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爱上已婚男人的日子——淡 2009-09-20 18:45:45







和诺在一起,我经历了人生中一段 “最值得珍藏的日子”,也经历了人生中一段 “最不堪回首的日子”,之所以在这两段日子上都打上引号,是因为其实那都是人生中挺普通的日子。

































—— 完——

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作者:Rondo 留言时间:2012-07-16 10:04:19
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作者:快乐小店 留言时间:2010-03-04 19:05:42
来生直面自己人生的勇气我实在佩服。谢谢你让大家看到人生的真实, 人生挣扎前行的路上其实熙来攘往, 只是有几人敢与他人言?
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作者:焰男 留言时间:2009-10-03 10:52:53
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作者:wanweiguoke 留言时间:2009-09-30 11:45:12
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作者:焰男 留言时间:2009-09-26 12:53:47
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作者:敢于梦想 留言时间:2009-09-23 10:33:14
读了对来生故事的评论,左右两派 ,壁垒分明.
激发如此热烈的讨论, 来生的文章已经成就了正面的贡献.

想到莎士比亚的"罗蜜欧与茱丽叶". 几个世纪前的环境, 就能奋不顾身,冲破社会的
枷锁,虽然最后败在命运的作弄, 但就个人的努力,两个人是成功的.
因为他们成功的拒绝了社会的压力, 没有让个体生命沦为社会目的的奴隶.

来生文笔很好, 写一篇爱情得胜的故事吧!
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作者:良石 留言时间:2009-09-22 23:04:23

只想简单提一下,就是“男人最重要的就是他要觉得他在家里有地位,被尊重,觉得他很重要”简言之,满足他的虚荣心,照顾他的自尊心,培养他的自信心。曾经读到过一个故事,讲两口子都是医生,但女的比男的更有名气。来家里找女医生看病的络绎不绝,男的当然很不平衡。这位女医生很细心,经常有意找些事让先生作。比如:打不开锁。。。。。每次男的把问题解决了,女的便谢了又谢,还常对人说:”我们家呀,全亏我老头啊,没他帮忙,我真的不知怎么办!“ 你说,他们的婚姻怎么可能走不长?


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作者:您的学生 留言时间:2009-09-22 13:28:17
One of the indicators in a more civilized world is: people can disagree on issues without being disagreeable. It appears that the key issue here is the aleady well-debated one: freedom vs constraints, or put it into another format: freedom vs responsibilities. Our free desire and free will must and ought to be coupled with at least equal amount of responsibilities, if not more. Unfortunately, younger ones in general everywhere, under Chinese current cultural and education context in particular, lack the basic grasp of understanding in balancing the both, but demanding more the former-freedom or free will. Good luck with those people in getting their final understanding on the issue. One's mea culpa would be forgiven wehn one finally feel repent.
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作者:Mike 留言时间:2009-09-22 03:54:48
Thanks for ShaoJun and "Student" for your comments.

The fight against the constraints is a phenomenon across different political systems (e.g, Clinton and Mao)and across different theoretical thoughts (e.g., Marx and Freud). It does not help us move any further to policise the matter. The challenges to the constraints will take many forms, but will definitely not end up in the scaring "common property and common spouses for the ultimate personal satisfication" - does any theorist wants to achieve this at all? It is actually a strawman that defenders of orthodox systems often use to scare challengers away. We do not know what future society looks like, but we know one thing for sure: more freedom for all, not just for one's personal satisfaction.

In fact we are lucky not to live in the Medieval Age or some religious countries today where challengers of the constraints are subject to such capital punishments as "Stone Dealth". We live in civilized countries today and have become more tolerant toward challenging views and practice. This indicates progresses of civilization. The constraints cannot be removed before the civilization of the whole society reaches at a high level and before some functions played by family today is performed by society.
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作者:Mike 留言时间:2009-09-22 03:51:13
Thanks for ShaoJun and "Student" for your comments.

The fight against the constraints is a phenomenon across different political systems (e.g, Clinton and Mao)and across different theoretical thoughts (e.g., Marx and Freud). It does not help us move any further to policise the matter. The challenges to the constraints will take many forms, but will definitely not end up in the scaring "common property and common spouses for the ultimate personal satisfication" - does any theorist wants to achieve this at all? It is actually a strawman that defenders of orthodox systems often use to scare challengers away. We do not know what future society looks like, but we know one thing for sure: more freedom for all, not just for one's personal satisfaction.

