比较两个名人:五千年道德文化是真的吗? 下面是两个名人,一个是世界首富之一比尔盖茨,另一个是国内明星寒红。一个将尼加拉瓜的小儿麻脾症全部消灭,另一个号召大腕明星参加慈善捐款无人参加,不是一个两个不来,而是八十人,无人前往!(类似比尔的“万恶的资本家”在西方可不止一个)
================ Bill Gates promised to pay off this country's $76 million debt — now he's doing it Nigeria had no new cases of polio last year In 2014, Nigeria borrowed the money from Japan to fund its fight against the preventable disease, Quartz reports. The Gates Foundation had agreed to repay the loan if Nigeria met certain conditions, namely "achieving more than 80% vaccination coverage in at least one round each year in very high risk areas across 80% of the country's local government areas," according to an email from the foundation to Quartz. Nigeria held up its end of the bargain, and no new cases of polio were reported in the country in 2017. That's a drastic change from 2012, when Nigeria had over half of all polio cases worldwide, according to Quartz. .......
韩红,作曲家、词作家、歌唱家、主持人、全国政协委员、国家一级演员等,无数的称谓围绕着她,然而她还有一个身份就是慈善家,韩红爱心慈善基金会发起人。 韩红的歌声嘹亮,让人听过之后记忆犹新,心神共鸣。韩红的慈善则是暖人心怀,功德无量。这么多年,哪里有困难,哪里就会出现她的身影,在危险的地带,韩红也是亲身前往!值得人们尊敬! 2000年至今,韩红一共收养了200多名孤儿,帮助过的困难家庭超过600多个,穿越了中国大多数的灾区地带。娱乐圈里能够做到这样的明星真的不多了! 韩红还多次举办慈善晚会,号召身边的朋友、明星一起加入慈善公益事业。然而曾有一次晚会,韩红邀请了80多位明星来参加,结果没有一个人光临,以各种理由推辞赴会。看这空无一人的晚会现场,韩红气得当场就怒骂:“赚了这么多的钱不用来做慈善,也花不完,是不是等着买棺材用”