reactor with water.

But the company said water levels were not immediately rising to the desired level, possibly because of a leak in the containment vessel.

A Tokyo Electric official had earlier described the situation as improving. "We do not feel that a critical event is imminent," he told a press conference.

But the explosion appeared to suggest that the efforts to contain the problem at that reactor had failed.

In reactor No. 2, which is now the most damaged of the three at the Daiichi plant, at least parts of the fuel rods have been exposed for several hours, which also suggests that some of the fuel has begun to melt. Government and company officials said fuel melting has almost certainly occurred in that reactor, which can increase releases of radioactive material through the water and steam that escapes from the container vessel.

In a worst case, the fuel pellets could also burn through the bottom of the containment vessel and radioactive material could pour out that way — often referred to as a full meltdown.

"There is a possibility that the fuel rods are heating up and starting to melt,” said a Tokyo Electric spokesman told a late-night conference on Monday, televised on public broadcaster NHK. “It is our understanding that we have possible damage to the fuel rods,” he said.

By Monday night, officials said that radiation readings around the plant reached 3,130 micro Sievert, the highest yet detected at the Daiichi facility since the quake and six times the legal limit. Radiation levels of that magnitude are considered elevated, but they are much lower than would be the case if one of the container vessels had been compromised.

Industry executives in touch with their counterparts in Japan Monday night grew increasingly alarmed about the risks posed by the No. 2 reactor.

“They’re basically in a full-scale panic” among Japanese power industry managers, said a senior nuclear industry executive. The executive is not involved in managing the response to the reactors’ difficulties but has many contacts in Japan. “They’re in total disarray, they don’t know what to do.”

The venting problems made it impossible for a time to administer the emergency remedy the plant operator had been using to control heat at the three crippled Daiichi reactors, all of which experienced failures in their electronic cooling systems. That remedy involves pumping in seawater to cool the fuel rods, then opening vents to release the resulting steam pressure that builds in the container vessel. When the vessel is depressurized, workers can inject more seawater, a process known as “feed and bleed.”

The extreme challenge of managing reactor No. 2 came as officials were still struggling to keep the cores of two other reactors, No. 1 and No. 3, covered with seawater. There was no immediate indication that either of those two reactors had experienced a crisis as serious as that at No. 2.

The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission said Monday that the Japanese government had formally asked for assistance as it responds to the crisis in Fukushima. As part of a wider response, the United States has already dispatched two experts in boiling-water reactors, the type used at Daiichi. They are in Tokyo offering technical assistance to the Japanese, the commission said in a statement. The commission is considering further assistance, including providing technical advice, it said.

The situation at Daiichi was also complicated on Monday by another problem when the outer structure housing reactor No. 3 exploded earlier on Monday. A similar explosion destroyed the structure surrounding reactor No. 1 on Saturday. Live footage on public broadcaster NHK showed the skeletal remains of the reactor building and thick smoke rising from the building. Eleven people had been injured in the blast, one seriously, officials said.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said earlier Monday evening that the release of large amounts of radiation as a result of the explosion at No. 3 was unlikely because the blast did not compromise the steel containment vessel inside the No. 3 reactor. But traces of radiation could be released into the atmosphere, and about 500 people who remained within a 12-mile radius were ordered temporarily to take cover indoors, he said.

“I have received reports that the containment vessel is sound,” Mr. Edano said. “I understand that there is little possibility that radioactive materials are being released in large amounts.”

Mr. Edano and other senior officials did not address the escalating crisis at reactor No. 2 later Monday or early Tuesday.

But the situation a reactor No. 3 was being closely watched for another reason. That reactor uses a special mix of nuclear fuel known as MOX fuel. MOX is considered contentious because it is made with reprocessed plutonium and uranium oxides. Any radioactive plume from that fuel would be more dangerous than ordinary nuclear fuel, experts say, because inhaling plutonium even in very small quantities is considered lethal.

In screenings, higher-than-normal levels of radiation have been detected from at least 22 people evacuated from near the plant, the nuclear safety watchdog said, but it is not clear if the doses they received were dangerous.

Technicians had been scrambling most of Sunday to fix a mechanical failure that left the reactor far more vulnerable to explosions.

The two reactors where the explosions occurred are both presumed to have already suffered partial meltdowns — a dangerous situation that, if unchecked, could lead to a full meltdown.
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作者:MustaphaK 留言时间:2011-03-14 16:05:42
yxqd 留言时间:2011-03-14 11:55:42


yxqd 老兄误会了,“跪着唱民主的洋奴们” 从没在乎过事情是“天灾”还是“人祸”, 他们向来就是对中国发生的灾难是“幸灾” 和 “乐祸”。


现在事情出在日本,他们拿出一副忧世界忧民的样子。 开始做国际主义普世人了。



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作者:deliver 留言时间:2011-03-14 15:30:40
不敢肯定说的是否100%正确,但行文深如浅出,我这个送外卖的也看明白了,有点毛大爹和邓大人的文风。小胡口口声声高举邓氏旗帜,是否也把邓氏的文风学一学?我看文风也算旗帜的一部分,否则不学其文风就会举而不坚,不能PENETRATE。 别误会,我说的是语言要有穿透力,老百姓要能听懂, 八股是不行的。

