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【书摘】希拉里·卡林顿可算是俄国间谍 2021-09-28 17:03:18



Inside Trump's White House: The Real Story of His Presidency

Doug Wead, 2019, ISBN: 978-1-5460-8585-0


事实是,在 2016 年大选前的几年里,希拉里竞选团队与俄国的联系,远多于富有创造力的美国国家媒体发现的俄国与川普的联系。没有人暗示希拉里是俄国间谍;他们只是质疑她的诚信。2010年,以国务卿希拉里为首的美国国务院批准了一家俄国公司收购一家名为Uranium One的加拿大公司。由于加拿大公司在美国拥有重要的采矿权,因此需要美国的批准。【注4】


取而代之的是,两年来,主要的电视网络夜以继日地引领着观众,向他们承诺那将是世界历史上最惊人的故事:美国总统唐纳德·川普是俄国间谍。美国电视台的主播和专家们板着脸宣传这一令人震惊的历史时刻的最有力的“证据”:一项调查显示,俄国的个人和组织购买了价值 20 万美元的对前任国务卿希拉里·克林顿有害的 Facebook 的广告。他们完全不顾 Facebook 的创始人及其所有的高级股东和高管都支持希拉里·克林顿 (Hillary Clinton) 竞选总统、并向克林顿基金会捐赠了成千上万美元的报道。《The Hill》的一篇文章宣称:“希拉里·克林顿是Facebook捐款的最大受益者。”【注9】















Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich

Peter Schweizer, 2016, ISBN: ‎ 978-0062369291




The fact was that in the years leading up to the 2016 election the Clinton campaign had far more links to Russia than anything the inventive American national media could find with Trump. No one was suggesting that Clinton was a Russian spy; they were just questioning her integrity. In 2010, the US State Department, headed by Secretary of State Clinton, had signed off on permission for a Russian company to purchase a Canadian company named Uranium One. Since the Canadian company owned significant mining rights in the United States, it required US approval.【注4】

Five years later, the Russian government decided to "acquire a majority stake" in the company.【注5】Weeks later, a Russian investment bank with ties to the Kremlin had paid the Democratic nominee's husband, Bill Clinton, $500,000 to give a speech.【注6】What followed was a massive infusion of money to the Clinton Foundation. The money came from Russian oligarchs and friends of President Putin. Before they were done, the Russians had donated $145 million to the Clinton Foundation【注7】The media virtually ignored the story.【注8】

Instead, night after night, for two years, the major television networks led with what they promised viewers would be the most astonishing story in world history. Donald Trump, the American president, was a Russian spy. The most tangible "proof" of this stunning moment in history, promoted with a straight face by anchors and pundits on American television, was an investigation that revealed that persons and organizations in Russian had purchased $200,000 worth of Facebook ads harmful to the former secretary of state Hillary Clinton. Never mind the reports that the founder of Facebook and all of its top stockholders, officers, and executives had openly supported Hillary Clinton for president and had donated thousands of dollars to the Clinton Foundation. An article in 《The Hill》proclaimed that "Clinton is largest beneficiary of Facebook donations."【注9】

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