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请英文好网友帮忙修改译文 2014-12-13 09:10:34




网友们你们不要被这个人小人骗钱,他是个赌鬼,骗了我姐姐很多钱,114557067.1933678027.1448207628.千万不要上当,不是男人的人...甩逼男人,不要脸吃女人的用女人的,没有用的人,所有人都知道他没有用,身边没有人看的起他这个不要脸的男人,骗子,贱  ,贱。

Online friends, do not be defrauded by this base person of your money. He is a gambler and has defrauded my elder sister of a lot of money of her. 114557067.1933678027.1448207628. Never let yourself be fooled. A person who is not a man is a foolish man. He is a shameless person who eats the foods of a woman and uses the things of a woman. He is a useless person. All know that he is useless. Nobody around him thinks highly of him, a shameless man, a defrauder, because he is mean, mean.


A shameless defrauder.


He has also ruined all my life. All his crimes are known by all. In addition, he has gone to the police station for countless times. He fails to repay the money he owes. All he eats and drinks are provided by a woman.


He even has no money to buy cigarettes and clothes. He uses my credit card. All around me know that he has no friend. Even his relatives look down upon him. A down-and-out gambler has even sold the house of his family. He and his wife even victimize others outside.


My elder sister is utilized by him time and again. Once he has run out of money, he will refer to my elder sister. Now as the debt has been paid out, he thinks of victimizing my elder sister. He fails to keep his promise time and again. He even gets into such a situation that the men from the police station said that he was not a good guy.


Now he wants to seek a job in the respect of chemical industry. I hope that the whole world will not be cheated by him. My elder sister discarded all in order to make such an effort to help him.


Now he has ruined all life of my elder sister. I hope that my friends can do justice for my elder sister. The man is acting and the heaven is watching. He will have the retribution for all of these matters. He defrauds my elder sister of her private savings. Nobody knows how much he owes to my elder sister.


Now my elder sister is hospitalized because of being victimized. She is still being rescued. He is simply not a man. He is a beast and he is even not as good as a dog. He is a base person able to do nothing but to hide himself under the trouser seat of a woman. All friends around him dissuade my elder sister from being defrauded by him of her money unknowingly. She even gets into such a situation of being hospitalized for such a man. I really cannot bear the sight of this and want to publicize the base act of such a hypocritical man for my elder sister. We will soon go to the site of the legal system for my elder sister so that all the crimes of such a man are publicized to the whole world!


(Remarks: Not published by the author herself. Instead it is published by a friend of her. It is only hoped that all friends can give a hand. Thanks.)


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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2014-12-14 18:34:11


宅家忙着 —— 手抽筋呢。呵呵。谢谢教授同志的重要批示。
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作者:起码货美国工科教授. 留言时间:2014-12-14 17:21:05

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作者:俞先生 留言时间:2014-12-14 09:14:50
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作者:俞先生 留言时间:2014-12-14 09:07:18

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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2014-12-14 00:14:33

You brazen bamboozler. / An impudent swindler.

余华 “ China in Ten Words " 一书中的第十个词 —— 忽悠,由译者美国人定稿为:


He has also ruined all my life. All his misdemeanors and crimes are well known to everybody. Besides, he has been summoned to go to the local police station for countless times. A deadbeat as he is, all of his boarding and lodging are intrusively dependent upon a woman.

( 这是几句语无伦次的表达。)请看《美国之音》网站中 deadbeat 一词的使用:


英语习惯说,be well known to everybody 不信,请查阅:



He himself can't afford even cigarettes and clothes and has had to use my credit card. All of my friends and acquaintances are well aware of the fact that being friendless and looked down upon by his relatives, such a down-and-out gambler like him sold out of the house of his family and is still doing harm to other innocent people with his wife.

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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2014-12-13 22:21:32
Mind you Netizens, do not get defrauded of your hard-earned money by this little scoundrel, who is nothing but a hardened gambler, having had cheated my elder sister out of a lot of her money. Never let yourself be fooled by this unmanly, nonsensical and good-for-nothing deadbeat, sponging on his woman shamelessly. Everyone around him shows no respect at all for that worthless hoodwinker, who is nothing short of being mean and nasty all the time.

甩逼: 南京话







Comrade Bethune's spirit, his utter devotion to others without any thought of self, was shown in his boundless sense of responsibility in his work and his boundless warm-heartedness towards all comrades and the people. Every Communist must learn from him. We must all learn the spirit of absolute selflessness from him. With this spirit everyone can be very useful to the people. A man's ability may be great or small, but if he has this spirit, he is already noble-minded and pure, a man of moral integrity and above vulgar interests, a man who is of value to the people.

― "In Memory of Norman Bethune" (December 21, 1939), Selected Works, Vol. II, pp. 337-38.*


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