In fact we are lucky not to live in the Medieval Age or some religious countries today where challengers of the constraints are subject to such capital punishments as "Stone Dealth". We live in civilized countries today and have become more tolerant toward challenging views and practice. This indicates progresses of civilization. The constraints cannot be removed before the civilization of the whole society reaches at a high level and before some functions played by family today is performed by society.
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作者:同行 留言时间:2009-09-21 20:06:42
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作者:迷糊羔狼 留言时间:2009-09-21 19:37:18





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作者:水滴~ 留言时间:2009-09-21 17:58:44
昭君, thanks for confirming that this is a true story. After I read it, I had a strong feeling that this is a true story. There is subtle difference between a story written by heart and by a brain that mastered literature dogma.

also I want to feedback on mike's comment. I agree with you that the modern monogamy marriage does constrain some individaul exercise their free will. When looking at a bigger picture, the system itself makes significant contributions to provide the "stability" of the whole society. Although Human history doesn't start from monogamy, with the progress of "civilization", the offspring produce process gradually evolved into the monogamy marriage.

Now we see more and more extra-marital affair, the society has much more tolerant to it. There must be deep reasons behind it. What I see is that the society its self become more dynamic, internet provided convinance, women have financial independence and more free time. I expect in near future, it may become a culture norm.
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作者:wanweiguoke 留言时间:2009-09-21 12:06:17




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作者:laoden 留言时间:2009-09-21 10:40:40





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作者:您的学生 留言时间:2009-09-21 09:51:39
By the way, I want to add some comments on 昭君's writings; yours are good, too, although I have noticed you had stopped.
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作者:小市民的闲情 留言时间:2009-09-21 09:48:34

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作者:您的学生 留言时间:2009-09-21 09:45:57
Please first dwell on the real truth of why we FEEL in love, happy, or content. We human beings are part of the nature beings in this tiny world in the universe, NOT an extension or a ruler over other nature beings, athough we do, and have excerted a huge impact on them, ranging from a landscape to other species, just for example. I am not a chemist but through my readings, I am pretty sure one's love, happy, or satification feelings can be aroused one way or another, chemically, or so-called naturally through interactions with other fellow human beings. uh? Please consider many events and people in our surroundings. You will easily find similar ansswers.

If we are in pursuit of those feelings for ourselves (self efficacy), of course, we oursleves would often encounter challenges when such feelings are absent (because it is easy to get addicted), and tend to lose our moral compass or high ethical bar when being allured or tempted by both indogenous and exogenous stimuli (sorry to use those jargons). If we are in pursuit of those feelings for ourselve AND for others (we human beings and other begings alike) as being instrumental from our devine calling (whatever that might be, depending upon your religion, teaching, heritage, or family tradition or name reputation), we ourselves would constantly receive a comparable but higher layer of feelings similar to the former. We will not lose our moral compass or still hold our high ethical bar when simimiarly being allured or tempted. The second anology is the perfection process we ought to pursue in our life, thus making our own life larger than ourselves.

I respectfully disagree with Mike's analysis to some extent because what Mike has described for the FUTURE has really happened in the PAST already, and still exist in a very few ethnic group on this planet through the documented anthropology studies. This is why many people don't like The Max's communism doctrine because it truly implies to be common property and common spouses for the ultimate personal satisfication. Please revisit his work "the Capitalism" to test your hypo. Additionally, please also visit the comparable work by Darwin, Freud, Adam Smith, and Skinner, if my memory is correct, to see the big picture and outside of the "box."

I do believe the marriage is a sacred union of two people with a faitful commitmemt to each other for their future well being on a small scale, also the basic unit for a progressive society. When a person's hormone level (sorry, it is really a chemical compound level) gradually become a level that could produce a mimimum desire as one ages, of course, one's spiritual post and the true love becomes prevail under the guildance of what we have been preached with the common moral standards.

In the end, Laishen, trust you have learned to love yourself with dignity through your typical experience although personally, but also additionally, we all have learned to love our mankind and treasure our surroundings (our friends and families, and other environs) with a higher purposeful vision for our respectively remaining "missions."

Thank you all for having finished with this long reading. :-) Again, please consider doign a movie, I will be glad to help.
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作者:牧蓝 留言时间:2009-09-21 09:44:48

a reason, a season or a lifetime.

People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.

When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person..
When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed.
They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support,
to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually.
They may seem like a godsend and they are.
They are there for the reason you need them to be.
Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time,
this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end.
Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away.
Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand.
What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done.
The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.

Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn.
They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh.
They may teach you something you have never done.
They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy..
Believe it, it is real. But only for a season..

LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons,
things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation.
Your job is to accept the lesson,
love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life.
It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant..
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作者:过往云烟 留言时间:2009-09-21 09:19:41


