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抗“过敏”持久战(5)_LEAKY GUT? 2013-03-06 21:39:49

自元月,安娜开始吃无谷蛋白食物,傈麦,小米,山药,芋头,土豆, 加白菜豆角绿菜花,和苹果香蕉,这就是我全部的食谱。可喜的是原有的过敏症状渐渐消失。可是,一两周前,渐渐的有了新的皮疹和肠胃不调症状。看来我真得去查肠炎症了。 那传说中的LEAKY GUT 可能正在引起我新的过敏。真是步步惊心!希望我不必走到完全无谷物的饮食。还是从网上买了本书

Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Intestinal Health Through Diet


Dr. Glidden - Against the Grain, Why Gluten is Bad

DR。GLIDDEN 说大部分白人和黑人不能消化谷蛋白,怎么没听说多少同胞有这问题哪!不过给您提个醒,很多慢性病的根子在谷蛋白!


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作者:万塔 留言时间:2013-03-10 19:42:56



然而问题也由此可能简单化: 只要认真维护免疫体系的健康稳定,把防止炎症跟小心安抚可能捣乱的造反分子们这两件事情辩证结合起来,就会拥有"和谐社会"。
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作者:安娜 留言时间:2013-03-09 19:32:16
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作者:安娜 留言时间:2013-03-09 19:11:30
这个DH 发病机制甚好!

表皮的转谷氨酰胺酶为DH的自身抗原。IgA和表皮转谷氨酰胺酶的免疫复合物皮肤沉积是DH的主要发病机制。循环抗体小肠活检中,超过90%DH患者有不同程度谷蛋白敏感性肠玻根据患者限制谷蛋白后皮损会逐渐好转,推断DH患者都可能有不同程度谷蛋白敏感性肠玻谷蛋白存在于小麦、黑麦、大麦等谷类食品中,燕麦中无谷蛋白。麦醇溶蛋白是谷蛋白中酒精可溶解的部分,被认为是抗原成分。患者摄入含谷蛋白的谷类后,消化后产生了麦醇溶蛋白。肠黏膜固有层吸收麦醇溶蛋白,蛋白中的谷氨酰胺残基被组织的转谷氨酰胺酶(transglutaminase ,TG2)脱去酰胺基,然后,TG2中的赖氨酸残基和麦醇溶蛋白中的谷氨酰胺共价连接。脱去酰胺基的麦醇溶蛋白肽键与树突状抗原提呈细胞HLA-DQ2分子结合,在HLA-DQ2特异的前提下,麦醇溶蛋白抗原提呈给致敏辅助T细胞。这些辅助T细胞可刺激B细胞,并分化成浆细胞,产生IgA抗体与多种抗原结合,包括麦醇溶蛋白、交联到TG2的麦醇溶蛋白、TG2和表皮的转谷氨酰胺酶。此外,刺激的天然杀伤淋巴细胞可导致肠黏膜的隐窝增生和绒毛萎缩。肠道的病变可以表现为空肠上皮的萎缩,淋巴细胞浸润,甚至小肠全部绒毛萎缩。抗表皮转谷氨酰胺酶的IgA抗体沉积于真皮乳头,与真皮乳头的网状纤维相结合,进一步激活补体的旁路途径,产生活性物质,如C3a、C5a,释放出的白细胞趋化因子吸引中性粒细胞,中性粒细胞脱颗粒释放的蛋白酶破坏透明板,从而产生了表皮下水疱。
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作者:安娜 留言时间:2013-03-09 14:15:45

Name, Jicama, Jumbo Yam, Batata, Yutia, Yampi
Teff, maranth, buck麦,

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作者:万塔 留言时间:2013-03-09 13:06:08

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作者:万塔 留言时间:2013-03-09 09:25:15
顺带说一下,亚洲人队淀粉类植物食品的消化吸收能力其实不强,因此需要每次适量和充分烹调熟这些食品,break down 里面可能增加肠胃病或者肠胃负担的纤维组织,再逐步让肠胃适应任何新种类的植物食品。不然,再健康安全有益的食品也有危害肠胃的可能。


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作者:万塔 留言时间:2013-03-08 23:28:06


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作者:安娜 留言时间:2013-03-08 22:20:46

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作者:安娜 留言时间:2013-03-08 20:19:21
太感谢您了!我问了很多同事今天,只有一个玻利维亚的知道这NAME,可能到AMERICANA 店能买到,今天我从韩国菜店买来各种薯类,其中有WHITE YAM, PUPLE YAM,YUCA!

