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Even a hole digger deserved a second chance 2012-10-17 09:38:30
ExpressReader 12:08 PM EDT
Even a hole digger deserved a second chance 
The American voters decided (kind of, you know) to hire a hole digger in 2000. Bush the 2nd proved to be very effective on that job with his massive tax cuts, an unfunded Prescription Drug benefit for seniors, and  
two costly wars.  
In 2004, the American voters decided to renew the contract with the hole digger because they thought, you know, Bush Junior was really good at digging holes. Four years later, American people got what they expected - a big deep hole. Then they had change of hearts and acted to put Barrack Obama in charge of digging this country and its people out of the hole. 
Four years later comes the year of 2012. The American people find themselves still struggling and digging. Now they face two choices - give Obama four more years or hire another excellent hole digger. Bush the 3rd, I mean Mitt Romney, has exactly the same prescription as the 2nd gave to America years ago - more tax cuts, deregulation, and more war spending. The difference between them? Romney has a little more money. He may be smarter. So he may be a more effective hole digger.  
Now the question is - are you ready for a deeper hole? If we keep digging with the leadership of Romney and Ryan, we will dig ourselves out of it eventually - but from the opposite side of this tiny globe. You better have your money waiting for you on the other side, just like Mr. Romney has done with his. 
Thank you and good luck! 

carolo43 12:21 PM EDT
I love it when a Republican has run the country into the ground economically, started a war based on lies, started Medicare D without funds for paying for it, gave the Top Dogs tax cuts further driving us to the brink ..........and retires with a 22% approval rating. The lowest rating EVER. And Obama can not fix everything in 4 years so kick him out and bring back more of what started this mess.

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作者:TigerForest 留言时间:2012-10-19 07:05:26

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作者:寄自美国 留言时间:2012-10-18 20:23:08
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作者:TigerForest 留言时间:2012-10-18 18:40:10
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作者:寄自美国 留言时间:2012-10-18 12:21:05

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作者:TigerForest 留言时间:2012-10-18 11:50:31
从老沙的Poll number看,Obama是输定了。
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作者:沙之舟 留言时间:2012-10-17 13:05:03
polls about some of the topics from last night debate

- Who did the debate make you more likely to vote for? 25% - Obama, 25% - Romney, 48% Neither
- Who seemed to be a stronger leader? 49% - Romney, 46% - Obama
- Who was more likeable? 47% - Obama, 41% - Romney
- Who spent more time attacking his opponent? 49% - Obama, 35% - Romney
- Who cared more about audience members? 44% - Obama, 40% - Romney
- Who answered the questions more directly? 45% - Romney, 43% - Obama

- Who would better handle the economy? 58% - Romney, 40% - Obama
- Who would better handle health care? 49% - Romney, 46% - Obama
- Who would better handle taxes? 51% - Romney, 44% - Obama
- Who would better handle the deficit? 59% - Romney, 36% - Obama

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作者:西岸 留言时间:2012-10-17 12:55:02
确实是不同,但这个环境也确实是因为布希减税一下子blow out三分之二的柯林顿盈余使得金融危机时政府无钱不得不借钱救市而形成的。反观中国在同样的危机下就没有这样麻烦,也是因为政府手上有钱。
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作者:沙之舟 留言时间:2012-10-17 12:36:08


不过CNN的snap poll显示虽然认为欧巴赢了辩论。但同时显示罗老板的经济理念赢了,并且更多人认为罗老板回答比欧巴更应题。所以罗老板实际是赢了里子。

不过欧巴躲得过初一躲不过十五。连CNN主持都说他根本没有回答观众对利比亚的责问,只是表明自己没有cover up。下次辩论全是外交政策。
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作者:寄自美国 留言时间:2012-10-17 12:17:19

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作者:芹菜 留言时间:2012-10-17 11:21:37
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作者:寄自美国 留言时间:2012-10-17 11:05:20

“Bush the 3rd, I mean Mitt Romney, has exactly the same prescription as the 2nd gave to America years ago - more tax cuts, deregulation, and more war spending.”

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作者:寄自美国 留言时间:2012-10-17 11:02:35

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作者:芹菜 留言时间:2012-10-17 10:53:00
Just because somebody dug a hole in the park doesn't mean an undertaker deserves to turn the whole place into a cemetery. Again, Romney is not Bush. Were we listening to the debate, or you were just staring at their ties? You didn't hear how Romney explained it?
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寄自美国 ,17岁
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