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作者:昭君 留言时间:2009-09-21 05:46:27
从表面上看,我和来生,是风格很不同的博主。她偏感性,我偏理性;她几乎清一色地写情写爱写虚构的故事,我大多数文章评论时事写自己的生活。在个人生活经历方面,我们也几乎是两个世界的人-- 她年纪轻轻就曾经沧海,在感情方面饱经风霜;我比她虚长十岁,却在感情路上无风无雨。可是,就是这样两个看似完全不同的人,却因为一些偶然的机缘,成了网上网下的好朋友;我也因此从侧面见证了她文中所写的这段感情经历。这几天一边看她的文章,一边重温那段时间和她的通信,越看越感叹她的勇气。也许她的故事在很多人看来是不可思议的,因此有人怀疑她的动机,她的目的。我想说的是,这个故事不仅是真实的,而且真实的故事比她写出来的还要复杂,还要痛苦,还要不堪回首。她能够最终走出来,重新获得一分单纯的平静和幸福,是很不容易的。人的认知能力有限,因此我们对于自己不能想象的人生经历,往往以“假的”这样简单的结论来对待;殊不知,对“他人的生活”多一分了解,对人生的意义也就多一分理解;至少,我是希望能以这样的心态,来和与我人生经历迥然不同的人来交往的。

这个故事,来生把它写出来,对于她自己,也许正如楼上某位评论的那样,是一种疗伤的过程;更重要的是,通过曾经让她生不如死的经历,她对婚姻,对爱情和人生有了更深的感悟。我想这也是为什么她的文字比一年前更加powerful的原因吧。不管她是否有警示他人的目的,这样的效果是客观存在的。我想大家在回味这个惊心动魄的故事的同时,肯定也会检视自己的婚姻(by the way, I think the comment above on marriage is very good),自己的行为。从这个意义上来说,超过多少虚构的小说呢(当然这不是说,我不喜欢来生和其他作者的类似小说,但二者是有区别的)。
好了,就写这么多。罗嗦惯了,江山易改,本性难移. 说得不对的地方,各位多包涵。
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作者:Mike 留言时间:2009-09-21 04:38:05
I have to admit that this is the first time ever I make comments in the BLOG.I found, as most of other readers did, Laishen's stories are well written. They flow out from the bottom of her heart and touch upon issues that face almost all adult human beings. No wonder that the stories have received so many feedbacks/comments from readers!

The stories and discussion focus on the relationship between love and sex. I would like to add one crucial point that seems missing both in Laishen's reflection on her experience as written in the stories and in the feedbacks/comments made by the readers: marriage. The frustration, sorrow and pains that Laishen (and also many others with similar life stories) have experienced are all related to the "barrier" of marriage. Don't tell me that there is no love/affection, but only sexual desire,in the relatinship between Laishen and the gentleman involved (not the gentleman here in this story, but the gentleman with whom Laishen is sexually involved in another story). There is love, there is affection, and there is friendship! However, marriage is a barrier that they cannot overcome, which turns love, affection and friendship into the opposite.

This raises a question of how we should think about marriage. The current marriage system is of hypocrisy, as Marx noted several hundreds of years ago. It sets an unreasonable level of constraints to the basic freedom and desire of human beings, which leads to what we have seen in our lives today: cheating between husbands and wives, and other so-called unethical things involving men and women. The whole history of human beings is a process in which human beings fought to gain more freedom and freer expression of desires. I believe that several hundreds, if not thousands, of years down the road, our grand-grandsons and grand-granddaughters will live a much happier and freer life than we do now.

Today we are living, however, within these constraints. We fight against these contraints; we gain joy from the fight; we also experience pains or even losses in the fight. Be a clever fighter who gains more joy than pains. That is probably all what we can do.
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作者:您的学生 留言时间:2009-09-21 02:08:46
One has to appreciate the blogger’s rare talented gift from a higher calling in order to enjoy her writings. She has reached an unparallel level that makes readers reflective without a solid answer when try to analyze the logics embedded, illusive with a hope when try to feel the literature value, and enlightened at heart (Note: not in a brain) when read to the end of her own summary. Unfortunately, many young women have repeated the very same circle over years under the current entitlement “movement” enjoyed nowadays. Please remember that the very same “cycle” of being infidel or unfaithful to marriage would end with a loss of her life in an “old” China, or now in an Islamic nation, or still through a rage of her husband. I would respectfully suggest a movie idea should be pursued from your writings. Thank you.
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作者:janne 留言时间:2009-09-20 23:20:56
Dear Leishen
Thanks very much for your articles.
I am working in Sweden, I have followed your blogg for long time. Today have I applied password for write down words till you.I am the same situation as you discussed in your article. But in worse situation. We have haft very nice relationship in the first year. But it ended because he met other women. You are right. This is a game that is too heavy to women to play with.
I am looking forwards more articles from you.
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作者:海风阵阵 留言时间:2009-09-20 22:25:15


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作者:水滴~ 留言时间:2009-09-20 21:41:38

既然是真的,请别说你自己是丑陋的。真爱不一定有结果,有结果的不一定是真爱。 不管别人怎么评论, 记录珍藏你自己的生活远比怨天尤人值得。


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作者:若愚 留言时间:2009-09-20 21:31:39
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作者:迷糊羔狼 留言时间:2009-09-20 20:52:44

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作者:迷糊羔狼 留言时间:2009-09-20 20:40:22



“One of these is not real, may be both are not real".







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作者:欧阳峰(吴礼) 留言时间:2009-09-20 19:49:14
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