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作者:万塔 留言时间:2013-03-08 09:58:52

Name (name,pronounced nyAH-may 发音是"那美") is a root vegetable that sometimes is also called wild-yam.
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作者:万塔 留言时间:2013-03-08 09:56:29

Name (ñame,ronounced nyAH-may 发音是"那美")is a root vegetable that sometimes is also called wild-yam. 这类"山药"植物是薯科的植物,所以又叫薯蓣/薯芋(yam),因为养分储藏在块根块茎里面,英语里面叫它们tuberiferous plant (tuberous plant)块茎植物(如土豆,芋頭、蓮藕)和tuberous root(块根植物,如红薯)。

这个属的植物属于属,其中中国的山药叫做Dioscorea opposita,我上面评论推荐的品种叫Dioscorea alata,国内有时侯叫它"板山药,板薯",二者都是藤本植物,叶子非常接近,后者更大更强壮一些,吃起来比著名的铁棍山药还要"粉面",你会喜欢的,它们的营养和成分十分相似。英语里面把二者都归于Subterranean tuber里的薯蓣。

你上面问到的雪莲果是国内农民为了销售而乱起的名字,它真正名称叫"菊薯",口味和营养一般,不如菊芋(Helianthus tuberosus, 又名洋姜,是一种菊科向日葵属宿根性草本植物)好吃,但是,可能属于G-free食品。


嫩的木薯也值得烹调,yuca, cassava (Manihot esculenta, Euphorbiaceae) 它也叫 manioc, balinghoy, mogo, mandioca, kamoteng kahoy, and manioc root, 属于木质块根(woody shrub),我挺喜欢把它跟其他块根块茎食物一起蒸着吃。


顺便说,以前我在万维发表"汤安: 你可能没见过的水果1-5"系列时,本来计划在系列的第6、7部分写写人们可能没吃过的可食用的植物块根块茎种类,因故没能写成,但是好在收集了一些对你用得上的资料,也算没有白费力气。

Subterranean tuber of a true yam (Dioscorea sp.), the third most important tropical root crop after cassava and sweet potatoes. The venation and shiny, heart-shaped leaves of true yams are unmistakable compared to those of sweet potatoes and other root crops.

Tropical Yams Named After Dioscorides

Although rarely seen in North America, true yams (薯蓣, Dioscorea spp., Dioscoreaceae) are the third most important tropical "root" crop after cassava (木薯类,Manihot esculenta, Euphorbiaceae) and sweet potato (红薯类,Ipomoea batatas, Convolvulaceae). This is especially true in West Africa, parts of Central America and the Caribbean, the Pacific Islands, and Southeast Asia. Other important starchy "root" crops are taro and dasheen (芋头类,Colocasia esculenta, Araceae), the source of Polynesian poi, arrowroot (竹芋,蒟蒻薯, Maranta arundinacea, Marantaceae), and achira (蕉芋,美人蕉块茎 Canna edulis, Cannaceae).

The true yam is about 20 percent starch and as a food is very similar to a potato. The generic name commemorates Dioscorides, the ancient Greek physician and naturalist (1st Century AD). Dioscorides authored the classic De Materia Medica, a five volume reference of several thousand plant drugs that was used for 15 centuries. The most commonly cultivated edible yams are D. rotundata and D. cayensis in Africa, D. alata and D. esculenta in Asia, and D. trifida in the New World, although many cultivated varieties are known. They are climbing perennial vines with shiny, heart-shaped leaves, arising from large underground stems that are technically called tubers rather than roots. Like a potato, the tubers can be propagated by planting sections containing the "eyes" or buds; however, harvesting them is a laborious task because the tubers are deeply buried. Dioscorea is a large genus with more than 600 species. An African species called elephant's foot or Hottentot's bread (D. elephantipes) produces a massive basal stem (caudex) weighing up to 700 pounds (318 kg). The above-ground part of this caudex resembles the shell of a tortoise; hence the common name of "turtleback plant." Like other caudiciform xerophytes (desert plants with enlarged basal stems), the vine relies on carbohydrates and moisture stored in its stem during extended periods of drought. During severe drought conditions the gigantic tuberous stems are eaten as famine food by Hottentots. Luckily for the Hottentots, the tuberous stems are thoroughly cooked because they contains toxic saponins that are broken down during the heating process. Although not a common vegetable, this plant would easily take the record of "World's Largest Vegetable." Another unusual African yam is the air potato (Dioscorea bulbifera). It has small or no subterranean tubers, but instead develops large, liver-shaped aerial tubers up to four pounds (2 kg) each. In New Guinea and Melanesia special ceremonial yams weighing over 120 pounds (54 kg) are grown to reflect the grower's status in the community. The yams are used for gifts and ritualized exchanges. A yam festival is held at harvesttime during which the tubers are covered by elaborate woven masks. There are reportedly yams in tropical Asia and the South Pacific that are much larger. In fact, there is one rather dubious, unconfirmed report of an enormous yam on the island of Pohnpei that was 10 feet (3 m) in length and weighed up to 1500 pounds (680 kg). Rumors have it that at least 10 people were required to carry it. REMEMBER THAT THIS RECORD IS UNSUBSTANTIATED AND MAY NOT BE TRUE.

