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2016,你选谁? 2016-10-02 22:32:45

最近我的脸书帖子很热闹,只因为我贴了绿党Jill Stein的竞选纲要。令我失望的是,他(她)们没有讨论Jill的纲要议题,他们只是要告诉我“你在浪费你的选票”。

Focus on the Issue (注重议题):

这和Bernie Sanders的全民医保,免费公立大学和联邦最低工资$15一小时不是很像吗?而且她比Bernie更和平,减少50%的军费开支。

Waste my vote (浪费我的选票)?

我的朋友中有少数希拉里的支持者,他们不希望选票外流;更多的人讨厌希拉里,可是他们更害怕Trump,都一致认为当务之急是要把Trump击败。就连一个平常说话很温柔很少发表自己意见的白人女孩也这么说“I have so many memories of george w coming in to power, all the hurt that did our country, the economic meltdown, iraq. we need a multi-party system, but i don't think this is the way to do it, too risky. i would organize and advocate for a multi party system, but for the purposes of the election which is happening in this two party system, i will be voting for hillary.”(我有太多有关乔治布什当权后,给这个国家带来灾难的记忆:经济萧条,伊拉克等等。我们需要一个多党派的系统, 但是我不觉得这是正确的方法,太冒险了。我会组织和支持多党派的系统,但是就现在这个竞选,我会选希拉里。)

我理解他们的观点,但是我从来就是一个理想主义者,我只想做我认为是对的事情,不管这件事情会不会成功,会不会给我带来现实上的好处,包括政治。尽管Bernie Sanders最后因为各种各样的原因没有赢,我伤心,我失落,但是我更骄傲我曾经那么热情的支持过他:从一月底到6月中旬长达五个月的primary,我不停的给Bernie捐款,输的时候士气低迷的时候我捐的更多;我这么一个有两个小孩的工作妈妈周末还是腾出时间给他摆桌子,打电话,甚至带着全家给他敲门拉选票。

投票给希拉里,我真的下不了这个手。她离我的”good enough“政治家差的太远了,她跟华尔街金融行业走的太近,她有太多的富人寡头捐款,说明她不会真的代表99%的利益;她敢拒绝私人监狱行业的捐款,却不敢拒绝石油化工行业的捐款,说明她不会花太多心思在绿色新能源行业上。而我最关心的议题就是”贫富差距和环境保护“。我老公说“政治家就是政治家,你不要太认真了。”我偏不,我知道这个国家很多职业都有自己的职业道德,像护士,医生,心理咨询师等等,为什么负责一个国家的领导人我们却容忍他(她)们欺骗,腐败和无能呢?


JIll Stein,绿党2016总统候选人

“。。。 All the reasons you were told you had to vote for the lesser evil—because you didn’t want the massive Wall Street bailouts, the offshoring of our jobs, the meltdown of the climate, the endless expanding wars, the attack on immigrants—all that, we’ve gotten by the droves, because we allowed ourselves to be silenced. You know, silence is not what democracy needs. Right now we have an election where even the supporters of Hillary Clinton, the majority don’t support Hillary, they just oppose Donald Trump. And the majority of Donald Trump supporters don’t support him, they just oppose Hillary. And the majority are clamoring for another independent or several independent candidates and an independent party, and feel that they are being terribly misserved and mistreated by the current politics. So to further silence our voices is exactly the wrong thing to do. 。。。So you can’t get where you want to go through the lesser evil. At the end of the day, you’ve got to stand up.”

Joshua Holland,曾是绿党成员,现为Working Family Party成员,

in https://www.thenation.com/article/your-vote-for-jill-stein-is-a-wasted-vote/

“Many Greens think that their vote isn’t wasted because it sends a powerful “message” to Washington. But why would anyone in power pay attention to the 0.36 percent of the popular vote that Jill Stein won in 2012, when 42 percent of eligible voters just stayed home? Political parties are merely vessels. The Green Party provides a forum to demonstrate ideological purity and contempt for “the system.” But the Democratic Party is a center of real power in this country. For all its flaws, and for all the work still to be done, it offers a viable means of advancing progressive goals. One can’t say the same of the perpetually dysfunctional and often self-marginalizing Greens.”

Kashama Sawant, 西雅图城市委员会委员,Socialist Alternative成员


“Many progressives will vote for Clinton in spite of their opposition to her politics, simply to prevent Trump from setting foot in the White House. I understand their desire to see him defeated, but even more important is beginning the process—too long delayed—of building an alternative to the pro-capitalist parties monopolizing US politics.

Stein’s campaign is an opportunity to rally support for what is widely wanted and needed: radical change. Even a few million people voting for her would be a powerful expression of the changing political landscape. It would be a down payment for a whole new kind of politics in the years ahead, and a new party based on social movements and ordinary people—a party of, by, and for the 99 percent.”

Noam Chomsky,麻省理工大学著名的语言学家,政治异见分子

"In the primaries, I would prefer Bernie Sanders," Chomsky says. "If Clinton is nominated and it comes to a choice between Clinton and Trump, in a swing state, a state where it’s going to matter which way you vote, I would vote against Trump, and by elementary arithmetic, that means you hold your nose and you vote Democrat. I don’t think there’s any other rational choice."

所以说我住在加州,投给Jill Stein也算是理性选择啰?我真是松了一口气。

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