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作者:解滨 留言时间:2011-03-14 15:23:07

谢谢留言! 也谢谢你解释了我的一个迷惑的问题: 核乌云会往哪跑。 我对气象一窍不通,多亏了你的指点。 我记住了。

日本那几座核电站多为40年前GE的技术,已经老化了。 加上年检时又做了点猫腻,估计人祸的天灾都有。

中国帮日本稳定核反应堆是没有技术障碍的,政治障碍最大,日中两方面都有。 中国出动飞机空运几千吨急需的物资也不成问题,比美国近多了也快多了。 亚洲也就中国有那个能力,其他国家免谈。 但中日两国会不会一大堆愤青出来找碴子,这是两国政府都害怕的问题。
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作者:华山 留言时间:2011-03-14 15:06:32

“日本的核烟云飘到中国的概率最大。 中国为了自家的利益也要设法帮助日本稳定住那几座核电站”




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作者:解滨 留言时间:2011-03-14 15:06:31


谢谢你带来的好消息! 三个反应堆有两个已经开始好转,这确实是个好消息。

Two Japanese nuclear reactors whose cooling systems were knocked out following an earthquake and tsunami were joined Monday by a third reactor that lost its cooling system. All three now are assumed at risk of partial or total meltdowns of their radioactive-fuel cores. "Units No. 1 and No. 3 seem to be trending to more stable conditions and increasing safety margins," said Dave Lochbaum, a nuclear engineer and director of the Union of Concerned Scientist Nuclear Safety Program (UCS), a US nuclear safety watchdog group, in a conference call with reporters. No. 2, however, remains in an unstable, volatile situation, he said.
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作者:解滨 留言时间:2011-03-14 14:02:31


我不知道如何回答您的问题。 我自己的观点(没在书上读过)是, 核乌云的走向应该由风向决定。 风往哪吹核乌云就往哪走。 家里没有地球仪。 不过我想想,美东和美西海岸离日本的实际距离应该差不了很多。时差放在那里。不知我这个想法是否正确。


苏联那次核事故没有影响美国。 估计这一次也不会。 除非真的有好几个核反应堆都 meltdown了。
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作者:ddcheat 留言时间:2011-03-14 13:50:29


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作者:解滨 留言时间:2011-03-14 13:47:13


事故严重程度主要看对核放射燃料的控制情况和事故范围(多少个反应堆出故障)。 越严重失控的,事故的严重性就越高。 比如说用导弹炸毁一个核电站,那将比起尔诺贝利事故还严重 - 彻底失控。 日本的几个出事的反应堆现在还不是完全失控的,核污染还是很局限的,还有办法让燃料棒的溶化慢下来。 但是也不完全有把握 - 这种事情谁都不敢打包票。 比如说明天那里假如来一个7.9级的余震,把设备再搞砸一些,事情就不好说了。 三里岛大约50%的燃料棒溶化,其外漏的放射性物质并没有多少。

刚才看到的新闻说又有一个反应堆在 meltdown,可能爆炸。 问题越来越严重。 因为日本就那么一个岛国,地震后资源没法集中起来解决这个核灾难,所以悲剧也许真要发生了。 但愿上帝保佑人类!
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作者:说了就跑 留言时间:2011-03-14 13:42:35
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作者:共产斧头帮 留言时间:2011-03-14 12:50:42
共狗们别幸灾乐祸: 这是人类的灾难, 共狗们一样也躲不掉
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作者:信济 留言时间:2011-03-14 12:36:07
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作者:解滨 留言时间:2011-03-14 12:35:06


普通百姓在知道这个灾难不可避免的情况下,除了跑得远远的,例如跑到核污染云到不了的国家,实在无法避免或尽可能少地受到核辐射的伤害。 水源、植物、动物一起污染,且核放射物自然衰退的半衰期很长,不容易对付。 大多数工业国家会对突发非正常辐射水平及时报告给公众。 但有的政府为了避免人民恐慌,隐瞒灾情也是可能的。 美国、加拿大离日本较远,比中国远多了,情况不会那么严重。
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作者:解滨 留言时间:2011-03-14 12:25:53


俺只能说是小半个内行 — 在美国是学这行的,但一拿到敲门砖就迫不及待地跳到IT去赶时髦去了。 最近几天俺越看越觉得事态严重,所以赶紧温习一下当年的功课,来大放厥词,不好意思。
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作者:我们的党 留言时间:2011-03-14 12:19:00
天灾人祸?拨云见日!社会主义的豆腐渣可随一江春水东流去, 资本主义的反应堆是定将逃不过审判的.
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作者:白凡 留言时间:2011-03-14 12:16:48
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作者:远古的风 留言时间:2011-03-14 12:16:22

石头想碎: 日本地震后的世界格局
送交者: payapa 2011年03月14日10:25:58 于 [天下论坛]






















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解滨 ,125岁
来自: 天王星
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