List of root vegetables

A. True root
Further information: root
Cassava tuberous roots

Taproot (some types may incorporate substantial hypocotyl tissue)
Arracacia xanthorrhiza (arracacha)
Abelmoschus moschatus (bush carrot)
Beta vulgaris (beet and mangelwurzel)
Brassica spp. (rutabaga and turnip)
Bunium persicum (black cumin)
Burdock (Arctium, family Asteraceae)
Carrot (Daucus carota subsp. sativus)
Celeriac - (Apium graveolens rapaceum)
Daikon - East Asian radish (Raphanus sativus var. longipinnatus)
Lepidium meyenii (maca)
Microseris scapigera (yam daisy)
Pachyrhizus spp. (jicama and ahipa)
Parsnip (Pastinaca sativa)
Petroselinum spp. (parsley root)
Radish - (Raphanus sativus)
Scorzonera hispanica (black salsify)
Sium sisarum (skirret)
Tragopogon spp. (salsify)
Vigna lanceolata (bush potato)
Tuberous root
Amorphophallus glabra (Yellow lily yam)
Conopodium majus (pignut or earthnut)
Hornstedtia scottiana (Native ginger)
Ipomoea batatas (sweet potato)
Ipomoea costata (desert yam)
Manihot esculenta (cassava or yuca or manioc)
Mirabilis extensa (mauka or chago)
Psoralea esculenta (breadroot, tipsin, or prairie turnip)
Smallanthus sonchifolius (yacón)

B. Root-like stem

Zamia pumila, Florida arrowroot

C. Modified plant stem
Taro corms
Ginger rhizomes
Yam tubers
Further information: plant stem

Amorphophallus konjac (konjac)
Colocasia esculenta (taro)
Eleocharis dulcis (Chinese water chestnut)
Ensete spp. (enset)
Nelumbo nucifera
Nymphaea spp. (waterlily)
Pteridium esculentum
Sagittaria spp. (arrowhead or wapatoo)
Typha spp.
Xanthosoma spp. (malanga, cocoyam, tannia, and other names)
Curcuma longa (turmeric)
Panax ginseng (ginseng)
Arthropodium spp. (rengarenga, vanilla lily, and others)
Canna spp. (canna)
Cordyline fruticosa (ti)
Maranta arundinacea (arrowroot)
Nelumbo nucifera (lotus root)
Typha spp. (cattail or bulrush)
Zingiber officinale (ginger, galangal)
Apios americana (hog potato or groundnut)
Cyperus esculentus (tigernut or chufa)
Dioscorea spp. (yams, ube)
Helianthus tuberosus (Jerusalem artichoke or sunchoke)
Hemerocallis spp. (daylily)
Lathyrus tuberosus (earthnut pea)
Oxalis tuberosa (oca or New Zealand yam)
Plectranthus edulis and P. esculentus (kembili, dazo, and others)
Solanum tuberosum (potato)
Stachys affinis (Chinese artichoke or crosne)
Tropaeolum tuberosum (mashua or añu)
Ullucus tuberosus (ulluco)



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作者:安娜 留言时间:2013-03-08 07:46:49

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作者:安娜 留言时间:2013-03-07 21:28:09


现成的GLUTEN FREE 食物还不敢用,因为很多时候米粉,玉米面可能被当成是GLUTEN FREE,我还PASS 哪!

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作者:安娜 留言时间:2013-03-07 21:21:00
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作者:万塔 留言时间:2013-03-07 21:12:31

我后来在ALDI查了有El Milagro Gluten free Tortillas。10OZ包装,33c/袋,值得一试。用来卷肉丝凉菜或者沾肉汤什么的都不错。

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作者:花蜜蜂 留言时间:2013-03-07 08:04:13



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